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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. An old family photo of his great great great grandfather. This man owns a villa on a lake with all of the toys. The sled gave it away. he is sitting in hot room having a beer! try pulling our leg big time. Right Dave?
  2. Never heard of such words. I learned from my wife’s side after I got married. My kids never helped at all. Just ate, the best part was when the meat was spiced and had to fry some up to check the spicing, if one of the kids wasn’t there we would save some and make when they arrived. Back in Europe where I come from they didn’t make much. My father sold most his proscitto’s to a Roman butcher who did the curing and he sold them again!!! Salami and supresatte were not used at all. I just finished mixing a batch and tomorrow pack them and start the curing process. They better be good I need a lot of plumbing work done free!
  3. That is true OI, they can really stick it to you.
  4. Not 500 just over 135 for 27 of them. I just let my butcher do the upfont stuff. I mix and spice and cure. And the kids eat them!!!!
  5. B I fish once a week, eat fish twice a week. Salmon and Trout at COSTCO is amazing. No tent or heater needed. I do miss Simcoe a lot though. Tomorrow I’m making some for my brother, his supplier backed out. So who am I to say no to him, a plumber and gas guy with lots of contacts.
  6. Who says I'm retired! A 4-day week yes and next week a 3 day and five days off . . . This is weekend work Mr B.
  7. That’s correct Doug. It does take two months or so. We actually use a hot roasted pepper sauce that we mix into the meat. I find it too smoky tasting. Different areas have different recipes and methods. The netting is Canadian adapted in Europe they used string with butcher knots to keep it tight. Prosciutto is also mad that way but you better know what you are doing or it’s garbage. I will never attempt it. I’ll do It as long as I’m able and pass it on. mixing the meat takes about an hour by hand. Two legs works out to about 27 of them and cost $5 each or so. Hei a good Saturday amorning workout. And I’m doing some for family this Saturday. good excuse to eat some from last year!!!
  8. These are an Italian delecy made with pork butt and/or shoulder . . . I just use the butt because it contain little fat. Supressate a bare translation maning they are pressed for a period after hanging time. I have and old cooler with spacing boards and I layer them and hold them down with 20 litres of water to keep the pressure, then hangand press again. Yes it’s labour intensive. cured naturally with salt and spices and nothing else. temperature has to be right and the packing of the casing, NO air space. They can be bought at a dely such as Longos and Fortinos, Grande cheese. . . sliced fresh but they have preservatives. It’s just keeping with tradition and they taste good too. We usually eat them with crusty bread, olives, egg plants artichokes and cheese or roasted peppers. hope this helps.
  9. I have to wait 2 months for these! A bit of work but worth it.
  10. House is week insulated 2500 sq ft. Coldest it got was 16. Fired it up Saturday and worked like a charm, but getting replaced this morning. The Italian price is right!
  11. I'm looking at replacing both as the furnace is not well may make it through this winter. Also may have to move some HAVAC so I can finish my basement! Looking at cost for the units. Anyone have them replaced recently?
  12. On Simcoe an operator used to charge if you did not bring back every beer bottle or caps, Sure enough a cap went down. I always carried a magnet and after a few attempts the cap came back up. from then on I always carried a spare cap!
  13. Speil , make sure you are not tying an eye when this happens! I have only felt one, my office was on the shore of Lake Ontario, but felt one more inland above Hwy 7. Shake it when you can, there is nothing we can do. Lew don’t worry we will be fine.
  14. Lew there is a fault in the Ottawa Valley which is active and one south of Toronto under Lake Ontario there may have been a shift. A few years back there was one shift that was felt all around us. Here is a chart where movement can/has happened. See that dot near Peterborough under you house lol.
  15. Way to go B. That froze fast!!! Who towed Terry back?
  16. Here is one for you Wayne. A friend that works with me owned this in England 66 Coronet 700 hp. He now live is Horseshoe valley.
  17. I have had three also A 1995 Grand C Lorado ran amazingly sold it at 276,000 buyer was going to use it for parts until he saw it! Got a Compass, a bit to small ad it went three years ago in perfect running condition. Dealer took it! This one is great also only 40,000 in nearly three years and not a scratch on it . Twisting my neck is not like it used to be lol and I have driven my kids cars and they all have them and find them helpful. BTW never had them over 120 and oil was changes every 90 day neeed or not. The new one is on a meter and it tells me when.
  18. I have a few. I hadn't heard from you guys and this year i sent about 15 to be recycled. I'll check this weekend and I let you know if I can get rid of more. I keep a few for when I do my tomatoes . . .
  19. Grappa in espresso, yes, cappuccino, no! but then I have never had Baileys in coffee!
  20. We had Italian relatives come over and my wife made espresso on those Billiatti stove models, we loved it. They thought it was dishwater!!!!! I now run a SAECO Xsmall, does it all. Nice foam on the espresso.
  21. Has anyone had one installed. After market? I would like to have one put in. Any thoughts. $$$ any buy it and have it installed or let them do it all. I have a Jeep Cherokee 2016. DIY . . . Thanks
  22. Welcome back Cliff. If you are thinking of an ice trip on Simcoe for perch I may be interested. I’m off Mondays now. Keep well. Albert
  23. Thank god you didn’t catch a fish, that story would have gone for another 1/2 hour! You are lucky that the beaver didn’t slap his tail. The day is over when that happens. Food reading B
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