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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Thanks. We are at the 'no pets, no radios' campground. Can't remember which one that is. I'll remember about beach 4.
  2. Ha! Way to go 'The Onion'. Awesome article.
  3. Canada day weekend - Awenda PP just outside of Penitangushine (if any of you boys know a lake I should hit up around there, please let me know) August long weekend - TBD but for sure camping some place. Friends of mine also want to road trip to Winnipeg in late August. We'll see if it happens. If it does, I'm bringing the Kayak.
  4. Wow! Awesome report!
  5. Perch trick shots? Now that's a YouTube video I would watch.
  6. Thanks for running this Pete. My challenge I had with Brain and Chris is the species challenge. Individuals rather then teams. Pic must be taken of you holding said fish and with sign (yeah its a challenge. Just put the sign in your mouth). All fish must be caught with hook and line and must be a fish that is catchable in Ontario. The 'acceptable list' would be decided on and voted on ahead of time. (Emerald shiners NO, creek chub YES, etc) The winner is whoever catches the most species of fish. If people catch all of the species on the list, it will be the first to catch every species (within season). The tricky part with this of course is species ID. It can be put to a vote if fish species is in question. (buggers like Red Horse and some species of sunfish can be a bugger to ID even for the best of us)
  7. It's like the 'jaw jackers'. It's not spring loaded so you can use it.
  8. John Scott gets MVP! YES!
  9. Anyone know how the weather (and ice) is like in sundridge? I'm slowly running out of places to fish on my day off.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BowSlayer101


      ice is 5' and thinning out, was much thicker a few days ago. Was full of slush on the weekend and yesterday was no slush, I'm guessing after today ice will be thinner and lots of slush again, I'm going up this weekend probably with machines, sick of dragging everything through slush.

    3. BowSlayer101


      sorry not 5', 5" lol

    4. Acountdeleted


      Haha thanks. Next week may add a little bit of ice.

  10. 2 goals and a fight! Way to go John Scott!
  11. I'd love to go fishing today but I don't trust the ice more then the ice in my glass. Also the missus is sick. Responsibility calls.

  12. I got a baaaad feeling. I got out twice and may only get a few times more. Weather in the + is no good this week.
  13. You guys really need to watch the movie 'Goon'. Might open some eyes. I can't wait to see John Scott in the skills comp. go get em!
  14. Fish story for sure. How do you catch a lamprey?
  15. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ7_yh9_19U This would be the entire halftime show. Brilliant!
  16. It's Americans preception of Canada. They will have to dunk a beaver into a maple tree guarded by a polar bear.............. Wait....... I would watch that!
  17. Wouldn't Drake have made the most sense? : /
  18. I actually have a tow bar from the smitty sled I bought off of B. I can't see every using it. PM me with your best price and lets make a deal GBW.
  19. Very nice. The smitty sleds are such a treat on the ice. I took the easy way out and just bought B's old one. Now I'm not sure I can ever go back to without one.
  20. Great fish!
  21. RIP Simcoe ice. We barely knew ye!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. highdrifter
    3. highdrifter


      If there's ice let's mission!

    4. Acountdeleted


      Sweet. I'd love the company. Soon as it's safe let's make a plan.

  22. This actually really bothers me. For smaller communities along GB and places further up north, I know for a fact the local businesses appreciate any extra business that comes through. The extra money that comes in from us fishin' folk can really help some of the local stores and businesses get through the down months over the winter. When I hear of someones car getting tagged like this, especially when there are no signs posted, it tells me that all of that means nothing in relation to the municipality making another $30 off of a ticket. I don't blame you for not going back. If they are going to bite the hand that feeds them, the results are their own fault.
  23. I don't know if it will be safe to be on the 'bigger water' on Simcoe at all this year. Kinda disappointing.
  24. Wow. Nice haul. Looks like an awesome day to be out.
  25. Wow. Great pics. Looks like an amazing day.
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