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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Haha got you all on the edge of your seat and promptly forgot (busy time of the year) So we notice the mayflies are spawning and dropping from the sky and there is a lot of surface activity. So I look in my tacklebox and all I have is a big, ugly orange topwater rapala. So I tie it on, thinking I'm getting skunked and I ended up landing 3 walleye before the night was over. All the other guys I was with were shocked
  2. Had a weird instance about 10 years ago. We were working/ fishing a lake in Northern Ontario and the walleye were on fire. One night, the bite stops. Cold. We can't figure out why until we see the Whoops. Fell asleep before I finished this will edit later.
  3. Whelp. That's good. I didn't want to catch fish on Head Lake anymore anyways. Next can we talk about which lakes you fish frequently and talk about how populated they are with walleye?
  4. As someone who worked the broad scale program back a few years ago I can tell you I'd take those numbers with a grain of salt. The gill nets used typically have much more success catching walleye then Bass or Esox species. For bass, they are too laterally compressed and have difficulty getting their heads stuck in the traps. They typically hit the net and bounce off. Where typically Esox, specifically Muskie, are like a torpedo, and hit the net but just power through. A lot of the Nets used for this information are used by commercial fishermen because they have a tendency to catch the most walleye and yellow perch while reducing the number of fish caught that they can't sell. The fact that the information has percentages rather then numbers too makes it a little suspect. 2 fish out of 4 is still 50%. Same as 200 out of 400. I honestly don't know why they don't switch over to NSCIN for this project (nearshore non-fatal nets)
  5. Got distracted over the summer with work and women. Only got out a few times sadly. Did a bit of coral reef restoration in Thailand for a few weeks too. In serious need of detox in the form of fall and winter fishing though.
  6. Its bad buds. My parents have a cottage on there and the walleye populations have been stedily decreasing year after year. they can't compete with the bass, and a few years ago the shallow water and warm temperatures caused a massive die off. The Dam being destroyed (by pissed off cottagers who want a bigger beach) has been the nail in the coffin. Sad to say, but I use the cottage as basecamp but rarely ever fish the lake anymore. Its unfortunte, the fishing there used to be primo 10-20 years ago.
  7. Instagram: Becsuse idiots need some place to post pictures of their OOS fish. *facepalm*

    1. Acountdeleted


      Wait, Satuday was bass opener? WAAAAHHHH! Who even am I?



      nothing wrong with insta..but i called out a guy posting a musky in april. Idiot.

  8. Funny thing is I've done Grundy and Restoule and am doing Miniskew this year. Restoule is a blast. Lots of good lakes around. Lots of fishing. Grundy isn't great. Go to Black Sturgeon instead on Georgian bay. I'll tell you about Miniskew after the Civic weekend.
  9. Wow! Way to go Pete! Great haul. Looks like a fantastic weekend.
  10. Forgot how much I love targeting sheepshead. Landed a 16.5 pounder Saturday night. Man, can those fish fight!

  11. With Pittsburgh winning the cup, will their first round draft pick be last overall or will it still be dependent on their record in the regular season?
  12. I never saw any of his fights live but I don't think there will ever be another like him. Love him or hate him, he will willing to go to jail and give up fame and fortune for what he believed in. In a day in age now where athletes won't raise their voice for fear of losing sponsorships or losing their multi-million dollar contract, no one will ever, ever do the political things from a sports career that Ali did. RIP to the greatest.
  13. Wow. Great job bud. Some real nice catches.
  14. Go fish at Bluffy lake in Ear Falls. Become friends with Keith who owns the lodge on the lake.
  15. Parents have a cottage on head lake. I'm just a better fisherman then you. I've caught lots.
  16. The predator fish eat perch, small sunfish and the massive population of white sucker that are in there. I think also the Muskie and Bass eat the walleye and smaller bass. Seems to be a healthy food supply. The lake just gets too much pressure now.
  17. Dang great haul. Looks like a nice feed there.
  18. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone out there. Thats some pretty scary stuff.
  19. Edmonton Has had 3 first overall picks in the last....... 5 years? To say that McDavid is their saviour is a little ridiculous when they had Hall, Hopkins and Yakopov. Edmonton has bad D because they refused to draft or trade for D. I know goalies are a little bit more difficult to draft (see DiPietro) but Edmonton has done nothing to address the problems their teams have. They just keep hoping their young stars will one day 'Get it' and they will outscore other teams 10-8. I like Edmonton, I do. I used to live there and got to catch a few games live. Its all the more reason that I'm angry with the nonchalant attitude they are taking to rebuilding the franchise.
  20. I'd take that bet that the oilers get to the cup before the leafs. It may not be in our lifetime but the oilers have made some poor poor decisions and the worst part is they refuse to own up to them. They could have built a decent team by trading some of their big name players but refuse to for some reason. As long as the Oilers have Hall, Nugent-H, Eberle and No-goal-Apov, they aren't going anywhere. (And I mean all 4 of them. I think they should keep 2 and move the other two for their areas of need.)
  21. Can Ottawa fans even name a player that will be picked around 9th? Oh wait. I heard Ottawa believes the second time is a charm and will once again draft Jarrod Cowan with their 9th overall pick. Serious question time for leaf fans. Phenoix comes to you and says they will give you Dylan Strome, Omar Exman Larsson and the 7th overall pick for the first pick. Do you make the trade?
  22. I hope they don't make it to the next round. I love the Raptors but they are playing like garbage. Really, with the last 2 games, they should be eliminated already.
  23. A few people will know what I'm talking about. The blue boathouse is gone. My parents drove by the property and it was taken down over the winter. Going to have to find a new marker I guess.

  24. Pft, what spots? You threw me out on the ice and proceeded to catch fish everywhere but right under my feet. (Nick accomplished that last task)
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