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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2022 in all areas

  1. I was going to visit my sister this morning; it was about 11:30 and decided to grab a burger at Micky D's before heading to St. Thomas. This Mc Donald's shares the lot in a small mall. As I pulled into the lot, I saw a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. He was holding a cardboard sign, that said "I'm hungry can you help?" I didn't think much of it and went on to the drive-through and ordered my burger and fries. As I was driving out I saw that this homeless man was now laying down, all curled up into a ball. I stopped and went over and asked him; if he was ok. He sat up and said that he was hungry. I went to my truck and gave him my burger. He gave me a very sincere thank you and a handshake. I have never even thought of doing this before, but it felt good that I may have helped someone. Dan...
    2 points
  2. So I bought the boat package with the 25hp that’s for the help guys!
    2 points
  3. Yes this is why I asked. Try to have about an inch of your bunk past your boat. This helps support your transom when traveling and your motor is torquing the back of your boat when hitting bumps.
    2 points
  4. Holly... the line up to get in was huge, across the parking lot, down to the next street and half a block down that one and it was the same when we left... much more than I expected and so crowded I really didn't have a chance to shop but good to see so many people out.
    2 points
  5. I have to reply and it's not that I don't care, because I do. But way back when I worked downtown TO with HH there was a homeless guy I took into Tim's on average 1 time a week to warm up (winter wise) and have a bite to eat and a beverage. He was over the top look wise like an addict but every day I spoke to him he was stone sober or could fake it like a pro! I wanted to ensure he was safe and warm one REALLY bad cold night that was coming I gave him the winter jacket off my back to make sure I seen him again in the next few days. He refuesed to take it and so did I to take it back. He took it in the end. I called him 'knuckles' due to his hand tattoos. He was around and safe a few days after that cold snap and still had the jacket and he made sure he opened the door for me when he seen me. I told him he doesn't owe me and doesn't need to do that, he said he sure does. That's the one thing I miss about TO, knuckles and HH (in no order for HH to be offeneded, lol ) A moment in time for those that can is and can be volumes to those that are trying or can't. I'm always watching, willing to help when and where I can and I hope there are many otheres out there who think that way too. No, I am FAR from a RICH man but as a former Queen's York Ranger, nobody is left behind.
    2 points
  6. I came home from work one day and just down the road from me there was a guy in an electric wheelchair scooter just sitting in the road ,so I pulled in my driveway walked down and asked if he had a problem . he said the battery died so I pushed him up to my driveway grab the extension cord and plugged him in then he asked if I had something he could drink. I said water or maybe a coke in the fridge. What no beer, would you have some rum for the coke maybe. No. Sorry While I wait for my scooter to charge would you happen to have an extra smoke. I don’t smoke but I may be able to get you one. ok I’ll have that coke too while you’re at it Charged him up and he left Two Days later there he was sitting in my driveway he says do you think you could charge up my battery again it’s a little low. Yeah sure I can do that’s no problem . Great thanks and could I have a cigarette and a Coke if you got one. No they’re not home today so I wouldn’t be able to get your cigarette I’ll see if I have a Coke. And I charged him up and off he went. The next day as I’m getting home there he is in my driveway already plugged in smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer. Seems my neighbour helped him out. Plugged him into my hydro and give him a beer and a cigarette ..and off he went . I talked to my neighbour ,I remove the extension cord and I was done helping this guy out. I don’t mind helping someone but I’m not going to enable him or let him take advantage of me Some people need help, others want everything they can get for free
    2 points
  7. Hey OFC members, if you're planning on coming to the 1st Annual Peterborough Tackle Swap & Fishing Show, please drop into the Tackle Swap area and say hi! I think that my tables are #8. 9 & 10! Mention that you're a OFC member and I've got something for you! Looking forward to chatting fishing with people in person!
    1 point
  8. Good for you guys who choose to help. Everyone has a story and nobody wants to live on the streets. something has happened to these people to cause their lives to fall apart and I’ve heard from many that it is very, very difficult to break that chain and get back on top. I used to be the sorry no change guy because I felt it was just going to be used to buy booze or dope, but maybe they ARE hungry. Now I give. What’s giving a few bucks I’m gonna piss away anyway?? Do I really need it?
    1 point
  9. Who knows, maybe there are lots. I have fished sae run brookies my whole life, and they are always right tight to shore. I mean like on the bank tight. I don't see anyone fishing them on lake O.
    1 point
  10. You have plenty of room to move your winch forward . Your bunks should reach past the transom! After moving put a weigh scale under the coupler . You want about.... 10% of gross weight at the coupler! Cheers!
    1 point
  11. I think we all have a story, positive or negative, helping our fellow man. I once offered help to a homeless man on James N. in Hamilton and he tried to rob me. I didn't let that stop trying to help others less fortunate. It feels good. I once had a close pal that ended up homeless, great job at Ford Oakville and a great family with 2 teen sons. Drugs, it happens, he never wanted help he wanted cash or stuff for crack. every time I saw him he'd hit me up for a 20. I had to change my schedule because he would be looking for me the same or very next day. He's dead now, made it to 55.
    1 point
  12. I had my inflatable accidentally go off in the fall while duck hunting, and i tell ya, by the time it actually inflated, I would have been drowned. It took a long time, and never actually fully inflated. Definitely do no reccomend for cold weather situations. S.
    1 point
  13. Managed to put the boat on the new trailer this morning. Luckily zero issues came up. Thanks for the advice guys.
    1 point
  14. Some you can and some you can’t. Some you want to help the most are the ones you can’t help at all. One of my best friends was born with a difficulty. He was adopted when he was very young. Most of the time he was good to hang out with. He liked fishing a lot. I took him all over fishing. We caught a ton of fish. I’m glad I could help him enjoy life. Sometimes People with troubles don’t last too long. His parents thanked me at his funeral. I catch one for him every year.
    0 points
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