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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Teach them young Ryan. Great set of pics Juli!
  2. Very nice report! Can never go wrong throwing in a little underwater footage. Nice fish and keep the reports coming.
  3. Very nice report Cliff and a nice fish as well. Sounds like a great day with some great people. Kudos to Simon and Sean for treating you to such an awesome day.
  4. Just awesome!!! Congrats to all involved.
  5. That's great pic Joe. Couldn't agree with you more. Sitting in an office with the air conditioning broken today, thermostat says 30 degrees now and it's been climbing for the last hour. Will it hit 35...40?? Thankfully I'll be out of here in the next hour or so....
  6. Neither am I! But it's because I'm working not because of the weather...
  7. I don't think they said "fudge" Any recommendations for a camera set up?
  8. My Dad use to say the same thing. Locks, out of sight out of mind - if possible and the best insurance coverage you can afford.
  9. Just need the air conditioner and a generator. Put the top up for shade and good to go. Great idea Joey. Now what stores have any AC units left???
  10. I like your way of thinking Lew.
  11. X2 Just speechless Wayne, words cannot even begin to express how we are all feeling about Jen's progress. Small steps for Jen, giant leaps in the hearts of many. I'm very touched that you have allowed us to be apart of this incredible journey. Thanks for sharing this with us Wayne. Keep on rambling!!
  12. Nothing like the comforts of home in the middle of nowhere. I do tend to agree with the masses here but I think we are all just jealous that none of us came up with the idea first. lol!
  13. Have a great trip Terry!! I shouldn't be too difficult to do so.
  14. It is a great day!!! Just the best news anyone could ever want to hear.
  15. Make it easy on the guy will ya. Give him both, (one from each hand) I am. I hope you can survive such a week. If you need support of any kind just let me know and I'll be there asap.
  16. I can see (barely now after looking at those shirts) why you won Wayne. Care to join us for an ugly shirt day of fishing??
  17. Been carrying a kit for years. Have to check items for expiry dates from time to time....that reminds me. My latest kit the GF grabbed at the Fishing for Tyler event a couple of years ago. A good topic for all Musky Mike.
  18. There was an ad, for Lund I believe, that had a guy standing by his truck with the boat hooked up and a dog in the boat. The caption for the add was "Just tell her it followed you home." Give it a try Brian, might work.
  19. That's just incredible news Wayne!! Thanks for the update and fingers crossed for on Monday. If not Monday, it sounds like it will be very soon.
  20. My thoughts as well Lew. I love my side console but I think I will be looking at a full windshield in my next ride for those reasons. November and December fishing will be more pleasant I'm sure. Brian, I thought the same when I but my boat 9 years ago and bought the 2-stroke. I never would have guessed that gas prices would have jumped like they have especially in the last couple of years. Would have saved me money to have gone with the 4-stroke even with the $3000 price difference back then. Not sure how the Opti vs 4-stroke compare on fuel economy but the prices didn't seem too far apart when I was checking them out at the boat show in January. Just some food for thought.
  21. Good luck and have a great trip! Take me with you please???!!! LOL! Lots of sunblock and drink lots of water guys!!!! One guy on out trip had heat/sun stroke and sounds like Bassive has as well. Have a great trip!!
  22. I'd agree. The tubing shots are priceless!
  23. Nice to see a report from you Cliff! Looks like a great time.
  24. A little bit of performance or is it a long shaft motor when a short shaft should have been used.
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