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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. The Equator or close! Dave, your dream will happen. I'll be going close in 4 weeks will let you know
  2. Kathlynne Unclewill Taxyou
  3. Don Don't tell FLEX that the "daughter" is a he! the mirror was enough of a shock.
  4. We must have the same daughter she didn't like her mirror either, mine was only a cheap model for a CRV they are at 20 Milvan drive.
  5. Joey, Credistone and Hwy 7, MacClaty court run by York Region they take evrything, FREE. Open Thursday to Sunday.
  6. In the 80s that place was stocked. MNR actually had a "hut" by the road a real zoo come opening and they would sit there and control things. rainbows/salmon come up from Georgian Bay don't know if they can make over the dam. But I've seen many caught in the river and the "lake" No more stocking and many years ago they tore down the "hut" Biggest I've and many years ago was around 3 lbs. lot of private property!
  7. People leave holes with blood around them? leave only footprints!
  8. 10 minutes out of Marham was brutal, sounded like hail. Calmed down some now in Woddy!
  9. Are you loose? lasagna for fish? But then I have 8 young ones and we cook traditional Intalian and they want the McDonald's crap? I have to take them on Simcoe! Could be tough! Nice catch B.
  10. many years ago I was involved In a published report on where our pollution comes from! The Ohio Valley back then they burned a lot more coal than we did! It moves with the the jet stream, note our current weather movement. DRIVE CLEAN (1999) was the same and involved in that too. cars don't palute as much as they did but the test still survives. And will forever, tax grab. This government is a joke as was the last one and some of our fellow citizens continue to support them. But then will the next one do anything? NO, that money is coming in will not be retracted. Just imagine one of us giving up part of our pay I answered a question to the NDP and any correspondence I received after that was, can you Donate to block the Liberal Bills! I finally told them to use their own money as I do when I go to work! They stopped asking! THEY ARE ALL THE SAME
  11. Some real life saving advice here!
  12. Yup you are right Chris, couldn't speak the French back then. What were we thinking out there with only trees for a trail at best! One day comIng back in with a few of our cousins from down south, they had a 'bushel' full of ling, they didnd't know what they were and someone told them they were trout lol Wish we knew how they tasted back then
  13. Those were the days B, I saw people going out at 3:30 in the afternoon already 'looped'! The stink was unbearable even in the huts!, but they would come out at 10 or so to see how it was going and gave the hockey scores! If the heat gave out, well just pray! One bench back then and three guys, if you got lucky two benches! It was about 8 bux for the night I think.
  14. In the 70s Simcoe on the east a lot of them out of Perferlaw. . . . They Smelled like crap, loved the trap door on the ceiling just incase it went down! They used to pack a lot of people to take them out, great ride in the dark
  15. When will they learn to listen to reports? It's only fish! http://www.680news.com/2016/02/12/mans-body-pulled-from-lake-simcoe-after-atv-incident/
  16. Amazing work Dave! Must be nice to have that kind of talent? I have cousin who worked for a school board and had a skill at doing decks and small construction projects, teachers overwhelmed him with work and he started a business and doing very well at it. You never know what can happen
  17. B how do you do that? Mine are here every day! Today I'm blessed with 4!!!!! So nice here today, I'm going to sow lettuce, under plastic of course, I picked my last crop Just before Christmas. Cliff that nice young man with take that gesture with him for life and pay it back, Who say old farts like us can't teach!
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