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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. We saw David Copperfield at Ceasars as well. My sister-in-law talked all week about how much she wanted to see him Greased the guy seating us $30...this was 20 years ago...and we got seated right in the front. She even got to verify one of the locks he used for a trick. She was thrilled beyond belief. So if you are going to a once in a lifetime show, which for my sister in law it was.. I say open your wallet and grease away. Just to see the big silly smile on her face. Best $30 I ever spent.
  2. Hoover Dam used to be a must stop for me. The tour used to take you right inside the dam. I just loved seeing all that stuff up close and experiencing the size and what it took way back then to accomplish such a feat. You can not fully appreciate it until you are way down at water level below the dam looking up. I have been told that since 911 this tour in not available. If it is however I highly recommend it if you are into that stuff. Used to always take a plane trip to view the Grand Canyon. Never got bored of that either. Irish might even be able to swing something there If your into the cards. See if you can get into a friendly casino sponsored blackjack tournament. $20 enter fee back then and they gave you $500 worth of fake chips to play with. Made it to a final table once and came it 3RD. Most fun I have ever had playing cards in a casino..and it only cost me $20. If you play the one armed bandits...chat it up with some of the ladies working the floor. They can tell you what machines pay more regularly then others. My buddy got a juicy tip on our first trip and we always but $20 each in this one machine when we went down for breakfast in the morning. Every day we did this and one of us always made enough to have a free day for the rest of that day. The thing I absolutely loved the most however was how nice the weather is with no humidity. 112 was my warmest day there...not a bead of sweat. Hot but not uncomfortable. When they talk here of the temp being 75 but the humid x makes it feel like 90 I just laugh. Give me 90 in the desert over 75 in Ontario anyday.
  3. Used to be a barber shoppe there called "A little off the top". All the barbers where nice looking TOPLESS ladies Let your hair grow and go check it out. I have not been since 88 so the place might be long gone.
  4. Comfort is the key....so your going at the height of bug season Your ladies idea of comfort must not mirror mine Beauty country up that way...there never is a bad time to go
  5. I used to buy $$$ sunglasses, cause I was told how much better there where :blahblah1: .After losing 2 expensive pairs in 3 summers I bought a $7.99 pair at Zellers to get me through a season...hoping Santa might spring for a pair at Christmas. Still have them. Myself I see absolutely no difference in the polarizing aspect of them. So I just can't justify to myself spending more money. When they are not on my face they are in a case so they don't get banged up, so lens quality is a none issue for me as well,cause I don't abuse them. Personal preference is all it really comes down too. Get a pair that fits comfortably and they will be fine... whether you spend a lot or a little.
  6. Keep em coming. Like to see such nice work. Very envious of people who can do things I would just butcher even to try. My nephew lives in Elora and has just taken up fly fishing for Browns and really loves it. I know if he was on this site he would be lovin your work as well.
  7. Never got past the squeezing on the ball part...had to excuse myself...and use the little boys room
  8. I have no experience with any of this Lew. I still have the same counter tops that the builder installed when my house was built in 89. But I can tell you this. My sister-in-law has had quartz and granite and has went to Corian, and believe me money is no object for her cause there loaded. They liked the excellent color choices it offered and are happier with it's performance compared to the other 2. They entertain a lot and like Cliff mentioned above... have had more then one red wine stain to deal with on the quartz and granite.
  9. Same with me Chris. For now I am stuck on 8's...days and afternoons only. But we maybe going back to the 12's. I'm praying for it. Loved the extra days off...and only having to work 2 or 3 days in a row between days off.
  10. I've never had a problem with the night shift. Work 12 hour shifts 7-7,rotating days and nights. When we lived close to Lake Ontario I used to get home in the morning make a coffee or grab a beer... whichever mood I was in... and head down to the lake with the dogs. Let them run around on the beach while I sat back and relaxed and watched the world wake up. It was a routine I really enjoyed.
  11. Well first of all...did you all see the nice little laker in Emil's picture? It was mine Very proud of myself. First one I have iced in almost 30 years!!!!! It was slow for sure but thx again Emil for inviting me along. I had a very enjoyable day. James nice to meet you and your buds today too. And double thx for the supply of Meegs. I promise to put them to good use. Did I already mention that the laker in Emils picture was mine...and that it was my first one through the ice in almost 30 years
  12. Good to hear Jack. It is a nice feeling when you run into honest folks. Back in 83 when I first moved to Oshawa I lost my wallet, coming home from a work Golf tournament/pool party. Prolly fell out on the bus. Noticed the next day and just figured I was screwed. A week later I get a phone call from my dad asking me if I was missing something. Turns out this women found my wallet. All my stuff still had my Fergus addresses on it cause I had just moved and nothing was changed yet. She took the time to track down the address and get my folks phone number and paid out of her own pocket to mail the wallet to my folks. My father wanted to give her something for her troubles but she would not even give her name. She said she just wanted to get the wallet back to its owner. I remember having $12 in my wallet. When it came in the mail, it still had $12 in it. Jack I'm happy you get the chance to meet the person who did this kind thing for you.I never met the woman who returned my wallet and don't even know her name. But I love her anyway.
  13. A sink o smelts...thats what I like to see The ones you put me on last year where the best I ever tasted. Hopefully the cold that is coming will firm up the ice cause I'm dying for a road trip and a feed.
  14. Barbless would be great. But if Roy is going to be eating them be sure to include the antenna...there great toothpicks
  15. Too funny Simon. Thx for sharing. Your kids really don't have to do much to put a smile on your face do they Try to remember just how darn cute cuddly and innocent they where when they become teenagers It helps to get you through it.
  16. So you BUG all of us instead ....just kidding. If it's a good operation and they care about customer satisfaction trust me, they won't think your bugging them at all. And they will be happy to answer any questions you have. But first why don't you sit down for 10 minutes with a pen & paper and try to think of ANYTHING else you want answered. Saves both parties the back and forth hassle.
  17. That is fun too watch...nice toy you got there. I spent my first full day today with my new toy... a Vex a friend sold me. Watching those red lines come up off the bottom to meet your spoon...PRICELESS. Wish I had taken the plunge years ago. Your camera is the next step past that. Thx for posting the vid.
  18. I dunno ...kinda looks a little bit like an Atlantic to me
  19. Very disappointed that this report included no photos of any family member holding there catch with the traditional "solopaddler" pose Nice that everyone got out for a day on the ice. Thx for sharin.
  20. In the late 60's we lived out in the country about 2 miles out of town. Walked around with pellet guns all the time. Every kid in our neighborhood had one. Back in those days for fun we would go for bike rides and look for empty pop bottles in the ditches. Throw them in our carriers on our bikes and when we had enough pedal are butts across town to the corner store. The pop was stored in a cooler full of water. 25 cents worth of return bottles would get you a pop, bag of chips or pink elephant popcorn and a pack of Bazooka Joe bubblegum, with some lame arse cartoon in it to read. Simpler times for sure. But I wouldn't trade it for anything though.
  21. Enjoyed the whole rant...but that part really put a smile on my face. Thx for sharin.
  22. I am not a student...but I am cheap Because of this I waited years before I spent the $$$ on under armour. Wish I had bought it years ago. Absolutely essential gear as far as I am concerned. You get what you pay for IMO. But if you still don't wanna pony up for it try wearing just a t shirt under your gortex jacket. Have your other cloths packed. Once you are settled take your t shirt off if it is wet and then throw all your dry warm stuff on. That,s what I did for years and still do. I just have the under armour on under my floater suit. Once I am settled my polar fleece turtleneck goes on with a hooded sweater on over it.
  23. Could you please PM me the GPS co-ordinates for your location Any day on the water is a good day fishin.
  24. I am starting to have trouble seeing 4LB line just to tie a lure onto it What you have done there is beyond my comprehension. Even with glasses I'd fall way short of making anything look that realistic. Beauty work....well done. And thx for sharin. I never tire of posts like this.
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