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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. If you can tell where we are on the lake from Bruce's one picture...well then you have been there and you already know "The spot" It shouldn't matter to you anyway Ted...seeing as your too lazy to drag a tinny in there anyway Hey... you started it
  2. Dave I'm glad you enjoyed the road trip. Next time we will strap Bruce down
  3. Sorry Lew..your too late...already. With the sugar rush I have now I could probably finish your family room in 30 minutes....TOPS
  4. Lew if you can get to my place within the next...oh 15 minutes...you might be able to wrestle a couple of bags of M&M's from me.
  5. I have family up there. If you are real serious about a move up there PM me. Might be able to help you out.
  6. LOL... if they last until carping season...I'm all over it We had 20 kids this year. Used to get over 150...but all the kids in our area have grown up and moved away. At 47 we are actually spring chickens compared to most of our neighbors. Lotsa left over chocolate bars for Carp Point Beansie...if Debbe hides them on me. That's the only chance they have of making it that long. **as I sneak my 10th one of the morning**
  7. Yep another fine day telling fishing stories. With just enough interruptions from the perch to call it a fishing trip You scared me good when you almost went swimming. I was having a hard time figuring out how we would get you out of the water and still be able to fish for the rest of the afternoon
  8. Years ago on a fly in out of Chapleau we spotted something out in the bay while we where eating our breakfast and planning our day. Jumped in the boats and motored out to have a look. A big cow moose at least a mile from the closest shore just swimming along. We circled her for awhile and got some pictures and then left her alone. She was really moving. The wake she was making made it look like she had a 6HP motor strapped to her behind. She proceeded to swim at least another 2 miles to a point farther away from our camp before she got out of the water. Very powerfull swimmer.I imagine a deer would be the same. Thx for your post. Brought back a memory from a very good trip.
  9. Hope you enjoy your stay Rizzo. Good luck at getting into some fish.
  10. Buckeye right in Bobcaygeon. Right on the water so you can tie up the boat there. Most rooms have full kitchens. Not a cabin but handy to everything. Quiet but right on the water in town. Stayed there for years before we got our own little place up there. Joyce and her crew will look after you. Check out the link below. http://www.buckeyecentre.ca/
  11. Beauty Pic Dan. Thx for sharing that.
  12. Yes gas cost can be a consideration...but what is a mile... and what is a gallon
  13. Hands down...go for the closer property. Having experienced 11 hour drives to our first "Getaway"...5.5 hours to our 2nd "Getaway" and finally 75 minutes to our third I can tell you the closer the better. Everything and I mean everything, is just made easier and BETTER by having your little piece of heaven closer. And the words of wisdom others have offered about the camp progressing as you age and your needs/wants changing WILL HAPPEN I guarantee it. Those beauty properties WAY up north in the middle of the wilderness are heaven, no doubt about it...I drool everytime someone posts about a trip up to there remote piece of heaven. But there is a huge investment of time and sweat that comes with them and a leisurely weekend visit is absolutely out of the question.You have to decide if your up to that type of commitment. Or if you just wanna have a closer Getaway that is easier to enjoy. My experience is the closer the better. Good luck with your property choice.
  14. When I worked up there in the early 80's...on Helen Lake... I heard the same thing. Can't vouch for it myself as I was only there during the summer months...but I 100% believed the folks who told me those stories. BTW nice laker
  15. I agree there are places you don't want to trailer. But as you mentioned just throw the boat in your pickup. Then I guess storage could become an issue. Bottom line I guess is that I'm just to cheap to spend money on a set up like that
  16. Yep. That is 100% correct. Once school is done and you enter the working world...fishing time goes way down. Way way down.
  17. As soon as I saw the video I thought..."I bet it would be cheaper for the person to just buy a trailer for there tinny"...and I was correct. Could not imagine who would spend the money for that over a trailer.
  18. I used to believe bad parents where 100% to blame for how a kid turns out. Years ago I had this very chat with a fellow soccer dad who was also a High School principal. He told me stories of great kids who came from terrible homes and terrible kids who had the best parents you could imagine. His opinion was you are who you are. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that his take on "problem kids" is more accurate then mine. You are who you are and the only one who can figure that out is you. Hopefully the kid next door shooting out windows figures it out.
  19. Thx for sharing. The canon pointing at the ship
  20. You are probably correct. That is what I love about carp fishing. Get organized, cast out and have a good chat with whoever your fishing buddies are for the day. Feed the chipmunks and ducks that come to visit and chat with anyone else who seems curious at what your up to. It's not for everyone, but I certainly enjoy it. It's not always about catching fish.
  21. I concur...that seems to be what I have been noticing as well. The OP seemed to have a well thought out request. No need to ASSUME the worst of someone YOU don't even know. Kinda gets people's back up.
  22. Can't remember the last time I even bought minnows for myself so neither of my buckets have been out of the basement in awhile....but I have the old galvanized one as well. My daughter is 24 and I know it's been around longer then her. You right Fisherman...you can't kill it. Sturdy and dependable...but make damn sure you have it out of the water before you try to motor up and go anywhere
  23. Like already mentioned...there is no such animal as a bad pie. Homemade Mom's recipe...rhubarb pie with crumble topping Mom's recipe Mincemenat pie My pumpkin pie with homemade whip cream Restaurant Billy Miner Pie at the Keg Coconut Cream Pie from the Halibut House in Bobcaygeon...which my daughter makes a special trip to the restaurant EVERY year for father's day to get me a slice...cause she loves me...and knows how much I love it. Again..there is no such animal as a bad pie.
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