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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Putting the new rig to work at the cabin.
    2 points
  2. My sticker expired in June and I finally got around to renewing it in March. Only cost me 40ish bucks for the remainder of the sticker, if I remember correctly. Thought it odd, seemed like an incentive not to renew on time.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Sweet potato patties in butter, brown sugar and sea salt. Mothers Day favorite for TW.
    1 point
  5. Sorry another thread ruined by our covid cowboys who will not leave it alone. I am going to start modding accounts. I am tired of the reports on people belittling others and spreading half truths on this subject. Take it to P.M. or off the site. thanks Art
    1 point
  6. This was nuts. I am barely can survive couple minutes in conditions like that.
    1 point
  7. So, how was the fishing? I haven't gone yet, but plan to go this evening. That sign is NOT going to stop me. I am a resident of this area, and I will be launching my boat and going fishing with my family. Give me my ticket, see you in court, I am done following rules that make no sense. See you on the water!! S.
    1 point
  8. This is when Canada contracted for the bulk of their vaccinations. Pretty well everyone who wants a shot will get it by the end of June. Second shots will go till the end of summer. 15,207,678 Vaccines have been given in Canada ( 6 M in 2 weeks) 33.6 % have received at least one dose 5,740,761 vaccines given in Ontario as of yesterday 46.16% of the vaccine eligible population with one dose
    1 point
  9. I really doubt the lockdowns or whatever buzz word they want too call it is lifted the Friday before May 24 weekend.
    1 point
  10. And buying a boat should feel much like buying a house, when you see it you simply know it’s the one from the get go, If you are humming and hawing...go find a different boat
    1 point
  11. I can use the bailer from the boat, no? Thanks everyone! Feels like a lottery win for sure. I had been looking for a few months and there aren't a lot of great options unless I wanted to pay over $7500 which wasn't going to happen (unlesss I wanted 20HP and less). The seller said he had 40 people contact them within the first few hours, and even though I offered to buy it unseen (they had posted lots of photos), they said I had to go in person. I got there as another guy was viewing the boat and I started chatting with the owner about fishing and found out he has a place on Lake Nipissing (which I visited years ago at Lakeair during an OFC trip, so we had a great chat). The other guy, who didn't look away from his phone (Facetime) and didn't even say hello when he arrived made a low ball offer, and the owner looked at me and said "You want to buy a boat?" of course I said "Absolutely, I would like nothing more than to own this boat!" and he told the other guy "Sorry, it's sold." One of the happiest moment in my life, I felt a connection to this boat the moment I laid eyes on it, and the Yammy is exactly what I wanted!
    1 point
  12. true but the municipalities are taking the instructions of 'closing the outdoors' from the provincial government. they are are following the erroneous orders.
    1 point
  13. the prov. government has really messed up by closing the outdoors. its the exact opposite of what their science advisors are telling them to do. no wonder we are in such a mess.
    1 point
  14. I don't believe Trump ever had Covid in the first place. Was just a ploy to show his followers how easy this "flu" is to recover from.
    1 point
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