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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2021 in all areas

  1. I grew up at the tail end of the Polio epidemic, there were 3-4 kids I went to school with that had varying degrees of disability from it and others with family members laying in a iron lung somewhere. You didn't hear anyone complaining about waiting in line at the neighborhood schools for whole families to get their shots to prevent it. Smallpox vaccine? You got you shot or no school for you?
    2 points
  2. From OOD, page 22. From OOD page 22. Chumming for fish Chumming is a common practice among anglers and refers to baiting an area to attract fish. However, there’s been longstanding confusion between chumming and regulations associated with bait-bucket dumping. For this reason, included in the 2019 proposal for multiple lines, the MNRF also sought input on clarifying these rules.At the time, the OFAH expressed concerns that the wording provided in the fishing regulations on bait bucket dumping was confusing and needed to be updated, and that the definition of bait for the purposes of chumming should be clearly defined and exclude risky baits (e.g. live or dead fish, bait-fish, leeches, frogs, crayfish, and roe. THE OPENER OFAH INSIDER It is now illegal to release or attempt to release live or dead bait or baitfish, including fish eggs, gametes or fish parts, the water, soil, or other materials used to hold any of these items into or within 30 metres of any water. These rules apply to all FMZs across Ontario. Chumming is still allowed, but only with plant-based baits or artificial corn.
    1 point
  3. I'm back in the GTA for the last few weeks but pretty much all of my fishing buddies have either left the city and/or have left the sport! I'm also partly guilty because I've been travelling a ton the past few years, living abroad, and fishing sporadically... How time flies... it seems like it was just yesterday that I was posting pictures of my pike and carp catches from the Toronto Islands ...
    1 point
  4. You make it sound like it was so long ago,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    1 point
  5. Hahaha, some fish will bow down pretty low for a meal.
    1 point
  6. Drop a can of corn with punched holes in it at the mouth of the Notty for whities and splake. Oh those were some good fishing days.
    1 point
  7. Remember waaay back a bunch of us used to go out on the ice around Thompsons hole and catch the splake there.
    1 point
  8. Theres drag on a 209? LOL I've never Messed with it. I use 2 of them for leadcore. I hate them. S.
    1 point
  9. And I used to chum off the wall at Owen Sound and when jigging for whities, bows, salmon and lakers out of the boat in the harbor using a chum can.
    1 point
  10. Born in 1950, same here, at least 4 polio survivors ( braces , wheelchairs, withered limb ) in my small rural 3 room school of about 75, and those were the ones that made it. Of course back then, were had Connaught Labs to develop and manufacture vaccines for us and the world. edit: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2020/03/11/the-public-lab-that-could-have-helped-fight-covid-19-pandemic.html
    1 point
  11. I had a fishing buddy Scott and we sure fished a lot. Our fishing did halt but it was none his fault. My dog had just died and for weeks I had cried. It was a bit of a rough ride so I made excuses to hide. See I had lost all my pride so from friends I had shied. That being said..... I've had a bit of a rough life but not as rough as my dear old wife. You see they wouldn't let my missus on the ride at the fair. Sun of gun told me it's cause she's five foot square. Well enough about Hough! You came here to read fishn' stuff So let me tell me something to you It's about ice fishn' with Lew. My grandpaps used to get dickerd on rye. Then the stories about fishing they started to fly He told me bout these big cats they used to call mudeye Caught them on top of a mountain up high. Even showed them pictures to me, my oh my! I got a little something I'd like to share I once bought something from a guy named Jer. It was a horse that he told me was a mare. Looked under the hair and saw little something extra there. It turned out.... The darn thing was bear! So when my buddy said Hough the the trout fishn' has been tuff. I grabbed him by the scruff and said enough is enough. To hell with those trout we'll going fishn' mudpout. I'll take you to the lake that grandpaps told us all about. So we loaded the underwater camera and fish radar-sonar-jammer. Jumped in the truck and put down the hammer Hope your keeping up, my momma says I've got a bit of a stammer. But as long as you do I'll continue to yammer. Like about that time I dated this girl from the Hammer. The girl was straight out the slammer. If she was any hotter it would have melt her. Turned out she worked at the smelter. img bb We got to the lake and set up near a quarter past two. I said watch this Lew as hooked on a big dew. The worm made a squirm but was stuck on there firm. I lowered it down deep next to an underwater berm. My lure dropped in the mud with a fish calln' thud. I stirred it around and kicked up a couple scud from the crud. I knew this would surely call in a big stud. Now all I had to do was sit back and wait for the tug. Although the tug is the drug nothing beats a good ol' fish hug. I once dated a girl with blue eyes and I sure hope my doctor tells me lies. Because of her he says its like I slept with a hundred guys. Whoops! Were was I, ah yes we were fishn' mudeyes. The sonar flasher was purring like my cat I named Irving. Turned out the night crawlers weren't the only thing stirring.. Lew was outside the hut writing his name in the snow with his urine. Did I ever tell you bout the time I tried learnin' I believe its something that they called french immersion. All my words came out like I was into the bourbon, so decided to move on to this other one called german. Turns out for this fella speaking is a bit of a burdan. The first fish up the hole stared at us like some under water mole or vole. Lew clubbed him between the wiskers and it made his eyes roll. A couple more fish and we'd be close to our goal So I set up my pole over an 100 foot shoal. My lure dropped to the bottom like it was weighted with coal. I packed in my mouth a big wad of mint Skoal. When all of a sudden there was a commotion at Lew's hole. It turns out Lew had set the gears into a tank. It was a big ol cat and Lew was struggling to crank. His rod bent over like he had hooked the river bank And I didn't think he'd get it to hole if I was gonna be frank. Then the line went slack and my old beat up heart sank. That's when Lew dove his arm down deep into the drank. Well he grabbed that fish by the gums and he gave it a yank. Out of that hole came a big fat and greasy two foot plank. He held it up high and the fish gods he did thank. Then some random youngster yelled out "Yo that fish is dank!" After that Lew picked up his club and gave it a spank.
    1 point
  12. Better the few hundred bucks in my jeans then theirs, always. They will get it eventually until then that 2% interest isn't going to make me rich but it makes me feel better.
    1 point
  13. I've seen lots of guys posting about using those driveway markers as replacement poles for pop ups. Cheap fix. Lol I just went on a fb ice fishing group and one of the Admin just posted the instructions using those fiberglass driveway markers. "Measure twice and cut to size. Remove old pole. Cut off and drill out the pole from the hub portion. Add two part epoxy and insert the pole. Pop it up and let sit till hard. So pole doesn’t twist after setting. "
    1 point
  14. Everyone in Canada obeys laws to one extent or another. Some people speed, some don't. Some people are obeying the stay at home order, some are not. I'm not sure how that puts you in any position to judge crappieperchhunter for making their own choice.
    1 point
  15. Great memory! June 2007, Little Vermillion Lake pike and walleye! That Canon G5 is one of my all time favorite cameras, even considered buying the new G cameras because of it! Thanks Pump!! I still cant believe we have never crossed paths with the amount of fishing we do around the GTA.
    1 point
  16. I’m gonna wait it out. My car is running fine without the sticker.
    1 point
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