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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2021 in all areas

  1. A Pittance of Time - Terry Kelly
    3 points
  2. Big fan of Mark Knopfler, found this today, kudo's to whoever put the images together with the song
    2 points
  3. Have fun, hunting is a rewarding activity even when your not successful!. Marketplace idea is very good as well, also kijiji. I picked up 4 ladder stands in good condition for our place up north this year for less than half the cost of new… Sinker is correct, you don’t need new or latest and greatest to be successful. Just about everything I own, from fishing to hunting gear has been bought used in very good to excellent condition including most of my firearms. There is a deal around every corner if your paying attention!!
    2 points
  4. Waterfowling is my #1 addiction. Good luck paying your bills from now on LOL....seriously.... I've been playing that game since I was just a kid tagging along with my old man, now I have had to build an extra large shed just for some of the gear. Its rediculous. There's no place I'd rather be than in a marsh at daylight though. Its something special just being there. Search for used gear on marketplace etc.....One thing I will tell you from a lot of experience is you don't need fancy gear to kill ducks. Just get lots S.
    2 points
  5. Da BYES were strong Lest we forget
    1 point
  6. Living where I do allows me to see the Avro Lancaster most every weekend soaring low and loud over my home, always emotional but today as it flew over as it does every Remembrance Day is far more poignant and tear raising. Respect to all who have served and continue to serve, Amen.
    1 point
  7. Watched two Hercules fly over my house this morning on their way to a fly over downtown. Lest we forget HH
    1 point
  8. Thanks for Wolfs Den Brian, I went there this past weekend a bought my first shotgun. A used one but it cycles well so I'm set to go until the world gets back to production. Apparently firearms & ammunition is in very short supply so I'm OK with waiting a bit now until I can get the one I really want. Thanks Porkpie, when I started down this road I really wanted to get out and learn from experienced (& ethical) hunters, count myself very lucky I have a few in my friend pile. I know it will take me years yet to gain the eyesight my buddy has as he can pick out the birds miles off & know what type they are. I've been lucky to nail some Blue bills, Teals, Ringnecks & Woodies thus far, Mallards have stayed well outside my reach (geese too). (thanks for Epps, I completely forgot about them, I will check out Trombly's) Yes Sinker I can see this getting out of hand but as I said I'm quite lucky that I have a few friends I can go with that will keep costs down....for now at least. Thanks for the marketplace idea
    1 point
  9. Only had a few hours this morning,so went local. I,ll bet John was smiling down on me. MOJO
    1 point
  10. Contact Moira Rose, she can help you.
    1 point
  11. just buy a honda 2200 inverter.....it will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. S.
    1 point
  12. They say you are what you eat so I guess you are what you eat eats and I have seen a crow eat a dead skunks arse , so I’m not going to eat crow
    1 point
  13. Nope, but I did get a call that a parcel that I had ordered containing illegal substance was being held at customs and if I didn’t call them they would come and arrest me. So far they have not showed up. What a bunch of crap. Get a job and make a living like I did. I have their number and may call them back and offer duct cleaning on their mud hut and offer cattle care and spear sharpening.
    1 point
  14. Those are definitely some dead ducks you got there. Enjoy your new hobby!
    1 point
  15. Don’t shoot the long white ducks with the green heads and long beaks. That will be an eating experience you will never forget or want to replicate! And Buying hunting gear from small shops is getting harder everywhere unfortunately. We only have a few small shops out my way and some of the better ones have closed down. I deal with Clinton sporting goods and do most of my business for shooting, reloading and hunting gear with him, great shop and owner is awesome to deal with, plus my range is just down the street so I get there every time I go shooting. But that’s a heck of a long way from cooks bay and I don’t know if he ships. I have also done a lot of business with Elwood Epps for over 25 years and have never been disappointed with them. I stop in every time when we are heading to our place up North. Best place in Ontario for used firearms selection. Also in the Orillia area is Trombly’s tackle box. The owner Remi is a stand up guy and old hunting buddy of mine. Very good selection and a nice shop to look around, with a lot of selection. That’d be where I look. Between Trombly’s, Epps and Wolfs Den you should cover all your bases!
    1 point
  16. Had a couple of Bush Chickens given to me last week so I did a little shake and bake with them in the Air Fryer. Served with some of my Pineapple Jalapeno Relish and a side Curried vegetables over rice. I could have reduced air fryer time by a few minutes but overall, pretty damn tasty.
    1 point
  17. Hello guys, My name is Joel Theriault and I wanted to introduce my family’s tourism operation based in Northern Ontario, Canada (1 hour west of Timmins). We have a drive-in lodge, cottages, boat-in camps, and fly-in camps. We host all types of groups looking for outdoor adventures. Here’s a few of my pictures. You can find us at www.airivanhoe.com If you have any questions, please reach out! Cheers, Joel Theriault 705-899-2155
    1 point
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