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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Glad you got out Maureen. For me it's never about how many you catch. It's ALL about just getting out and enjoying some time on the water with a friend or two. Sounds like you had a good day to me.
  2. A Rubbermaid plastic sandwich container. Portable, cheap and takes alot more abuse then a ziplock bag. I don't have a cell phone but my I POD and earbuds have been safe and sound for years.
  3. A friend of a friend....yeah I know that sounds fishy....has family in Newfoundland and claims many in there neck of the woods swear by these things. My little cottage....640 square feet...is all base board and cost more to heat each winter then my 1750 square foot home here in the city, so I am curious myself to see if these heaters are worth a look. https://www.comfortfurnace.ca/home.htm Good luck with whatever you discover that will work for you. I will be keeping a close eye on this thread for my own interest. Thx for posting it.
  4. I'm not a "plane" person...but I wanna thank you for posting this. Always a pleasure when you post up some pics Dan. Now if some of the pics had some nice Coasters in them...you might have got a couple of these :thumbsup_anim:
  5. Holy Crap Phil. That doesn't sound like much fun to me. Happy though that the little one did not suffer the same fate as her old man. Wish you the best at getting through it and sorting out the cause. I hope the bite was at least worthwhile
  6. Sorry to hear you wasted your gas Jack. I walked over from the cottage at 6:45 to see the houseboat there. No phone or internet at the cottage to warn you,so I just prayed today wasn't the day you where going to come for a visit. Beansie and I are always glad when you join us. I hope you try again another Sunday...or better yet...a weekday when I am up on holidays in a couple of weeks. Pencil in Aug 16-20 on your calender. A lot less boat traffic through the week.
  7. Yeah no fishing for me this weekend. I might be a grumpy bugger to work with this week I have not been talking to Nanook. I hope you didn't make the drive over for nothing Jack. 5 or 6 years we have been fishing the same swim and this is the first time anyone has ever anchored right in our spot, except for the month a couple of summers ago when they had a barge there working on the lines in front of the dam.
  8. Tried unsuccessfully to get both my son and daughter interested in it. Just never turned them into fishermen. My daughter was showing real promise until she discovered boys My grandson just turned 2 and I'm thinking next summer grandpa is going to take another crack at having another fishing partner. Wish me luck. I truly envy all who can count their kids as fishing buddies.
  9. As I get older things at work just roll off me like water off a ducks back. I treat people with respect and do my best to ignore those who are just looking to aggravate me. I am always the first person to change the topic or walk away if someone at work is trash talking something about work. Someone says this is our new policy I give it a listen and after a bit of thought voice my concerns if I have any and then just accept it going forward. It's really that simple. Out of work things are a bit different. But at work I'm getting paid to be productive and do my job. So that's what I do. All the rest is just clutter.
  10. That's a beauty. Got one at the cottage near that size....my mission this summer is to catch him when my grandson is around. Years ago I caught one on a little lake off a Ranger road up on the Bruce. When I held it in my hand it's back legs hang down past my elbow. I have never seen another one close to the size of that bugger
  11. Perch would hands down be the species I fish the most and I have always noticed the same with them. A 7-9 incher will generally hit more aggressively and run around more then a Jumbo over 12. A few of us who fish them alot even have a line for it. "What you got on" a buddy will say. The answer would be " An 8 incher that thinks he's a 12.
  12. Just back from the dentist and then into work this afternoon. So I got it in the MOUTH this AM and I'll get it in the REAR this afternoon Good morning all and thx for the picture Lew.
  13. Yep... one of those " You had to see it to believe it things". Truly sorry I didn't have the camera today Would have loved a money shot of a musky with pineapple monster maise stuck in his face and the wire feeder hanging down The bite was dreadful until then, but that sure made up for it. It was a beautiful clean fish as well. Too bad it was under 44 or we could have had Muskie steaks on the BBQ Sorry I missed your PB carp my friend. But as you know I left Debbe at the cottage doing the laundry and to finish painting the Muskoka chair so I figured the LEAST I could do was be home for lunch on time. Again an event I was happy to be present for. Might be awhile before either of us see that again.
  14. I always pack some extra rope. Good for extra cloths lines inside and out to dry cloths. Throw in some cloths pegs too. Your rope can double duty as anchor rope if the rope they have in there boats is a little short for some spots you might want to anchor to fish. I also pack spare fishing net netting. Some anchors these bush camps have...if they even have anchors...won't hold a boat. Fill your spare netting with rocks..tie a rope to it...and you have an anchor. saved a few trips for me in the past. Enjoys your trip.
  15. Hey I'm just trying to help Ryan out. Not trying to start anything here fella's. His post does state that he is selling privately. My brother has done it more then once...saving a ton of cash in the process. Just thought he might be able to help Ryan out is all. Myself I have neither the time nor ambition to tackle it on my own...even with my brother giving me a hard time about it. I won't be following this any further.... I'm on my way out the door for a week at the cottage with no internet....but hopefully lotsa fish. As I said before Good luck Ryan.
  16. Your house is a beauty Ryan...and lotsa room outside too...it must be a hard decision to make. My brother has listed privately and sold a couple of times. He keeps telling me that anyone who list through real estate is a idiot. He is a very intelligent man and has it figured out real well. I can't offer you any pointer's Ryan cause I have always used the normal real estate channels for anything I have done. However if you have any questions I would be happy to forward them to him. He might have a few things to suggest to make things easier for you and save you some time and $$$. Just shoot me a PM if you want. Good luck with it.
  17. Don't bother OPG with this now during a heat wave. I don't wanna lose my AC Have them pencil in a resolution in September/October or next April/May
  18. True dat Creek Specs are one of my fav's. Throw in some home fries and Maple baked beans and you got a fish dinner fit for a king. And a new to you canoe Cliff. Sounds like a great deal and fishing trip to me. Enjoy your fish fry.
  19. Thx for sharing this. Carping is pretty much the only fishing I do in the summer months now, cept for a few Bluegill hunts when I want a feed of fresh fish. I can just imagine how much fun they would be under a float on a pin. The grass can always get cut another day
  20. Sandman PM Meely on this board. He had his cottage done a few years ago and was very happy with whoever did it.
  21. Welcome Matt and thx for sharing the pics. I especially like the bow picture with the fluffy flakes of snow coming down.
  22. Rented twice from Egan Marine. A 32 footer both times. Once a couples trip when Debbe and I went with my brother and his wife and the 2nd time we did a family trip with our 2 kids. Two of the best vacations I have ever had. We had awesome weather both times which was the key. A poor weather week would be a lot less enjoyable. Have fun.
  23. Beauties Raf...I'd love to see the same fish with there fall girth on. And the bear pic is great too. Thx for sharin.
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