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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. My kids are 22 and 25 and still fumbling around with who they are and what they will become. Hell I could say the same for myself on a lot of days. But your son recognized his passion early and made it a reality. I have a ton of respect and admiration for such individuals. I can feel your pride come through in every word and picture. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with us in your beautiful tribute.
  2. Just got in from working afternoons and sat down to read this. Can't imagine what I would have done. Probably would have been too shocked to even react in time to help my pet out. Glad the perch muncher is Ok. Wounds heal. Hopefully the emotional scars are easily mended as well. Tomorrow will be a better day. Take care of your little buddy my friend.
  3. Very nice of you to take the time and effort to share this with us. Being a Kawartha Carper I appreciate it. However once I saw the 5 dozen eggs and calculated the cost I decided that boiling and flavoring corn was the way I was going to continue targeting my summertime friends. Once again though, thx for sharing.
  4. Vinny if you compare those in a similar price range. They are all pretty much the same. I have a lowly Vex FL8 and have no intentions of upgrading. It does what I need it to do. I am pretty much a perch fisherman through the ice. Does the unit catch me more fish? I really don't think so...but I have fished perch for years and have go to lures and go to locations. But I have to say I do love watching things unfold on the screen. Bringing fish up off the bottom or targeting specific suspended fish and watching them home in on your bait is very entertaining. I do these things randomly anyway as from years of perching I know to mix up my presentations to attract fish...so like I said I usually get those fish anyway. It's just so much more fun being able to watch it happen Electronics IMHO make it way more fun.
  5. Not to mention sending PM's to try and find out spots as well All take and no give....wears on people after awhile....just sayin
  6. Smart kid I'd say. Realizes he is young with lots of years left ..so it's best to take care of himself. Especially during regular season when the games essentially don't matter. I truly wish my favourite player and the greatest player of all time...Bobby Orr... would have had the same sense. He was done at 28, and had leg problems before he even played in the NHL. As a hockey fan I would have loved to have seen him healthy and able to play for at least another 10 years. Take care of yourself Sid. Lotsa fans wanna see you play for a LONG rime.
  7. Nice way to end the season. My guess is 60 x 29.5. But what do I know
  8. Simon I try...I mean I REALLY try not to hate you this time of year...but it's so hard Congrats on your bounty and safe ice I sure wish it was me
  9. http://www.highlandscinemas.com/second_page.php Check this guy out Meely. This is the best movie experience you could ever imagine and the stuff he has is amazing. It is the off season and because of this he might have time for you AND the stuff you are interested in. Couldn't hurt to fire Keith off an email. Congrats on your treasures from todays hunt and have fun
  10. And I'm 100% certain he came home from fishing to a romantic candle lit dinner.
  11. Truer words have not been spoken. We own some rental property. Our first accountant was a friend of a friend. Saved us money so we where happy. Our current accountant is freaking unbelievable. The money he saves us with his knowledge just blows me away. Find a good accountant and you will benefit big time. Congrats on the plunge and the best of luck with your "New baby"
  12. Meely...Dunsford has a market. My mom goes all the time in the summer...but I can't vouch for what it has. It might be worth a boo sometime when your up at the manor.
  13. I'm with you on this one Mike. I have practised C & R my whole life. I would not lose one second of sleep over keeping a beauty like that. My one fish trophy impact on the fishery based on my entire lifetime is so small it would be a joke arguing about it. I do however admire and respect there decision to release it.
  14. Kinda puts it all into it's proper perspective doesn't it. Thx for sharing that.
  15. Beauty fish. I'm hoping for ice by Dec 17-18th down here....but I'm getting less optimistic everyday. Thx for sharing that.
  16. I can tell by the mud and the rocks ED Zachery where u were...well where you parked your Mini Van anyway Too busy at work to get out and give it a go myself..but if your still willing to show me a durham spot for perchin for my grandson I'd be happy to hear from you this week. If not POUND THEM this week Have fun.
  17. You brought 17 home? For you that must be a record. So you all know... he catches tons of perch...but usually only keeps 8 or so. Nice job you bugger. I was painting my damn kitchen today BTW did you have Margo or the old man with you or where you solo?
  18. Sounds like my last ice fishing Ron. I have been walking on the ice on Simcoe on a Saturday and on another part of the lake the next day in my boat. A perfect spring weekend is Simcoe ice in the am...eastern trib rainbows in the afternoon...and then out in the boat on Simcoe the following day :thumbsup_anim:
  19. I will be icing perch either on Coooch or Simcoe Dec 17/18 weekend....possibly Dec 10/11 That's been the norm for over 10 years now. Don't see that changing. Christmas week I'm always on my 3rd 4th or 5th trip out. Last year Cooch had 7 plus inches of ice by Christmas.
  20. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in before this one gets locked. Thx for sharing your new experience with us Emil. I'm happy you gave something new a go and are enjoying it. That's all I got. Again Emil...great job
  21. There you go spoiling my perfect plan Bruce Maybe I'll leave something vintage out for them...like my pocket fisherman... that should be enough to make them happy
  22. The real trick is to live like I do. When you got nothing worth stealing burglars aren't really a problem
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