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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Many many years ago we went to Simcoe east side. Back then heating was a guess what you got. Went out and this guy had and oil drip contraption oils would drip and was ignited if you wated more heat turned on more oild. Well out knob got stuck and we had lots of heat, flame out of the chimney heat lol He came out and just started giving us the third degree why did you touch it .. . Maybe it was cold and that is what you told us to do! He offered us a different hut, oil fumes we not good for us lol.
  2. I'm here when you need them!
  3. keep plugging Chris.If they are here, they are very elusive, hope they will be found and protected. I live next to the Kortright Centre for Conservation which has a good variety of wildlife. I took two of my grandsons in for a hike/walk and after viewing the information board and what they COULD see, I told them they would have to be quiet if they wanted to see some of them! we saw a hawk, with their screaming and running in the trees and trails everything else was hiding . Good three hours of fun.
  4. If it works for you, it looks like I might have tomorrow off and I would be willing to do a road trip and bring some back, Sinker could just pick them up here or if he is pressed for time I'd even deliver them to him. Let me know if this works for you. Email me [email protected] with your address and a time that is convenient for you. My cell # is 705-928-8899 if you need to talk to me. (but you'll always be welcome to come here for a visit too when there is some fishing to be had). Sinker, how many pails do you need (I only need about 4), email me your address and time permitting I just might be able to drop them off for you tomorrow. Cliff tomorrow I have to work, but I'm off every Friday. I can't make for the next two Fridays because of family commitments hiss boo . . How soon does Sink need them? If I can rearrange some stuff I have lots more
  5. I have them stored, whenever we can swing it. I'll see if I can plan something and drive out. No promises.
  6. Sinker I have lots with lids. Let me know.
  7. I have lots of those buckets if you need some more lol Good shooting Cliff.
  8. Dave, you may be right here, But it happens a lot here in Ontario too many times. The message doesn't seem to be taken in no matter how much it's publicized. A sad case indeed. It may be the idea, it will never happen to me. . . . One day it will!!!!! And hopefully they will be the only casualty! I had a friend die because he would' listen and he died alone. Left 4 kids!!!!
  9. Up there they are called Oak Ridges Loraine! I drive up that way on my way to see my daughter, I'll have to keep my eyes open.
  10. I don 't I have never hunted, but if I go up Keele street I try to get a picture of a King City cougar!
  11. Wait until Art wakes up! You are Siberia bound
  12. lack of ice I say. It happens every year. I will go on the limb here and state that Brian B will not fish this weekend. Terry, may have other options. Simcoe will freeze maybe not this year
  13. I remember that! Cover yourself with a blanket and jig! Was done in Owen Sound too.
  14. Winter Fever has set in. The ice will come, well maybe not. We have to express our views when there are no fish to be had. Please start/end all of your political bashing with "wish I was fishing." that should help.
  15. I wrote a letter to the Ontario Premier and the Minister of Energy last week and gave them all my information and they have said nothing! I guess they don't read this forum
  16. OI, that is correct, Canada gives more away it gives to Canadians that worked and contributed. One thing I wrote in one of my letters to our leaders last week was. All these taxes we are being sacked with and we get no raises and then they are all passed down by the people we have to it our groceries, gas, heating. . . .we are always at the end and have to pay. I figure my grocer and is going to pass on the higher cost of cap and trade onto us who need food.
  17. have fun Cliff, if you see a politician Piss on it!
  18. OI OI it's only old age, the other depends on how much you paid into it. Because I work they have clawed mine back by 150 a month. I'm like Cliff paid taxes for 47 years now and never collected a cent, yet they give it away to other countries. Doesn't make sense. In the 70s Canada sent a herd of prize catle to Uganda to get them started in producing milk/meat. Just after the arrived Amin had them killed and eaten!
  19. I've read the cap and trade document Wynnebag did last year and bout four times on and off. Fancy graphics words that con us and make believe they are right. Helping natives in Northern Ontario with their air conditioning is not what it seems. I WILL POST THE EXACT WORDING WHEN I GET THE COPY OUT tomorrow! Some don't even have clean drinking water. Yes we need to changeour ways, but the way they put it it's only up to Ontario to make it better! I had one report where all of our pollution was coming up the Ohio valley where they burnrd coal and into Ontario (win direction. . .) yet we were made to pay and emission test for our cars. LET'S take a reading of the temperature and air quality today (2017) as we are paying this taxing then next year and see how effective that tax was and where the money was spent and see if we are going in the right direction.
  20. OI, Hte byes are of the Newf'and' Land order and they are a secretive folk, only when they dab in screech. No faces and no location will be given. Terry has lots of power, the man is a fishfinder, aka Sir Terry Lawrence. . . And I bet that it was less that 30 ftw.
  21. You pulled down Terry's zipper; OMG! and he cussed? nice going guys. Don't tell anyone where the ice is!
  22. Why not meet in Coppa's parking lot and talk outside the truck and give away the secrets. make sure no guys in black cars or wearing long coats in the summer are around! Years ago My buddy John Powers (Toronto Star) wrote and article about Owen Sound Harbor ice fishing what a mess he created, he meant wel, there were no operators back then but with in weeks it was full. The Cronzy did the same thing during fall migration!
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