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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2020 in all areas

  1. A little light humour in all of this doom and gloom.
    4 points
  2. I am getting a new Sunbrella travel cover done for my StarCraft Superfisherman 190 next week for $750.00. That is a very fair price after pricing one for a few years. If anyone is interested in getting a new cover PM me and I will give you their number. They are in Dunnville. I have nothing to do with their business other than as a customer. I have seen the work they do and was impressed. Johnny D
    1 point
  3. In 2033 we can expect a wave of quaranteens.
    1 point
  4. Or shoulder bolts. That would be my preference . They are more tolerance tight and harden.
    1 point
  5. Firstly the Covid 19 Corona Virus is respiratory and not gastrointestinal. Unless you want enough TP to wrap your Christmas presents for the next 10 years quit buying and hording it. BTW reliable sources tell me that most of the TP we consume is manufactured in Quebec not China. Irresponsible tv media and of course Facebook and other social media have created panic and doomsday thinking. Remember that most social media in today's world is crap at providing correct information and terrific at providing anonymity for someone behind a keyboard! My take on the whole thing? Don't travel, at least commercially, stay away from crowds, (Costco) and wash your friggin' hands 20 times or more a day. A good friend who is knowledgeable tells me that although the virus enters the body through the nose and mouth, most dies on its way to the stomach. It also enters the body through the eyes and ears! Stop toughing your eyes, ears, nose and mouth and WASH YOUR HANDS frequently.
    1 point
  6. 151 rum should kill germs?
    1 point
  7. I have heard through a reliable source that this bug does not like the cold. I joked with this person that I may self isolate in front of an ice hole and his response was suggesting that I wash my hands in the cold water, it'll kill the virus. HH
    1 point
  8. USA has just stopped all flights from Europe. This simply means travelers will come through Canada to get there. This in effect makes us screen and deal with these passengers. We need to keep in mind that presently the whole idea isn't to stop it from getting here but to slow it down so as few people as possible at any given time require critical medical treatment. 'Flattening the curve' they call it. If too many need critical care (won't take many with hospitals packed now) decisions will be made as to who lives and who dies like apparently in Italy now. Without public healthcare the US is having serious issues even getting free test kits going unlike places like S. Korea where hundreds of thousands are tested weekly. Likely to spread more quickly in the US than in Canada and now we will be paying to help screen travelers to help flatten the US curve while raising ours.
    1 point
  9. My thinking exactly Fisherman, postpone for now. Even if the risk of a large gathering has diminished by the time her day has arrived the couple will need to make a decision ASAP. Not something one can postpone a week before the event without huge ramifications and associated costs for both the couple, the Family and guests. Her Father told me today that she is devastated. In the scheme of all things it's easy for someone to tell her that her nuptials are not as important as the Health and Safety of her loved ones that are to attend. But try telling that to a 24 year old bride to be. We will be visiting them this Sunday.
    1 point
  10. Spring is around the corner and there will be plenty of leaves.
    1 point
  11. There is a fellow on You Tube that does an excellent explanation of settings. His channel is Fish the moment
    1 point
  12. If everyone is sick and you can't run the TP factory...then no TP. And that's not good.
    1 point
  13. Cliff, stay and enjoy. I know I would.
    1 point
  14. Well I am still in Myrtle Beach and conserned but I wouldn't say WORRIED yet. We are being very careful to use hand sanitizer anytime we go shopping or do anything in public, fist bumps are now common replacing hand shakes. I haven't noticed any hording here yet, stores seem to still be well stocked but many public events and shows have been cancelled including the St. Patrick's day parade which is a huge event for this area. My kids have expressed concern about my being down here but I figure I would be at as much risk there as I am here, we will be heading home on the 26th as planned unless something happens to force us to change that, besides the fishing has just taken off 😊. Stay safe everyone!
    1 point
  15. Limit your exposure to other people. Don’t go to the hospital. Don’t touch your face. Wear glasses or goggles and a mask if you have to go to a high risk place. A buff on your face should help if you don’t have masks. If it doesn’t get in your mouth nose or eyes you ain’t getting it. right now is the time to protect yourself.
    1 point
  16. So after more than 30 days in the hole ( ICU ) he has finally regained some sort of consciousness, not perfect, but a start in the right direction, his situation is still fluid, but he is noticing nurses!
    1 point
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