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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Was in Costa Rica recently on a last minute trip. Had some fun fishing with guys I met down there. I even caught a jack off the beach and lost some others. We did the best fishing in 400 feet of water, lol. We let the guys that took us out bring the fish to market to make some extra cash for themselves.
    1 point
  2. Pier life is always interesting, dolphins swim by almost daily looking for their dinner, it's amazing how close they go into shore chasing the schools of bait fish. The pelicans drop by for a visit from time to time. I love watching them glide by just a foot above the tops of the waves, they seem to know exactly how to catch the updraft off the waves so they hardly have to flap their wings, they can glide for hundreds of feet without loosing altitude. One flew into my line yesterday, it was quite a surprise for both of us but he seemed to survive unscathed as did I when I ran for the rod thinking I had a huge bite LOL. Then there are the cormorants, pigeons, a variety of ducks, terns, and seagulls. It's hard to believe the variety of different things you catch from the depths, so far the list includes but is not limited to: Conch, Blue Crab, Spider Crabs, Black drum, crokers, whitings, a clam, spots, a shark, stingray, slick, sugar perch...... I think that's the list so far (apart from the oysters and clams I've been getting about once a week). I tried cooking up the blue crab yesterday (thank you google) one more delight to add to the list, you don't get a lot of meat but it sure is worth the effort! I am told that once the water warms up the list will be significantly expanded and the larger fish will move back in. Then we have the pier characters; My buddy Al, a retired NY state trouper and a very smart man, he taught me that if you want to communicate with the fish you have to "drop them a line". He also explained why in a flock of geese one side of the "V" is longer than the other; there's more birds in that side! 😲. I can't believe how wise he is. Rick; retired US army infantry comes for a walk on the pier every day; super friendly and boy can he sing, I went to church last week and he sang amazing grace accompanied by a guitar, I've never heard a nicer rendition! There's Tom, Bruce, Rick... pier fishing is as much a social event as it is a fishing trip. Yesterday we went to the docks where the shrimp boats come in (Calabash), one of the boats had just unloaded and I managed to buy two pounds of huge fresh shrimp for $6.00 a pound, had it home and cooked within an hour OMG is it ever good! I'll be making another trip back there again, if you buy 10 lbs the price drops to $5.00 a Lb. and these guys are almost the size of small lobsters (ok I might be exaggerating a bit but they are the biggest shrimp I have ever seenπŸ˜‰) The weather has been pretty good so far with temperatures slightly above normal for this time of the year for the most part, it looks like we have a bit of cooler air moving in for the weekend then it bounces back up into the high teens low twenties which should really help the fishing. The water temperature dropped to 50F and that really affected the whiting bite, it's slowly climbing again now and a couple of days of bright sun will have it back to where we want it (55F+). Fortunately all the big storms that have been hammering this area have gone around us, there is a big one going on right now but it has stayed North of Myrtle Beach. We had company here for the last week, a friend of Lynn's flew down from Toronto to spend the week with us, it was pretty reasonable, return airfare from Toronto was only $350.00 CDN. It costs me about that to drive it by the time you factor in food, accommodation and fuel. Anyway, that's my update for now, time to get ready to head to the pier. Tight lines and stay safe!
    1 point
  3. That fellow in the middle of the crowd shot looks like a character from Duck Dynasty
    1 point
  4. It was a very busy show! There were great crowds for the seminars and Troy Landry was a hoot! Fun times!
    1 point
  5. it doesn't freeze under the bridge and it doesn't freeze between Grass and Kash, there's too much current
    1 point
  6. lol @ attacks fisherman.
    1 point
  7. Got out for an hour and a half before sundown. Slow start but it picked up as the sun hit the tree line. All cookie cutter 19"ers with a couple bigger ones. https://youtu.be/zX8WQZ0M3Ug
    1 point
  8. Great outing! Bite was hot, right at sunset. πŸ‘πŸ‘
    1 point
  9. Exactly. That goes for the wknd warriors (there are many) ferrying around a stuffed livewell for 6-8 hrs so they can take the wannabe Big Man Tourney Pro pics holding a stringer of fish at the end of the day also has to stop.
    1 point
  10. No, I asked about that. Need to buy on line . We had a great talk about part supplies for many things. Seems the companies do not want to deal with parts sold by stores. Total B S if you ask me.
    1 point
  11. That's honourable and respectable. Ever skirted taxes by paying cash or lied on a income tax form, taken more than one when it says please take one, Jay walked , parked illegally? I'd like to see the whole Tournament fishing industry BANNED. That what I truly have a problem with. Simply because it follows regulations doesn't make it right. I'll take my measurements and pictures thank you.
    1 point
  12. No pictures? Is that in the regs? Nice fish is gonna hit the ruler at the very least. A really nice fish will be released immediately after the shutter click .
    1 point
  13. Stick your tong on the terminals. Just like those 9 volts we did as a kid. LOL
    1 point
  14. LOL Just bring it to me at work. I,ll have it checked out for you. Probl;y faster then looking for some one that has the same auger.
    1 point
  15. Take it to Cabelas, open the charger box,plug it in,put battery on it.
    1 point
  16. Went out to the popular lake today. Did some groceries.
    1 point
  17. View this morning from the front porch.
    1 point
  18. Meegs,vibrado,williams and the GOBY FLYYYYYYYYYY NUFF SAID.
    1 point
  19. Father and son had a scary ordeal with a moose out on Lake Couchiching today. Crazy. https://www.instagram.com/barrie_ads/p/B8WddI9lpMh/caption/this-just-happened-on-lake-couchiching-and-the-orillia-opp
    0 points
  20. Actually ALL tournaments should be outlawed as they are nothing more then another form of commercial fishing.
    0 points
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