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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Well it’s been a while since I’ve had a report and figured I better put one together before I leave on the fly in. (Not that I haven't been keeping an eye on this place. ) So here’s the month of June in review. Also known as the month to down size. The day started off great. Made up a thermos of java, loaded the last couple of items in the truck, and I was off. Nothing like driving down the highway with boat it tow as the first light of day is coming upon us. Being the first one at the launch is always great too. With the boat loaded and on the lake I was off to spot number 1. When I came down off plane and went to fire off the first cast of the season I couldn’t believe the nerve of someone and their music. Very annoying to say the least and was pretty po’d. I was even more po’d when I realized that the music was coming from my radio. My alarm clock radio that I forgot to change alarm time on. So my day didn’t start off perfect. I was late on the first day of musky season. I still made it on the water by 8:30am and had a smallish fish follow shortly after. I fished for a few more hours and didn’t see another musky. I decided to switch up to a Bernie jig (well one that Joe and Gerritt had help out with as well) to see if I could get a walleye or 2. A few casts and bamm! Fish on! It was staying down and made a few good runs, first thought was right, musky. A little guy but the first of the season to the boat. A couple of pics for Bernie and I popped the hook while she was still in the water. That would be my opening day. The following weekend I didn’t sleep in. Was on the water by 7am and started to see if I could get an eye or 2 before the sun got up too high. My second cast I ended up with this. 47 x 17. (Medium action spinning rod with 8 pound test.) And the release. My very next cast I lost another that I never saw. Forgot about the walleyes and started casting musky baits around for a few hours and only had 1 more small skie follow up. Went back to trying for some eyes and got 2. A 4 and an 9……..inchers. Never caught a 4 inch walleye before. A ton of small perch and decided to call it a day. This past Friday I had it off and went out with my buddy Malcolm. A very bright, calm, hot day on the water made for some slow fishing for us. Worked some weedlines that broke off into some deep water for some eyes. Ended up getting nothing but one OOS bass that was quickly released. Moved to some mid-lake humps and picked up a few bluegills. Went to another weedline and picked up a catfish of about a 1 ½ pounds or so. Trolled for some muskies for a few hours and came up with nothing. Hit a weed flat to see if we might get a meal of bluegills and ended up with a Kawartha monster. 28x14 8 3/4 pounds! Great job on the pictures Malcolm. The battle on an ultralite oufit and 4 pound test mono, last years line at that. and the release. Covered some more water and didn’t get much else. A great day none the less. Father’s day was yet another lake with the old man. First time on the water together since the hard water season. The target fish were walleye but would take whatever was biting. We ended up with a few pan size eyes, one musky slash at the bait at the side of the boat, and a bunch of perch. A couple of the eyes we got. A good day on the water with 2 exceptions. The first with the in the Nitro that cut right in front of our drift. I could have hit the side of hit boat with my ¼ ounce jig but chose to repeatedly cast it in front of him to let him know I was there. After a few minutes of this I informed him that there was much more water to fish then the 30 ft in front of my boat. He could has fished 30 feet on either side of me and I wouldn’t have cared too much…but when you pull your boat in front of my casts, that’s is just plain being inconsiderate of a your fellow angler. The second was the boat launch chaos with one person stuck and needing a tow. Another that just couldn't seem to get the boat on the trailer. The next person was very impressive and I don’t mean that in a sarcastic way. She pulled the truck around, backed down the launch, her husband drove the boat up to the trailer perfectly. She attached the winch cable and cranked up the boat and they were out of there in a couple of minutes. They should give lessons they did it so well. And I was out of there just as fast, incase you were wondering. All in all it was a great way to spend father’s day I’d say and a great month of June so far. The last weekend of the month will take me back to Cochrane Air services and will be flying into Mikwam Lake again this year. I figure that will be a report on it’s own. For those going to Lakair, have a great time and I’ll be looking forward to those reports. For those staying closer to home for the bass opener I'll be looking forward to those reports as well. Tightlines and be safe.
  2. That's what I was thinking! I was looking for a fish or 2 with more of a green colour and lots of teeth! Great report Joey and congrats to you and Paul on the first slime. VERY NICE!!!
  3. Hey Phil, I'm still hanging around here. Good to hear from you again. Fishing when I can, which hasn't been nearly enough this year. Sounds like the family is keeping you busy.
  4. I've only see this in largemouth's before. That was until Nippissing a couple of weekends ago and I got a smallie that was blotched up. Not as much as yours but quite a bit. I think it's just a skin pigmentation and nothing to be concerned about but I could be wrong. Cool looking fishing though.
  5. Great report Mike. Good on ya Dan for making it all happen. Memories for a lifetime.
  6. Something similar like this came up a few years ago. Someone had posted the link to actual law stating our rights to fish and how no one can legally interfere. I can find it myself but did find this. Fishing Without Fear A phone call is in order I'd say.
  7. Good luck and a speedy recovery.
  8. Great report Cliff, time very well spent.
  9. If it was my turn to cook dinner we'd all go hungry I'd have a VERY difficult time pulling myself away from that action. Big or small, who cares when you are having that much fun. Thanks for the report.
  10. Now that's high tech Simon! The end result is what counts, and that my friend is a cool camera shot. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Nice report Simon, and yes, I'm jealous as well. Love the POV camera angle in the first couple of video clips. Just wondering how you have the camera mounted so you can fish and shoot video at the same time? Thanks for the report!
  12. One day I will get there, who wants to come? Great report Sinker.
  13. SHOTGUN!!! Hmmmmm....I guess that will be Paul's seat since Joey will be doing the driving. Ok then back seat it is! Enjoy the new ride folks, looking forward to the reports.
  14. Great looking pup! Many years of good times to come.
  15. Gerritt and HH, you're too much. Nice to see you again G. Innocent......., gentle......., well let's just say I see you in a whole new light. My gut is still sore too. Mmmmmm.........Pork Candy. Great times gentlemen, great times.
  16. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Tori as well. What a tragedy.
  17. Hey Fang. Don't know of anyone out your way that does covers. I sent these links to a buddy of mine and he went with the Iboats one and was very happy with it. Sounds like you've looked into something along these lines already. Overton's iboat Personally I've just been using the generic covers from Bass Pro, Canadian Tire and my latest one is from Walmart. They have done me well for my purposes but if I was leaving it at a dock for days at a time I'd get a custom one made up. As for the fit none of them were perfect but seemed to do the job. I've gotten about 3 years out of each cover and just bought the third. For about a $150 a pop they have been pretty good protection. for my needs.
  18. Great pic Bernie. We were very gentle animals though. Maybe Joe would be the exception, how many times did he knock over that chair?
  19. Hey Bernie, Forgot to ask you to pass along our thanks to your mom for the world's greatest coleslaw, date squares and whatever that rhubarb thing was. From a guy who doesn't like rhubarb and another who didn't like date squares, we did a pretty good job licking the bowls clean. Kudos to your mom!
  20. Good times, GREAT people!! A special thanks to Bernie hosting us and the awesome Crestliner hoodie. Gerritt, thanks for the invite and organizing a fabulous weekend. Joe, a pleasure as always, love those lemon drops! Cliff, thanks for putting together a great report as always and for not sleeping the entire way home! lol! Damn camera flash. Love the shot of the sheepshead, far more impressed with your northern though. Congrats on both of your PB's Couldn't agree with you more Joe. However, watch the suit jokes.... What happens at Bernie's, stay's at Bernie's. Thanks for the jigs Bernie!! Having not fished Nippissing a lot and hearing the stories of days gone by from Bernie, there is a long way to go before the slot will start to pay off. Thanks for the compliment on the boat, they are a nice rig aren't they.
  21. Kill switch and pfd saved him but I think you have a point, I'll second the Darwin Award candidate.
  22. Nice set up Stoty. Good luck with the job hunting and/or career change.
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