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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. This is really well written and really speaks to me. About 3 years ago I decided to Persuit the almighty dollar to Edmonton. I got a full time gig with a consulting firm at a salary I couldn't refuse. So I packed up and moved away from everything I loved. A year of 20 days on 4 days off and 12 hour days I had more money then I knew what to do with and I was miserable. I had made no friends outside of work, hobbies were based around when I could fit them in and days off were spent being exhausted, cleaning and dreading going back to work. So I moved back to southern Ontario I make less then half of what I made in Edmonton but I play badminton with my mom on Mondays, check out the baseball/hockey games once a week with my dad and fish weekend. I'm happier now and wouldn't trade it for anything. P's- Netminder, let's go fishing sometime bud. I feel like we'd get along well.
  2. Girlfriend wants to live in the city, which sucks. Nothing less then a $400k condo available for a 100km radius. Oh well. Guess we are renting the rest of our lives.
  3. This post is complete nonsense. Some people value time over money. I'd rather make enough to get by and have time to see my family, loved ones and occasionally go fishing and go for a hike rather then working 100 hours a week to make a 6 figured income. Yes, you want to be a CEO? Go to University for 10 years, get your PHD, rack up $250 000 worth of student loans. Work your butt off, and graduate the top of your class. Then take an unpaid internship for the next 2 years while you take another $50 000 loan and work nights and weekends to be able to put food on the table and keep a roof over your head. Then after all of that, the company (or companies) tell you they have put out a hiring freeze and currently don't have a position available. Mister G, what you speak of is a well thought out plan on paper. But it is very very risky. A lot of things can go wrong along this timeline from starting your BA to getting that high paying job. The biggest problem is that if anything bad or catastrophic or tough luck comes along, you are screwed. You're sky diving without a parachute. I've never wanted to be rich. I'm not a thrill seeker and the risks scare me too much. Let me do my 9-5 with the occasional 9-7 or 9-9 with my occasional weekend off so I can go fishing and I'll be happy. On a happier note, we had a tree planting event yesterday where we had about 20 students grades 6-9 come out and plant trees for us. Lots of hard digging, dirty work and way more trees then I thought they would be able to plant. The kids loved it and were sad we didn't have more for them to do. The next generation isn't screwed just yet. There are still some good prospects coming up through the pipeline.
  4. Guys at my parents cottage are in a boat fishing. Parents cottage is Zone 17 with currently OOS bass, OOS walleye and OOS muskie. There are perch and sunfish in the lake but none are bigger then about 4 inches. If we call the MNR hotline will they do anything or do we just have to sit by and watch this disaster?

    1. BillM


      Call, it won't hurt.

    2. Acountdeleted


      Thanks. My dad just gave em a ring. Even if the CO just scares em hopefully it helps.

    3. irishfield


      Cats are open, whitefish, crappie, perch, sunfish...or maybe they're fishing for Pacific Salmon it's open tooo ;O)


  5. I was wondering that too. I was like 'what nonsense is this. Still got another month here. :p'
  6. Universities tell all of us we can be actors and pro athletes and history majors. Then they happily take our money and kick us out the door. Actually, to be perfectly honest, it starts earlier then that. When I was in High School I thought I wanted to be an English teacher. This is only because I had no idea what other jobs were out there. So I went to college for a year and hated it. Then my dad and I did some research on jobs and career paths and I found something I really liked. Forget High School teaching Law and pythagrium Therum and a hundred other things I'll never use, there should have been a mandatory course called 'What the heck are you doing with your life after you graduate?'
  7. I got the quote, its a pretty good one because I'm sure every generation believes it to be true. Netminder, we probably are around the same age and I don't have children either. I truly believe (I'm sure every generation says this as well) that we were the last generation raised right. I agree with you 1000%, we don't need to be beating our kids, giving them lashings in school, and we have come a long way in growing as a society (PS - what are sick days? Or vacation time for that matter? Corporations found a way around that with a little thing called the 364 day contract employee) But I feel that we need to pull it back a little bit now to fine tune everything. My dad used to teach, and I would hear him and a lot of his buddies all the time saying that it was getting really horrible because they felt powerless. A buddy of his once had a student clock him right in the middle of the class, the student got counseling for a couple of weeks in between their classes to determine what triggered them and my dads buddy got two weeks away from the school (paid thank god) to remove what may be a 'difficult situation' for the students. I'm not sure if I want to have kids for fear of other parents telling me I'm wrong for making my kids call adults 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' or 'Aunt' or 'Uncle' for people not related to us (I called all friends of the family 'Aunt' and 'Uncle' as a show of respect growing up). I fear that if I don't give my 7 year old a $500 Iphone, teachers and parents will say I am taking away their ability to be social. I worry that if I take it away from them or ground them that I am not allowing them to express themself and I may be stifling their creativity. As I said, we have come a long way as a society for sure, now we just need to fine tune and bring it back a little bit. Maybe be a little more harsh and strict.
  8. A lot of it though was peer pressure. I'm not saying its right but all of the sudden, 20 years ago Opera and Doctor Phil and some other expert comes on your TV and says 'We've been doing it wrong all these years. Do this and this and this' and 90% of parents said 'That's ridiculous.' But the other 10% had their soapbox and finally had a voice to be able to helicopter over their children and justification for bubble wrapping the world. The problem is then that 10% goes to the schools and says to the teachers 'I've been doing it right all along. You need to change this and this and this.' 10% of people may not seem like a lot but when all of them are putting pressure on the school board, they start looking to make a change. Change happens at school and kids come home saying 'Teachers say this and this and this,' The 90% of parents maybe becomes 80% or 70%. Then the kids coaches and other supervisors get on board, and the percentage becomes smaller and smaller. Now we are at the point where this percentage of parents making the kids the ones in control have the majority. Kudos for those who have and still do stick to their guns. There are a lot of idiots out there that will try to convince you that you are wrong at every turn.
  9. It's because everyone gets a ribbon now and everyone is special. People don't discipline their children anymore, they encourage them to embrace who they are, regardless if they are monsters and jerks. I knew 10 years ago when they started this it would lead to a generation of entitled idiots. George Carlin put it best - If everyone is special. The word loses all meaning.
  10. That win does not make me confidant for the future. It was a heck of a comeback but it could easily be 3-2 for the Pacers with the Raptors facing elimination.
  11. Pretty sure they don't have any of that anymore. Kids now a days are such a bubble wrap generation I doubt they allow students around sharp objects like scissors let alone something like a soddering iron. Everyone is worried they are going to get sued.
  12. Oh! I totally forgot, the Live Bait and Ale house out in Milton just off of the highway is amazing. We had one of the OFC meetups there before. I never thought I would like a veggie burger but they had a black bean burger there that was probably better then most beef burgers around. Its worth a look.
  13. Fish and chips at 5th street and lakeshore is the best on the planet. (I don't know the name we just always call em 5th street) Fire pit at hurontario and Britannia is my fave for burgers Skyway jacks on Mississauga road and Britannia makes a huge breakfast. If you like sushi, heart sushi on Britannia and Mavis is really good.
  14. Its tough. They have the right to do what they want but its a respect and curtsy thing. I keep saying, my buddy's place on Quinte, we have no boat. We have about a 30ft radius to fish and thats it. Can people come up, park their boat right off the dock and cast over our lines? Sure they can, its totally allowed by law. But its a dick move. I don't know whatever happened to people being good Samaritans anymore.
  15. Wow. Great day. and kudos for toughing out the ice and cold. I got out a bit on Saturday but Cooch and Simcoe were a little to windy for my Kayak so I only fished for about 15 minutes before I called her a day. Was still nice to get out on the water.
  16. I'll be honest, if I lived closer I'd come help out if Cliff would take me fishing once or twice a day. That'd be worth more then $30 an hour in my eyes. (I'd just spend the $30 an hour on boat, motor, gas and fishing lures to try to find the fish anyways)
  17. Geez, $15 an hour is good money. If this was a year ago I would have taken you up on that in a heartbeat. Work doesn't come by easy no-a-days. Especially above minimum wage. The world is changing sadly.
  18. Congrats on your first carp. I've had a few in the past that have been small (less then 5 pounds) but I can't wait to get into some big ones. I'm hopeful either Marie Curtis park or the Mouth of the Humber may yield some results this year.
  19. Gotta do this some day. Looks like a blast!
  20. The research vessel won't be named 'Boaty McBoatface and a guy near us has to take his $30K tree house down today. This is a sad day for the kid inside of me.

    1. Fisherman


      Not quite yet, he may be able to pull it off with help from councillor Mammolitti.

  21. Looks great. Glad the boats finally got out
  22. That's such a cool skill to have. Did they say what happens if it's switch pitcher vs switch hitter?
  23. I know my frusteration would be better aimed at the bats (which have been terrible) but blown saves are heartbreaking. I figure if they are down a bunch and mount a comeback and fall short we say 'that is a step in the right direction'. If they are down 3-2 after the first or second innings and they end up losing 3-2 or 4-2 I say it's the bats faults because the pitching held their own. If they are up 2-1, 3-2, 9-8 in the 8th, although it would be nice to have the insurance runs, this is what setup guys get paid for. Shoot, I can go out and blow a save and they can pay me 500k. Really hope Cecil figures his stuff out.
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