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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2018 in all areas

  1. weird timing, Trump has backed off tariffs, NAFTA is sorted out, CDN dollar is pretty low??? before your next purchase you GM guys should consider the mantra "you don't build here, we don't buy here"
    4 points
  2. I mentioned it in another post where I was down the back in the woods getting firewood when my 1991 Ford 150 got stuck in the mud - at first I tried and tired driving it out but just couldn't - so the next day i went down there with a bottle jack and some wide wooden boards - jacked up the rear wheels and put the boards under them - by the way this truck is a 4X4 but only forward gear works and I needed to back out because there was no room to go forward - with the boards under the back wheels I was able to move the truck a little but then the wheels came off the boards and I was stuck again - by this time my shoulder is real sore from a previous injury - my son said that he could help me on Friday so in the meantime I bought a come along, some chain and a recovery strap - figure that we could try and use the come along to get the truck out of the mud - well the temperatures got down to single digits this pass Tues, Wed, and Thurs - when we went down there on Friday the mud was frozen - I started up the truck and let it warm up a little - put in reverse and drove right out of the mud - so here are the lessons learned - don't drive into the woods when it is real muddy and if you get stuck pray for real cold weather to freeze the mud
    2 points
  3. The Cuda one looks pretty decent. I got one for my Daughter last year. She is the one that fishes for toothy critters in our family!
    2 points
  4. Thank our fearless leader in Ottawa for this. Won't be the last I'm afraid.
    2 points
  5. I predict the prices will drop because so many people are ticked off and refuse to buy. 10 billion load(some written off) from the taxpayers and this is the thanks we get They can go a lot further than Mexico. They can go straight to hell!!
    1 point
  6. The writing on the wall, was there 10 years ago. I expect the St Kitts plant to be gone within 5
    1 point
  7. Jaw spreaders are great as long as you've got the release tools to make use of them. The 8in Kobalt bolt cutters from Lowes are a less expensive versions of the Knipex and work great. If you're chasing ski's I'd suggest a pair.
    1 point
  8. I think it should be a requirement to tie a rock to each corrmerant shot with bio degradable cord for turtle bait. Circle complete.
    1 point
  9. That's an interesting marinade. I'm envisioning long strips of 1/4" tenderloin overnite, and then into a birthday gift from my daughter to break it in. I've had two top loaders in the past, still have one working unit, last pan is about burned out, even with foil. A small cast iron sorta works, but it's not a strong smoke, you can tell by the vents.
    1 point
  10. Had a chance to talk with a well seasoned economist a few years back and I asked him what his fears were going forward in Ontario concerning the direction of the economy and he said Ontario has never had cheap taxes or a cheap work force but what we did have was cheap electricity and he feared the escalating power costs would kill existing manufacturing and potential new investments
    1 point
  11. I wonder sometimes if the weather forecasters and economists switched jobs for a year, would anybody notice a difference???
    1 point
  12. I was going to post today in this thread andyou guys all beat me too it. NoFrills has pork tenderloins cheap cheap cheap. Grabbed 3 packs and froze 2 and made one into a pork fry burritos. The pork was sliced thin and marinaded from noon yesterday, and put in the pan at 3 pm today. My goodness, talk about tender. Pics as usual Beef balls were boiled in soya sauce water for Mondays stir fry, with today's left over pork. I am stuffed
    1 point
  13. I am all over this/these dishes Chris. Very nice. Had a good talk with a few fellas on the riv this morning. Talk was rods, and well, you know whom I talked about. I got a few thoughts in my head for the new build. Talk soon.
    1 point
  14. You won't be sorry! Love my Yamaha!
    1 point
  15. I turned 85 this past Saturday - Buck season started today - this is the first time in approximately 60 some years that I didn't get out of bed to go hunting - for some reason I just didn't have the urge as I always had when it came to deer hunting - I'm trying to figure why this happened - the one thing contributing to this lack of urge is maybe the fact that I have a sore shoulder and can't really pick up any heavy thing with my left arm right now - or is it this thing that happens to everyone eventually when they get old - I don't really know - I'm in very good shape for my age - I always butchered my deer and maybe the thought of all that work kinda turned me off this time - maybe it was the rain that was falling this morning when I got up to take a leak - all my buddies that I used to go hunting with quite years ago and I was the only one still hunting - I guess I will find out this coming Saturday when we can shoot buck and doe and I got a doe license - I will see what happens - hope it isn't a permanent thing that got a hold of me
    0 points
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