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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2019 in all areas

  1. My young nephew Teagan had had enough. We had a DD and a few drinks were flowing for the others. The bite was slow and the conversation was getting rich with crap. Teagan is still too young to drink and participate in the stupidity. Teagan had a sneer on his face and he grabbed the auger walked off. He walked into no man's land and cut a hole and set a line. Once he returned to base camp, one guy was singing "O holy night" acapella. It wasn't long before Teagan was sprinting back to no man's land because his rod was bouncing. He dropped the hammer on a beauty 9 pounder that would make the day a success and he would give himself an early X mas present, a new PB.
    4 points
  2. I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas! Enjoy and be well.
    1 point
  3. Merry Christmas to all. .
    1 point
  4. Sorry to hear that Spiel. The unconditional love you get from a good dog makes for a fantastic companion but a very painful loss.
    1 point
  5. That's a tough one Chris. You can never lose the memories of her. Hang in man.
    1 point
  6. Hey Chris, Sorry to hear about Brook, she was a beauty! Smarter then many people I have met, and better manners as well. HH
    1 point
  7. Chris I guess you missed the humor in my post. At least Misfish got it. Mostly though you seem to keep forgetting the huge difference in the situation between the two teams. The Sens are in the first year of a rebuild while the Leafs consider themselves a contender while recently firing and still paying the most highly paid coach in history. It must be nice when money is no object. Actually things are looking pretty good in Sens land considering. I'll be happy to point out some things to you seeing as you don't watch them. Yea Connor Brown is a top six winger on this team. His play has been excellent this year, highlighted by his defensive play. For 2M he has one point less than Rielly at 5M. Pretty good deal I figure. Tyler Ennis too has really picked up his game. First star against Philly with three points, that's why the coach rewarded him with the shootout. But you didn't know that so you assume. 10 points in his last ten games too, pretty damn good for a 800k Cap hit. On top of that he has 2 more points than Kapanen at 3.2M, four times the salary. Another great signing. How about Duclair? 6th in goal scoring in the league with 21, same as McDavid and only 2 less than Mathews. He would be 3rd in points on the Leafs btw. Salary 1.6M. Mathews salary this year 15M and he's not even your best player, Marner is. Great contract again. How about Pageau? Lets compare him to Tavares just for kicks. Salary 3.4M. Tavares salary 15M. Well go figure Pageau has three more goals and only one less point. He would be 4th in points on the Leafs btw. Just as important Tavares is actually a -3 on the "high scoring" Leafs, meanwhile Pageau at +19 on a sub 500 team is 5th in the whole league. Plus he's tied for the lead in shorties with 3. That sure looks pretty good, wouldn't you say Chris? I'm really hoping he wants to stay a Sen and won't test the market so they can get a long term deal done in the 4M range this season. To me he's the epitome of a legacy player for the Sens. #1 star of the game today, he is playing the best hockey of his career this season. He is always pitted against the the top lines and always has been best and most dangerous killer for many years now. I could go on again about our prospects and our picks this draft, #sharktank is even better than our pick right now. They are a mess to say the least, and now they're screwed with those crazy contracts So yea Chris, sorry to disappoint you but things are actually looking pretty positive in Sens land right now. Not the least is the culture and structure That DJ Smith has instilled to this team. I'm a huge fan That win today against Buffalo was a great reflection of how this team plays under him and his staff, you should watch it... Seriously I knew nothing about DJ with the Leafs before I heard he was climbing up the ladder as a hire. Never was a head coach but 4 years with the leafs in the NHL is great experience. I really like what he is doing in understanding that at this stage his job is all about the developmental process. Speaking of looking good, we have a true 22 year old Norris candidate defense man locked in for 8x8M. He's already better than Ek65 at 11M. I'll leave with this for now. The Sens will have 2 very good first round picks in this exceptional draft year, let alone the second round. That's a lot to feel good about too. Cheers
    1 point
  8. there's horror stories from Titan and Tundra owners too, with the current state down here in the GTA and the political climate, I just absolutely refuse to buy and drive a foreign vehicle I work for Ford, I've had great luck with their vehicles and have always bought new Fords, zero problems, no complaints in that respect, but mainly because of the way they treat their employees, my wife and I are both driving Wranglers and there probably will never be a Ford or GM in our driveway, out of principle. with Trudeau steering this ship to hell in a hand basket, all we've got left is our buying power
    1 point
  9. Sad news Chris.. she was a GEM !
    1 point
  10. I'm guessing you watched the Leaf game this afternoon and got "inspired" to post, lol. yes, merry Christmas, suck your candy cane
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. There was a good solid 3 inches . 15 ft from the shore til the open water . 0/1, but what a beauty of a morning. Watched a couple of deer and a very healthy fox walking through the bush. Think I even got a sunburn on me face ..
    1 point
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