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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2020 in all areas

  1. Yup! Thanks BillM It is all about the fun, not fishing for food
    2 points
  2. Got one today 6.6 pound hen
    2 points
  3. The asst living facility my Dad is at just called 4 employees and 9 residents have it. Not him though, he'll be 100 Dec. 20th.
    1 point
  4. I took all of the carpet out of my old ranger and replaced it with vinyl. It didn’t take that long and only cost me a few hundred bucks. I used the vinyl thinking it would be easier to work with than carpet and it turned out pretty good. Save yourself a bunch of dough.
    1 point
  5. well I did resend it. I missed the "review" part the first time and when done again I did get an email :)
    1 point
  6. No idea, on this side of the lake they are catching walleye from the piers and other shore line access spots.
    1 point
  7. You might get into some Chrome, I've caught a couple in mid November(s)but don't fish the Grand enough to say when the run starts.
    1 point
  8. I’ve got a glass boat with a keel guard and that boat has been beached plenty of times. It’s a boat after all. The topside is for looks and the bottom is for business. Lol
    1 point
  9. Fisherman, Contact your local utility. I believe you have to register and it is province wide.
    1 point
  10. Oh but Joe.. "it's not happening to anyone I know". Locked down here since March.. protecting my honey. Even our own kids don't come in the house, as they are both essential workers. One is running a township and the other designing all the new long term homes. Can't imagine what we'd be going though if #3 was still with us..
    1 point
  11. Been doing it for a long time, just remember to wear boots and push the boat out a bit when climbing in or out. Pick your spot away from pointy rocks
    1 point
  12. I still have my mother’s Mitchell 300 from over 60 years ago. The best ones were the originals made in France.
    1 point
  13. He loves fishing! It’s great, it’s kinda odd he likes it though being he has ADHD. But he does pay super attention to stuff he enjoys.
    1 point
  14. I know this is from an old post but I often go back and read old posts to see where we are compared to where we were. We haven't been able to see Uncle Vince since February. Zero visitors and I wouldn't go in there if he were on his death bed. He is now 92, drank, gambled and smoked before he was a teen and was at the Casino everyday and or night 7 days a week until he got ill. He retired with 35 years service where he occasionally worked. If he worked 10 of those 35 years that's a lot. He was always off sick or injured. He always drove around with 5 grand under his spare tire in the trunk just in case, of what I never understood. He was a wise guy if anyone knows what that means. He's the guy they make movies about. If he has a peaceful passing I know that I would be relieved as he would no longer be just laying there breathing and eating through an IV. What he has is no life whatsoever. We have more compassion for our pets when their quality of life is poor. The front line workers in these nursing homes are over worked and underpaid, when that occurs people slack off their jobs, it's human nature, it must be terrible hating what one does for a living. We are or already have become a country of haves and have nots. The have nots for many reasons make up the majority of Covid-19 cases and deaths around the World. Our minority citizens make up something like 15% of Canadian society and are something like 35% of all Covid cases.
    1 point
  15. Too bad us ordinary Canadians who have built this nation will be left out and a few who know who will do well on our expense. Canada should be united, yes provinces, have a certain identity as I have with my family, when it comes in times like this we should unite as a Nation.
    1 point
  16. The Ontario "plan" to get kids back to school is so flawed, it's only going to make things worse than they are now. Just a couple of points to ponder... -they have no real plan for kids showing up sick. Yes, they will put a room aside to keep the sick kids in, until their parents arrive to pick them up. Whose going to be in that room all day with sick kids? In many cases, sick kids wait for their parents for hours, while they are at work -mass retirements being announced across the board. In some cases this is good, in others, problematic -admin staff in schools (Office staff) will be responsible for entrance checks, ie temp checks. This responsibility falls on the principal and VP. With the average school having 600 kids or more, temp checks will take until lunch time! -busing is a nightmare! I could go on..... I think the thing that we have neglected to consider in these plans is that the virus is transmitted mostly through the air, so anywhere people are in enclosed spaces, it thrives. We have done a great job to this point in reducing people's exposure by wearing masks and avoiding enclosed spaces, only to shove our kids and educators into exactly that. IMHO, virtual learning is the only way to go to protect our most vulnerable. HH ***Full disclosure*** My wife is a Principal in the TDSB. I may have some insight into the goings on!
    1 point
  17. Lew, when this thing started and we had shortage of PPE supplies my first thought was why do we depend on others for this stuff. We have a giant empty GM plant in Oshawa Fully powered, why not divide it and make all of the equipment we need, here in Ontario. People work and no chain supply. BC supplies the raw material for masks which we send to the US and other places so we can buy it back and at one time they were trying blocking us getting it from 3M. Does this make sense? I read a while back that some of the plant is being used, lets use it all and we can export. Hopefully it will get better soon but we must be prepared. In 2013 we had the ice storm, I made it a point to Make sure if it happens again I will have power. Always had food stock on hand. I will check my purchase from COSTCO to see where they were made. THEY ARE CHINA MADE, 50 of them!
    1 point
  18. Didn't get their number
    1 point
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