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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. About to check the regs but are there any zones in Ontario that walleye are open in April?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dave524


      seen a few really nice ones from the upper Niagara posted and it's open there

    3. Acountdeleted


      Ooooh! Thanks Dave. Could have totally been from there. Thanks for the news.

    4. spincast


      Lake Erie - with restrictions.


  2. Woah! Such a cool experiance!
  3. What are you going to do with the old sled if you get this one working the way you want?
  4. Daaammmmn bud. Awesome vehicle. I can't wait to see what you do with it.
  5. My thoughts at 6pm today. Oh good. It's the ducks. There is a loss. Nooooope!
  6. I was not a fan of Rob Ford the politician but he leaves a wife and children behind and I would never wish cancer on my worst enemy. May he rest in peace.
  7. I think insurance is built for us to pay them hundreds of dollars a month with the intent of nothing to happen. Or so the companies wish. When something does happen it seems like pulling teeth to make anything happen. Then when it does, your premiums go up to the point that you may as well have just paid for it. Biggest scam in history.
  8. If anyone knows of someone who has had a lost or stolen affenpinscher (8lb dog) in the Beaverton area please let me know ASAP. We got 'Dog N Dashed' tonight person showed up and left a dog in our lap, no tags, vet bills, nothing.

    1. grimsbylander


      That's crazy. We just got a pup and he's all we can handle. Too bad.

    2. HTHM


      I know someone who would be happy to take it. PM me

  9. Did they also try to sell you their costal beach house in Saskatchewan when they sold you loss through ice insurance? (Seriously, is the ice ever less then 4 feet thick up there?)
  10. Unless the trip was to Grenadier Pond I don't have the money for such things.
  11. Ha! I'm jealous.
  12. I found it was really really bad this year. Nikki and I needed to get out of the house (one of our pets passed away last week and it hit us harder then we thought) The animal displays were pretty cool. No real deals. Saw booths that claimed to have 'The best prices on reals in Canada' with Shimano Solstice's on for $80........ I don't think so. We tried to look for the new live target pumpkinseed swimbait for Nikki but couldn't find the right one. Worst thing is, Live Target didn't have a booth so we couldn't see if the design just looked different online or if they didn't actually have it. I looked for the live target round goby lures, couldn't find them. I looked for the Kamookie Smartfish rusty crayfish bottom bouncer, I found the red crayfish and grey crayfish, all of them $12.99 which I can get them at TRU for. Looked for some Senkos. Found a discount pack for $5.00. Not terrible but this is a far cry for the booth where I could stuff a bag until it exploded for $5 a few years ago. A bottle of pop was $3.25. A cup of lemonade was $4.99. The one highlight was the company that makes the shortbread cookies we like had a deal where it was 4 boxes for $20. So that was good. Oh, and the guys that sell exotic sausage and pepperettes. Sadly this is not the sportsman show I remember as a kid/teenager.
  13. Went to the sportsman show today. The cookies were good...... That is all.

  14. I'd call back and tell them I was going to the news. explain how the situation will look to the public when this story airs. They'll change their minds real fast.
  15. Come down and visit. Lots of water opening up here.
  16. Man, those pics are getting me amped. That is a sweet live well you have.
  17. This is probably my favourite way to fish dropshot. Off of my buddies dock or in the current that flows from the river into my parents lake, its always been deadly.
  18. Please please show me the post that says the Leafs are going to win the cup this year, from anyone in the forum. Unless I really missed something, virtually everyone knew the Leafs were going to have a rough year.
  19. If it were all just minor injuries I could see maybe them having mercy, but he killed an animal. If that dog were a member of my team that I had when I guided in Canmore I'd want to kill the guy. They were like family to me.
  20. Pretty sad when all a Sens fan has to talk about is the Leafs. The Sens games getting too boring for you Matt? Have to rattle up some entertainment. Whats the difference between the leafs and the sens? One team is getting a really good player in the draft the year.
  21. These are fantastic guys. Luke's is my fav but I also know the pretty penny something like that would cost. Maybe a few years from now.
  22. Apparently Betman talked about having a play-in game for the wildcard spots in the playoffs. It just seems like too much. I don't want to be watching the cup final on Canada Day.
  23. Don't read if you are having a crummy Monday as it is already. Some people are just idiots. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/sled-dog-killed-as-snowmobiler-rams-iditarod-racers/64904/
  24. Great fish gents. Love those Browns.
  25. Added bonus points, buy some grocery store rainbows and keep em in your pack. If anyone comes to talk to you just be like 'I already got my limit boys. These dumb things are so easy to spear!'
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