That boat was a 1966 model if memory serves me, and it was 18 feet measured at the waterline. Today the marketers would probably call it a twenty footer! 🙄 Gunwale height was below my waist but not much. It was a BIG boat for small water, steering wheel of course, prop was a fair ways down if you wanted to run shallow. I don't recall how many times I had to replace/rebuild the prop, but it was quite a few. It just wasn't the boat I needed for the kind of fishing I was doing once I was no longer out on Lake Ontario, Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. And at heart I am a tiller boat guy, the steering wheel was great for downrigging but not worth a fart for back-trolling, and there was literally no place for a bow-mount electric. If you are going to own two boats, I suggest two used units, one that is OK for big water and for farting around with the family, tubing and that kind of stuff, and one that you can use for "most" fishing off of the big water. My $0.02.