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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2019 in all areas

  1. 1st Simcoe laker of the season. It,s been a grind for some reason,but finally managed to put one top side. Came out of no where when I was reel up to cover the water colom. Was a quick red streak at 60 ft and strike.
    4 points
  2. Yep Brian, home since last Thursday night and glad to be here!
    2 points
  3. As a general rule I've always found that 25"=5lb, 26'=6lb, 27'=7lb... 30"=10lb, 31"=11lb etc. I've never caught anything bigger than 31.5" which actually was 11.5 lb too so I can't really say when they get bigger than that. Cheers
    2 points
  4. Been out on Erie 4 of the past 7 days and although the numbers aren't as good as last year, the fish we have got have been significantly bigger including two 8 pounders.
    1 point
  5. Yup, he trolled right past me this morning. Guys got it rigged just right.
    1 point
  6. Firek up the smoker!! Nice one! S.
    1 point
  7. Persistance pays off Brian. Beauty morning to be out on the water and you where rewarded with a nice one. Well done and thx for sharing.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Just got back from our 5 day trip to Lac Dassarat in Quebec. There were about 16 of us this year. Started out with one of the guys having his car smashed in a pile up the Friday before we were leaving; he persevered though and was able to still make it. We made the 6.5 hour trek, with the final 1/2 hour being on a very rough road. We limped in with a flat tire from a puncture. Thankfully the owner of the resort had all the tools to plug it; my buddy ended up putting the spare on to be safe for the drive home. We got set up with the boats for the next day. The next morning we headed out with all kinds of confidence. Unfortunately the first thing we saw out on the water was the surface covered with those may flies; always a bad omen for us. That being said we still caught some fish, had a great fish fry, ate and drank too much and had a great time overall. We saw bald eagles, which is always cool, saw a loon trying to scramble on to shore to sit on its nest which was quite laughable and caught a variety of fish (Walleye, Pike, Sauger, Bass and Perch). Fishing was tough throughout the trip and in hindsight we should have focused on the pike, which might have given us more action. Here are a few pictures.
    1 point
  10. That’s a whopper anyway
    1 point
  11. I'm confused. Are you selling this for one dollar? We need a price please, or prices on individual items. I will take it all for a dollar and pick up right now, just let me know!!
    1 point
  12. I wouldn't eat that stuff. There's no way that crap is going in this body. If it wasn't killed, its not meat. Check my freezer, its mostly stuff I've killed myself. The best food always is. S.
    1 point
  13. I love my veggies. Lord knows we grow a mountain every year at the farm. Matless burgers and sausage,etc... are nothing more than a chemical cesspool. Historically, every overprocessed/ chemically manipulated food product has bee proven to be bad for your health. Or have we all forgotten the evils of MSG, hydrogenation, cyclamates, etc.....
    1 point
  14. Doesn’t matter what you catch a musky on, they still taste lousy.
    1 point
  15. Hope yer home in your comfort zone Paul.
    1 point
  16. Get the kit and give it a try, if you are still having trouble after that message me and I will try to help you out.
    1 point
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