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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Somewhere out from the 9th line north of Barrie in 90 FOR water tou will find a brand new Jiffee auger less and engine! One hole and off it went? Lo it wasn't mine I worked on the advertising BellMobility acoount, One of my friends asked me IF I could do anything for him after it left his shirt pocket, yes I can phone and see if it rings. he wasn't happy!
  2. In the late 60s I heard of this happening on Simcoe, he would jump in and come up in the other hut, the light guided him. apparently one time he didn't make it! too much mixture with the ice cubes!
  3. Many years ago on Simcoe the operator wanted a deposit for any beer yes beer that went out on the ice. IF any tootle or cap was missing tou lost the deposit! Well I dropped a cap in the hole. I always carry a magnet with me so down it went and sure enough I got it back with much luck and trials. From then on I always carried an spare cap just in case. On Nip we were given the third degree on dropping anything down. I picked up almost all of his utensils during the night. he had very few words to say in the morning.
  4. You can use basket coffee filters and a large funnel.
  5. Will be featured on discovery Channel tomorrow night between 7 and 8. http://www.gizmag.com/ice-auger-go-kart/35451/
  6. that's my tree after hitting the ' plastic' going up!
  7. Lew, that fox thanks you for providing food. I have feeder (sock) but only for American Gold Finch and others that can feed through the fine screen. Squirells tend to leave it alone as I've seen for the last 4 years. No droppings with this feeder. better than a family down the street that got one into their attic! I'd love to find out what it cost them! My front yard tree is getting to the point where they can jump onto the roof, I've rigged the tree with a 'plastic' wrap, so if they climb up, once they hit the plastic (can't grip it) down they go you have a natural deterrent and well fed what if something likes the fox, ever thought of it? get the camera ready.
  8. I had experience on Simcoe where the ice 1+ km out was well over 12 inches and where we parked less than six with a small creek that flowed in, we kept clear. Was it a pressure crack? He must have been close to shore by the sounds of it! glad he made it out safe. At night it may have turned out different.
  9. http://www.torontosun.com/2015/01/31/cottager-uses-mop-to-save-atv-rider-from-lake
  10. When we had the huts if someone caught a fish the others stayed clear, when people see a crowd they assume fish on and move in close. We had enough in our group to set up a perimeter around the huts With flags indicating holes . . . any fish caught was place in a cooler in the hut or under snow and no blood anywhere. Some people have no respect for others.
  11. I think about that every night I watch the news. This killing/hurting each other should stop. We are on this earth for a very short time why not live in peace. The billions that are spent on weapons boggles my mind. just sad.
  12. I got one of those once 1/2 after sunset took it to court with the official recorded time the sun had set that evening, I was within a block of home and had 4 minutes left compared to the time stated on the ticket. Dismissed and praised on how I fought it damn nearly ran him over when he pulled a U turn when he stopped me.
  13. Cliff take care of your hard head!. Wayne I know the feeling with my wife with colitis for 15 years, don't know if you are coming or going sometime Always hope for the best but expect something to go the other way. She was very fortunate that they made the right decision.
  14. We live in YorK Region (Woodbridge/Kelinburg. Our closest in York is at YorK Cenral or Markham Stoufville.Quite the hike. If an ambulance is called you are taken to York-Finch or Humber the closest to the residence. We are in line for a Hopsital at 400 and Major Mac across from Wonderland but that will take years to build.
  15. A few years back my wife had to be picked up by an ambulance, she couldn't stand or come down the stairs. At the hospital at 8:30 pm she wasn't seen until 4 am. I Tried to let the EMs guys go but they can't leave until the patient is with a Dr. Pumped her full of Demerol and gave her a funnel to pee in. Kidney stones they say and home we go. Two weks later emergency surgery to remove her uterus because of a large lump. These two people had nothing to do but wait with me, they did get a good list of eating establishment in Woodbridge.
  16. If you have to again show some blood and you'll be first in line. Been there many times and that's Alwas the case. Bleeders are alway rushed in.
  17. When you reach our age and have PAID those kind of taxes for 40+ years the least that they could give back is a free fishing licence! I have Personally stop paying it. I can buy fish when I need it for much less. I don't think our fees are going towards our fishery management, and neverv has.
  18. I had a 'young' guy walking on Simcoe with a small boy walking out one year. I convicted hiim to bring the boy in while we packed up and drive them in. I warned him of holes around the hut which we would fill in after close up! he was so grateful to help he put hid foot down a hole @&$))(; All went well, He thought thta was a hoot! NOT.
  19. Cliff, you are feeling better! there is NO honesty! I have been running my family for 45 years in the black, sometimes close but we made it! Why can't they live within their means? Not a good lot in them . . . They will get their amazing benefits and leave us out in the cold. And this post will be locked
  20. A lot of hunters here use the word 'bang'! I had a skunk in my yard that dug a hole under my shed that was very close to a fence. I blocked any way in further and bought a horn with different sounds. I built a trigger switch that he had to step on when he went in or came out and this thing went off a 10 pm and again at 6am when he came back, it was loud :) according to my neighbour. This girl left has soon the kids could walk. You could spray the area with urine, it does work! Dog hair . . .
  21. Get it checked out ASAP. Things change in seconds. Glad you had help out there and made it back.
  22. Wayne I've seen more hospitals that I care to mention, 15 years, my wife in and out of them. I've signed those forms more than once. I believe it's a path people/parents want to take. Three years ago with my mom, with one of the best MDs I have ever met when my mother was diagnosed with that terrible disease at an advanced stage with no hope and she was 90. I quote "we can fight this war, but the ending will be the same" Do we attack or follow the path? We followed the path. The other war would have been a longer wait, with the same
  23. Great news Wayne for Jen, thanks for proving me wrong.
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