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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2019 in all areas

  1. What a day this past Sunday. My wife and I enjoyed a nice afternoon in the hut. A few perch keepers and then.........My wife had fun reeling this one in!!!!!!!!!!! Doo
    2 points
  2. What does #BellLetsTalk day mean to me…? Well, I worked for Bell Canada for 4 years on the inbound sales team for residential services and I spoke to 100’s of thousands of people over that time frame. Yes, many ended up in the wrong department at times by not following the prompts but it was my job to help if I wasn’t able to provide to services. Many a time there would be callers I could not help because it was an issue I could not fix. But a few times a year I got calls from people who just needed to talk or vent and would not let me off the line till they have done so. Sadly (on more than one occasion) I had people with mental health issues asking me for help or they would harm themselves or worse, end their life. Mental health isn’t a stigma, it is real! Think of all the famous celebrities we have lost in the past 10 to 15 years due to mental health problems causing death? Now think of those like you and me that are not famous and can use some help? I bet the numbers are staggering those that go on quietly day to day that nobody hears about! Why? Because we (the many) are not famous, or notable to any outside our friends and our family. However, my absolute favorite actor of all time couldn’t battle it and win on his own so why should we?!?!? Robin Williams you were a true gem and sadly missed by many around the world. Now all I ask is that nobody tries to go this fight all alone. Please reach out, talk to anyone. I’m just as guilty here so I need to re-read this and focus on me too and I have no shame in publicly saying so! Have a great day and know that it is NOT a STIGMA and YES there ARE people YOU can talk to! So please do! #BellLetsTalk #ItsOkToTalk #MentalHealth #StopTheStigma #HaveAGreatDay#HaveaSmileOnMeGBW
    1 point
  3. cut the cord guys, had Bell for the land line and cogeco for tv and internet, all in $270, cut the cord to all...signed up with a new internet provider, 60mb speed and unlimited, $60 bucks, don't need the land line since we have cell phones, went and bought an android box for $80 bucks and signed up for IPTV for $15 month, I litterly have 500 or so channels ( and every channel Cogeco had + ) unlimited movies, so all in $75 a month, thats a savings of $195 a month.....and guys WFN is now the sportsman channel, has nothing to do with your provider.
    1 point
  4. Very impressed that over 74% of respondents are using what I believe is the most logical combination. I originally started using a right-handed baitcaster reel but eventually realized that it really didn't make sense to cast with my right arm and then switch hands. I prefer to have my rod in my power arm and more coordinated arm.
    1 point
  5. No Slide Title - LakeErieStatus.pdf Where are the walleye in Lake Erie? Fish migration study provides answers – The Buffalo News The Sandusky River walleye spawning stock is an ecologically and regionally significant walleye stock, which contributes to th - walleyetelemetryfinalreport.pdf Buffalo’s Lake Erie: The cool place (literally) for walleye to spend the summer – The Buffalo News Lake Erie walleye spawned in western waters support eastern fisheries | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Post-spawn walleye mass for late-running steelhead smolt | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Catch resident Erie walleye from shore through mid-June | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Some of it may help them keep the populations of walleye stable?
    1 point
  6. congrats! ive always had the itch to tournament fish but never the time.
    1 point
  7. Thanks guys for wishing me good luck, Well it was a cold day we got on the ice and set up our shack and started rigging up our rods no holes couldn't be drilled until 8am so me and my partner had breakfast and some coffee once the clock struck 8am it was go time we drilled about 15 holes and got right to business my first drop down the hole and i had my first crappie on i thought to myself today might just be a good day and it turned out be just that we ended up with 15 crappies by 1 o'clock and weigh in was at 2 o'clock we sorted our crappies out and put together the biggest 10 for the weigh in oh i forgot mention i also caught 2 very nice walleyes so we make it back to shore and weigh our ten fish 6.46lbs not bad we thought and said to ourselves we might just be in the race we pack our stuff in the car and head inside for the ceremony we sit there patiently waiting of our names will be announced Well from 5th place to 2nd place we didn't hear our names but we did get to hear our opponents weights which were all under ours it was then we knew that we actually won this thing! It felt great hearing our names announced as winners and even better knowing that me and my buddy will be taking 600$ a piece home! It was a fun exciting and amazing weekend winning my First ever ice fishing tournament
    1 point
  8. All braid is pretty much the same (not to be confused with the fused superlines, like Fireline), with one exception, the number of strands used. The reason this is an important distinguishing feature is that the more strands the rounder the line. This equates to the line being more supple. It also creates less noise and resistance. Probably increases casting distance as well. However, for me, this also brings the issue of rod wrap. If you are doing anything that requires you to impart action on the bait with your rod, I find the braids with larger numbers of strands have a greater chance of rod-tip wrap, which can be really annoying. That being said, I still use the aforementioned Daiwa J-Braid and Yo-Zuri as they are usually the best price and are great lines. They are also very round, so for jigging and jerkbaits, I prefer standard Power-pro. As for "expensive" baitcaster, that has nothing to do with braid. It is simply the inexpensive baitcasters just don't hold up over time when you are doing anything that puts a lot of resistance at the end of the line. Bass fishing tends to do that, fishing big plastics or ripping through thick weeds. Braid has no stretch either. Having a long rod can help re-direct some of that force though, but ultimately I think without good gears and drag system, the reel will fail sooner than it should. Of course, you always have to be reasonable. Get what you can afford and always consider the used market. A decent baitcaster can last a lifetime if taken care of, so buying used isn't a bad idea. Check out some of the reviews by Tackle Advisors on Youtube. He does some pretty involved testing of reels, including entry-level baitcasters. Good luck!
    1 point
  9. My policy is never buy extended warranty for anything and so far it has served me well. When I buy a new vehicle as soon as I sit down I tell them no service plans no extended warranty no rust protection fabric protection paint protection blah blah blah. They always look at me like they can’t believe it and I am the first person ever to not buy all that crap lol!
    1 point
  10. On a serious note here, I have met a few lake front owners, and have asked if they would mind if I parked my truck in their drive, They had no issues. I even gave a bottle of wine or what ever their drink fancied . Have even offered a feed of my catch. Sometimes just carrying a conversation with a local, is all it takes. I have a place to park my truck if need be. Being polite goes along ways.
    1 point
  11. And they love perch patterns for some reason...
    1 point
  12. yup a while back the town sent everyone a letter telling us we could rent our driveways i want 1000.00 bucks a day, so far no takers lol
    1 point
  13. Hi all, My son Jack is suddenly taking a keen interest in making his own videos. Actually, it has become apparent to me that he has been watching me very closely over the years doing my editing, as he knew exactly what do with the editing software with almost no instruction. He told his schoolmates I had a Youtube channel and that he was in a lot of the videos, but because of the weird spelling of my Youtube channel's name, his friends at school struggled to find it when they looked for it, Jack told me that some of the kid's called him a liar. So Jack is even more pumped that he has his own Youtube channel to show off now too, we are still working on the layout together. One of the coolest things was we got into a discussion about how the editing process can change reality and manipulate emotions, he is one thoughtful kid, very proud of him. Anyway, here is Jack doing his thang, hope he sticks with it, i'll do my best to encourage it.
    1 point
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