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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. If he has any brains he'd convert to US $s and get a lot more stuffing.
  2. They have been shooting "guys" for two days and ladies are ALWAYS in a closed set! Check out your flyers! :whistling:
  3. I work in a d ad gency and my office is next to our photo studio and they play crap to keep the models "moving" It's driving me nuts, been going on for two days. When will this shoot end? :( :(
  4. I'm there with you everyday Wayne just got home from the hospital myself. My line has been drawn, it's just a matter of time when it's reached. Best of luck to Jennifer.
  5. It must have been when they were all trying to fend off the Americans!
  6. I felt the same as you do now, when I did my very first Typography seminar in front of 25+ Ad people last summer. Was supposed to last 1/2 hour; they closed it at 1.25. You'll be fine . . .
  7. Not a good thing when kids are out doing things like this, If not stopped it leads to more serious things. Hope they learn their lesson, one bad misjudgment could affect the rest of their lives; for what $50 or so. The money is nothing but getting caught and having a confrontation and possibly causing and injury to some on , puts them on a different playing field. If it' s not yours, leave it alone.
  8. LOL Wayne, I have to deal with him every Sunday at our family dinner. I will pass it on.( I GET NO FAVOURS) But remember this about stocking ( I was in St Marten at this time last year and found no winter coats) I have a Scottish friend who many, many years ago went to a Dominion store in a mainly Hebrew neighborhood and asked where they had the pork chops! The manager told him we could order some for Being in the marketing/advertising ( And NOT promoting CT in any way) unless CCMT wants to step in. If it doesn't sell it only takes up space, Stock what you sell. I love Robertson's in Dorset, Ontario, This place is amazing, better than CT and Wolly!
  9. What's with these guys? In the last week I've see close to 15 at about 7:30 am at Islington north of Rutherford and in the valley just below Hwy 7 . . . Don't they know what time it is?
  10. http://www.newsdurhamregion.com/article/172790
  11. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  12. Congrats Ryan. Had a granddaughter born last Sept and grandson at Christmas at the same weight. Grandaughter is now 13 and grand son is at 10+; just like weeds.
  13. They are not! Bill played football and they put that black stuff in the wrong place and he has kept up the tradition! Nice looking fish Bill, solo is jealous. . .
  14. Why are you blaming me? Albert
  15. He'll Cliff your were just looking for a free lunch! Is there a medal out there for you? I too helped someone today, my mother is in condition that her days are numbered. Today a new room mate moved in and has no family close by, and calls are long distance. And the hospital won't allow it! I offered my services in trying to contact them as I have unlimited long distance. The look on her face made my day. A few minutes later she called me that her daughter had just got in touch with her from Alberta. She told me that she knows my mother's doctor, so I just emailed him and told him to check in on her when he sees my mother in the morning. Be careful out on the ice. A
  16. A rock covered with fossils and a four foot eves through while ice fishing simcoe both on Williams!
  17. Welcome to the club John. I have 3 and on other coming in June. They are great if you don't mind having things broken.
  18. Wayne, we shouldn't need holiday to bring family together, our family has always been close. With four daughters and three nieces (All married but one ) and grand kids coming very year we are big bunch and. We have had my daughters and their husbands / kids over very Sunday for at least ten years. Hopefully this will never change. My mother at least one Sunday a month either with me or my brother's' family. But last Tuesday we got notice that her days are going to be coming to an end. She has been surrounded by family all her life, sad but it has to be. Hug them very day.
  19. Jeep can't go wrong. I have a 95 grand c parked with 370,000 and running and a 2007 Compass great cars.
  20. can come back and bite you in the . I work for an Ad agency we a have a tourism client that I've worked on for the last 15+ years. We hire freelance writers who are paid by the word if you can believe that! And with the internet writing has become a joke, Google does the research . . . This morning I got a stack of copy to review on 5 different golf courses. As I read the copy I noticed a golf term wrong and I can remember I corrected four years back. I take out an old printed book and sure enough it's wrong again! As I read the new copy against the old book the copy is the same. After a few hours of searching I discovered that this "writer" had gone into her database and supplied us the same copy with one or two minor word changes she had written over the last 4 years and figuring who will know and make some fast $$$ Had this gone by me and printed and if caught by the client we could lose the account. I'd love to hear the phone call in the morning. Honesty is the best policy! JT, watch your writers they may be writing about the same walleye over and over!
  21. Welcome, our 'boss' is also a catch and release man. Anything over 30 he likes to keep.
  22. I could not agree with you more. I too have also taken 'kids' and tought them as much as possible (typography) and I'm also glad that they still keep in touch as I do with my mentors after 40 years. Cliff,, we have to pass on our skills and knowledge; we can't take it with us. keep teaching, it will not go to waste along as you have the right students.I know I will. Keep well and have a good winter on the ice. I did it for many years and I miss it, but with the grands kids I may take it up when they are able to.
  23. O got one last November as a gift great little tool to have. Yes hold off the new one has a camera, but I believe it's coming out in April.
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