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  1. It,s been over a month since I hit the river. All this messed up weather put me in a funk and the river a mess .What a gorgeous morning to hit the river. -1 no wind and NO other anglers to be seen . Now that is social distancing .Man is the water up. Where I would be knee deep,I was waist deep. I have not bottom bounced in many years, but this mornings conditions warranted it. Paid off. Fresh runner that is heading to the smoker Saturday morning.
    3 points
  2. I guess it’s been a while since I put together a proper fishing report. It’s not for lack of fishing, however! I’ve been out fishing regularly, mostly from canoe or shore fishing locally in the GTA, often solo, occasionally with the kids in tow. Living my best dad life raising two boys certainly limited my time to write and share my adventures, but I hope to share more in 2021. Since moving back to Ontario about 8 years ago, I’ve struggled to find as many pike and musky as I used to. I generally dedicate at least 75 hours into muskies, and likely the same or more time looking for urban pike. I’ve spent far less time returning to old muskie spots, opting to try new locations looking for larger fish. It's been a challenge, putting in hours hours of fishing in poor conditions (limited time off to when my wife - who works retail hours - was home or could arrange childcare) I had a couple of seasons with just one or two fish in the net, despite seeing fish and generating follows. Things changed after finally meeting up with Captain Bunker for a big river mission in 2018. We had talked about fishing together for years, but the stars never aligned until one fateful fall day in October, and then a week or two later - my two biggest muskies! 16 years after my first muskie, two 50+ inchers hit the net! Big water equals big fish. My biggest freshwater fish, until I got out again the next year to fish for dinosaurs with Bunk... One of many that day! More at bunksoutdoorangle.com! 2020 Fishing I don’t think anyone will forget 2020, it’s been a hell of a year for everyone! My plan was to fish pike hard early season, but the local lockdowns made access to my favourite spots a challenge, and the rest of my spots were loaded with new fishermen that found themselves with free time and nothing else to do. I was lucky to get in a trip to Florida before things really got bad, even caught a Jays game and did a little bit of fishing! To avoid crowds I started fishing at night for early season walleye, and despite seeing them caught by other night anglers, I couldn’t dial one in. I made up for it in the fall with a couple of accidental walters while fishing for muskie. Late spring went well, catching pike consistently in Gloucester Pool (in-laws cottage), nothing big, but I always enjoy catching pike on spinnerbaits. I got out for a couple of early season muskie trips, but again couldn’t turn follows into bites! This is where Covid got serious and my fishing trips mostly ended as temperatures were also on the rise. January GTA pike Backyard creek trout in Port Credit Solo canoe fishing Tiny planet May pike Once September rolled around I really had the itch to get out for muskie, but I didn't want to travel far from home with Covid cases still on the rise. I knew the chances of getting out on the water with Bunk again was slim to none, but as luck would have it my old friend Johnny had been in touch and while he was having luck with salmon, was interested in going for muskie as well. With the Niagara River practically in his backyard, and just over an hour drive for me, it was the perfect place to meet. I had seen a couple of musky there before while aiming for walleye and bass but I didn’t have high expectations. Boy was a wrong! We dialed in fish almost immediately using swimbaits and started meeting regularly to target muskies from shore. We figured out weather/wind patterns and major/minor phases that resulted in catching muskies on most of our trips, often hooking/catching multiple fish within a couple of hour. Johnny was diagnosed with a severe muskie fever in early September 2020 and went into spending mode, amassing an impressive amount of muskie gear in a few short weeks. As fate would have it, the muskie God’s were not satisfied. Despite each of us logging 80-100 of casting (and visiting the Muskie Factory in Windsor), he didn't connect with another muskie before season closed. While I managed a few solid fish, the highlight was sharing my love of muskie (I guess it's contagious) with Johnny. Having a good buddy to share in the highs and lows (not to mention having a net man with long reach!) was priceless and certainly the highlight of a crazy year. Pretty little muskie Night muskie December muskie Wishing you all good health and big fish in 2021!
    2 points
  3. Milwaukee fuel brush less gen 2 hands down.
    2 points
  4. Fair enough Joe, winter is the only season I've not been there, but I should have known.
    2 points
  5. Have to agree about GPS in the boat for sure, saved me a couple times out on G Bay, one minute it's sunny, the next your in a fog bank you can't see 20 feet. About 15 years ago, out salmon fishing very early, still dark. As the sun rose, the fog rolled in and then it was GPS navigating only, other than checking the depth on the F/F. Remembered to "believe" what the GPS is showing you, took me directly back to the dock that I couldn't see until the last 20 feet. A few others out there were hooting and hollering, rather funny but not. One guy ended up around on the claybanks about 3 miles from camp.
    2 points
  6. Some nice fish there Clive and good to have you back, it's been a while.
    1 point
  7. jezus, that would be a lifetime accomplishment for me right there. WELL DONE!
    1 point
  8. On sale at CT, reg 299.99 I bought it 129.99. If anyone else is interested. DEWALT DCD778C2 20V MAX Brushless Compact Cordless Hammer Drill Kit, 1/2-in (25) 4.7 out of 5 stars. 25 reviews #054-2235-2
    1 point
  9. Reading that they are considering using it as a single dose given that it is 80% effective as a single dose and 95 % effective as a 2 dose. Long time since I studied statistics , would twice the people with 80% immunity be better than half as many with 95 % ? Also, though they really didn't have enough time to study it would the immunity last as long ?
    1 point
  10. I recall trolling out from Vale's Point, same thing, but pre GPS days. Trolled on a compass bearing back and forth, and got ashore by dead reckoning. A GPS would be a better idea. Anyways yes I agree that a GPS is very handy on a boat and I have a good hand-held unit (and carry spare batteries!) But for sure GPS onboard in a "fish finder" would be a good thing. Doug
    1 point
  11. Hopefully the Covid scare is over soon and we can get back to fishing (and beverages) fun.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for those inspirational words, Bunk. All the best to you and yours! And back to Dan D, was that used rag found in a '72 Chrysler imperial? (Asking for a friend..........) Doug
    1 point
  13. This is the one we're getting in the NWT. I don't know why we're not getting the other one as it could just be stored on the porch. The Moderna one will need to be brought inside to keep it warm!!!! 😜
    1 point
  14. Did the floor in my lund with poly board. Never have to do it again. Easy cleaning no rot
    1 point
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