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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Well all I can say is that I'm very relieved that the gang bangers who are the root of the gun problem will now have to turn in their Klyukva Rocket Launchers and Russian Artillery M1942 Anti-Tank Guns. I guess we'll be much safer now that they're stuck with their illegally obtained revolvers, 9mm lugers, and glocks. Thanks for your strong stance and protecting us Justin but if you really think this is any sort of solution to gun crimes, you're kidding yourself and your minions.
    3 points
  2. we are safe now
    3 points
  3. It's incredible how far away that ground is. I use to watch my dad struggle to pick things thinking never happening to me. WRONG WRONG WRONG
    1 point
  4. Lets hope that smart heads keep this open when it does. We do not need luggans at the launches . They will get shut down real quick . Do not forget,everyone has a cell phone. A quick video and report and well, back to no launching . Myself I do not need one,but this does not mean I do not care for my fellow boat owners that need a launch . I am really looking forward to sitting on my toon in a couple of weeks . I also hope to be back to work in 7 days . I hope I can squeeze in the door .LOL
    1 point
  5. i think it will change shortly kawarthas plan on opening boat ramps on may 12
    1 point
  6. Just won a bunch of Blues Award, he is only 21, still hope for the future of blues
    1 point
  7. I’m no gun expert but am an occasional hunter. I think proper assault rifles have fully automatic firing capabilities, and were already banned in Canada. I think the list is in large part rifles styled to look like assault/sniper rifles. It’s a long list and I’m unfamiliar with most of the names on it. Handguns are still legal so far as I know, you just need a special licence. I think gun enthusiasts and collectors are most likely to be affected by these new rules. I think the most commonly purchased bolt action rifles and shotguns are mostly unaffected from your average hunters perspective. But that’s just my 2 cents
    1 point
  8. You mean the Motel report where the Morals are lacking, lol.
    1 point
  9. This is definitely one market segment that is going to be hit hard. So many strikes against them...non-essential, American clientele, and small business. Plus with so many job losses and a looming recession, spending is tight. I hope they have a booming fall season.
    1 point
  10. Can you go 500 miles in Europe without crossing a border or few? The standard of living, trade, and relative peace make travel there much more likely than in Africa or South America? How much of the population of either continent can afford a trip to an exotic? land like China? If the alleged richest country on earth? can't seem to deal with it? it's no wonder it may pose an even greater threat to 3rd world nations? Both parents of one of my sons closest friend tested positive the other day, they work as a team ( truck drivers ) so I figured there might be a higher risk for them, but the thinking is that they got it from a family friend that stopped by for a visit before he had signs of illness. Hope all goes well for them, they are in the age group, and with underlying conditions that may pose problems.
    1 point
  11. So much of their business is from the states as well. Many are owned by Americans that of course can’t cross the border to even see what shape their camps are in. The frustrating thing is that nothing can be done right now.
    1 point
  12. I think this kind of business is going to be some of the last to reopen , so the whole summer could be lost
    1 point
  13. Property owners only pay property taxes on the days they are at their cottage right?
    1 point
  14. I fished both days with my kids. We got skunked as well!! I don't feel so bad now!! Couldn't beat the weather though!!
    1 point
  15. Just finished binge watching Ozark on Netflix. All 3 seasons at 10 episodes a season. I like it.
    1 point
  16. I give up drinking for a month. I give up. Drinking for a month.
    1 point
  17. Clint Eastwood plays the lead and directed it. A WW2 vet that becomes a drug mule for the Mexican cartel. Very good. Great cast too. Bradly Cooper plays the FBI agent. The Green Book is a 6 out of 5 for me. I can't count how many times we have watched it. Based on the actual Green Book that was used by African Americans along routes in the 60's. A true story of a NY Italian man that is racist but he doesn't know it driving a black concert pianist through the racist southern states to get to his performances. The actual Green Book listed those places that would serve and house Blacks. Sad as well as inspiring. To me anything that evokes a strong emotion in people is Art.
    1 point
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