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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2021 in all areas

  1. You got it wrong, he is the BOSS. He can fire yer ass . LMAO
    3 points
  2. Well Scott I will be 70 this year, no idea how much it would help me, even if it works, but seeing younger people with MS and other auto immune diseases be able to live without the hassles of them sure seems like a plus to me!
    3 points
  3. Yup Perfect smoking temps . Ribs are on the menu for Saturday .
    2 points
  4. My comment wasn't political.. neither right nor left.. I'm not pushing an agenda.. its was an observation... He has freedom of speech.. he didn't get unelected, he can say whatever he wants. As a matter of fact his freedom of speech.. just got alot free-er. He got removed from the party.. He's still an MPP, that's an internal party issue.. not an overtly political one. Both parties have been outsing people for years.. especially if they have a mandate and dont need them. On an side.. Id rather not talk about politics here.. but Rizzo is a long long time member.,. and I like him lol... and Rizzo.. his constituents are his boss...
    2 points
  5. i think people are reading way too far into this...and the hilarity of that, is the ones the most concerned about the rules are typically people that follow the rules anyways. Just like a padlock....it keeps an honest man out. If you havent realized by now that you shouldnt be getting together with a group of buddies and all driving up north in a truck to go ice fishing together, then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM This is the thing about covid...you are always at the mercy of your weakest link. In Ontario currently (luckily!) It hasnt got as bad as it is in the united states (yet) and the reason for that is the general concensous is that yes...this thing is dangerous...yes we should be wearing masks sanitizing our hands and washing them frequently...yes we should by hyper aware of who we come in contact with and the reason for all of this is because the large concensous is that we as a country have agreed that we should be doing everything reasonable to combat this thing. What gets scary is that in the United States, the disease is so rampant that its literally impossible to avoid. I have been hearing stories about people that much like Terry have been compromised by a simple a trip to the pharmacy even after taking every precaution they could. Thats a level that I really hope we never get to. The point in this stay at home measure is to maybe get some of us to clue in to the fact that even though a guy like me, gets to work from home, and I take every single precaution I can, that if Im going to go ice fishing, I most definitely need to be doing it on my own...or at absolute worst if a friend is on they lake...im still fishing alone but that friend may be nearby cutting his own holes, landing his own fish in his own tent. If you havent figured that out yet then you probably never will. You will be at the mercy of the law and being harassed by law enforcement/MNR. Drive to your fishing hole, obey the road rules, travel alone, fish alone, catch a lot of fish, keep some for dinner..drive home alone, pay at the pump, santize your hands immediately without touching anything in your truck, dont go to the tackle store, stay sober...enjoy your day fishing. You arent going to have a single problem in your day except maybe getting bit of a time or two by a pikes teeth. Tight lines!
    2 points
  6. Let me clue you in we do not have moderators or Admin. we are the owners of the site. Art
    1 point
  7. Agreed, scary... you cant dare have another viewpoint on this whole thing, in my opinion the lockdown effects are just as bad as covid or worse in the long term... A lot of all of this doesn't make any sense and your wrong it seems if you question it.
    1 point
  8. I'm printing this off, putting in a frame and hanging in my front office/client's waiting room. Most of my clients know Cathy (The wife) and will get a good laugh out of it. THANKS FOR POSTING. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  9. I as of last March I have been in contact with two other people other then the people In my household I have not been to any gatherings, weddings or anything we get our food and other things delivered or curbside pick up i have not been to a job or a tackle store and all this even when there was no lock down I have been to a gas station I wipe things down pay at the pump buy in bulk for my toys and wipe must down when done I am one of the most careful people in Ontario but I go fishing when I want and that is not a loophole it’s legal if you don’t feel comfortable doing it don’t But don’t try to make me feel bad doing it hell it’s been almost a year without fishing with a friend in my boat atv or skidoo
    1 point
  10. My view on do's and don'ts is a little different. Everyone is looking for loopholes to carry on with their regular lives. We have a Federal government that tells us to stay home yet allows plane load after plane load to arrive at our airports simply telling those on board that they must self isolate? If those who choose to fly are that self entitled what makes us think that they will voluntarily quarantine? Since Jan 1 thirty (30) planes arrived in Canada with passengers that had Covid-19. We have a Provincial government that rather than doing what they should have done many months ago played the political two step and look where that has got us, a proverbial poop show! They now have declared a state of emergency with regulations that are unenforceable. It's a fact that Covid-19 does not get on a plane or in a car or on a snow machine. It needs a carrier, WE are the carrier. It did not enter nursing homes to infect our loved ones by osmosis, WE took it in getting infected elsewhere in the community. Let's be honest with ourselves, unless you get tested constantly, most of us have no idea if we are an asymptomatic carrier spreading Covid-19 wherever we go. It appears as though based on the current level of vaccination it will be a year before everyone is vaccinated. I guess STAY HOME is the one thing that WE can all do to help the cause. If WE don't move around it can't!
    1 point
  11. If people don't start to stay home and stop the community spread you ain't seen nothing yet!
    1 point
  12. I will leave the video up but have turned off/ removed comments they had become confrontational this is not a place where political stuff can be discussed nor will we promote it. Thanks Art
    1 point
  13. Yes I agree medical staff are working their asses off and could easily bring the virus home with them. So I'm not belittling them by any means; my daughter is a registered nurse at sick kids, here in London. But what about the other essential workers/businesses out there; me being one. I have signs on my customer entranced door; "must wear face covering to enter, no more then 3 clients at a time in the front office/waiting room". Your name, time, date and your temperature will be logged in on our visitors sheet. Who was my first client through the door this morning, a non compliant that had no mask; saying what does it matter. I asked him to leave; man was he pissed that I wouldn't work on his vehicle. I wasn't willing to take a risk of catching the virus or the fine for allowing him not to obey the new rules. Oh man my business is sucking a hind t!t! Not sure how I'm going to pay January's bills. I have three grandkids now and I'm not going to let them or the rest of may family down over profit. This is Dan stepping off his soap box. The hounds are calling though! Dan.
    1 point
  14. as always some amazing fish and pictures. Thanks for putting that together!
    1 point
  15. don't be that way...It'll happen. No way are they going to lock it down that long...they better not!
    0 points
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