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So o o oo o . . . . Do Ya T'ink You're REALLY Tough? (NF)


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Below is a small photo of one of man's most feared enemies, bar NONE! It won't likely kill you, just make you WISH you were dead!!





Last spring I woke up in sheer agony in the middle of the night . . . to the point the pain made me throw up! I made it outta bed, crawled across the floor, and spent the next couple hours, chin on my knees, on my bathroom floor, moaning in pain, barely able to move!! The cause . . . . a teeny l'il rock, about a centimetre long, shaped like a boomerang, otherwise known as one of the worst forms of torture there is to men . . . . a KIDNEY STONE!!! After a few more bouts, emergency department visits, X-rays & a C T scan, it was determined this thing had blocked my kidney, and was NOT about to move, as it had become firmly embedded. Finally, a week ago, after SEVERAL failed attempts to remove this thing, out came the knife. I'm getting around . . . slowly . . . . can't even fight a small rock bass, and won't likely be back in full fishing form till mid-August!! Meanwhile, I AM following all your posts and pics . . . . keep 'em coming . . . . ALMOST as good as being there!!

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Ive seen grown men brought to their knees from those stones. :worthy:


All I can say is "Medicinal Marijuana"



I wonder if you could use your stone as bait? ;)



Get well soon!

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I had one of those last year 2 days before walleye opener at BOQ. It hurts only when it moves. My got stuck between my kidney and bladder. Doctor waited 3 months before lasering it. It was measured at 4 cm by an Ultrasound technician. The bashing that I got by the waves at BOQ did not help at all. Thank God for pain killers.


You said that you went under the knife?? they couldn't blast it with the laser. They put me under for it and they had to put in a stent so that the damage to the urethra could heal then 2 weeks later I had to go back in to remove it, that one was done while I was awake.

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I had one of those last year 2 days before walleye opener at BOQ. It hurts only when it moves. My got stuck between my kidney and bladder. Doctor waited 3 months before lasering it. It was measured at 4 cm by an Ultrasound technician. The bashing that I got by the waves at BOQ did not help at all. Thank God for pain killers.


You said that you went under the knife?? they couldn't blast it with the laser. They put me under for it and they had to put in a stent so that the damage to the urethra could heal then 2 weeks later I had to go back in to remove it, that one was done while I was awake.


4cm will never make it into your uretor. 4mm will though.


Did ya get the tube in the back Photoz? I had that the first time, laser the second and shockwave the third time.


My first was 2.3cm & 1.2cm, my second was 3 from 1.1cm to 1.5 cm and my third was 1.7cm.


Kidney stones suck. Perc's are awesome though.

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They tried a stent first, to bypass the stone, and buy me some time, it was completely blocking ureter below the left kidney, threatening to destroy it. They couldn't get stent past it. Tried the laser, a few days later . . . . it had literally buried itself in the ureter. . . couldn't get a good shot at it, wouldn't dislodge either. Last choice, 12 cm incision, then cut into the ureter, and drag the l'il sucker out! There is now a stent in there, I go back in 2 weeks for another C T scan, and the stent should come out about the end of August. I had to wear TWO bags for a week . . one to drain the cathater, one to drain the abdomen. This is stone #6, in 30 years, first one that wouldn't leave voluntarily! The good news . . . peeled off 22 pounds in 10 days . . . . but I WOULD NOT recommend the method for personal weight loss! The stone is 10 mm, by the way! T'anks Mo . . . gotta get ready for the salmon next!


P. S.

I shoulda saved 'em, I'd have had enough to make a neat necklace by now!!

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Ouch!! Sounds brutal, and i'm a nurse. Worked in the Emergency Department for a few years, and have seen many men brought to tears, by the pain from a kidney stone on the move. (even after IV Morphine)


Have heard it equated to the pain of labor and childbirth. Amazing that something so small could cause so much pain. Sorry to hear you have been laid up. Hope you get back out fishing again soon. Your reports have been missed!!!


Get well soon.

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all I know about the size was that it went in the the urether and got stuck I tought he said 4 cm it might've been 4mm, but it sure felt like 4 inches.


CarpeDiem I did mention to my wife that they compare that pain to giving birth, Her response was " not for 34(*&^$^%#(%*&( hours" So I stayed quiet about that one!!!!!

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I feel your pain....been there twice but thankfully nowhere near as big. Passed both of mine......first one not so bad but the second was absolutely horrid. Wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy.


Get well soon!!!!


PS....they say beer is good for keeping them away...... :)

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well that rule is definably metric... as inches do not come in multiples of 10. inches come in 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 etc... all divisible by 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4 and 2 for example..... it is definably a metric ruler.




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Nice to hear that you're over this ordeal Steve. It doesn't sound like fun at all. I've only had one major pain incident in my life. I fell two storeys and broke my pelvis. That hurt. Nice to hear that you're on the mend. Now go catch some fish.

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Did a couple shifts on the Urology floor at the Ottawa Civic back in my early career days.


Hydromorphone (potent Morphine) was used to it's max for many of the acute renal colic cases. Those stones are truly any persons worst enemy. Some women say it's 10 times worse than natural child birth. Men will never know any worse pain other than possibly that of severe burns, being eaten alive by army ants, tortured by aliens or stung by killerbees yet kept alive to make it last as long as a kidney stone can last.


Glad it's out for ya. Now incinerate the thing.

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The only pain I experienced that has been worse, were bowel blockages caused by build-ups of scar tissue after losing over half my bowel to cancer. Over a period of 4 years I was hospitalized 17 (I kept track) times, until they had to do a second operation 2 years ago, which fixed it for good! All I can say is I had the BEST medical staff in the world (North York General Hospital) looking out for me. There was a notation on my chart, when I came in (or was brought in) that got me into a cot and hooked up to demerol within minutes of arrival, in emerge! We may b i t c h about our medical system at times (and rightfully so) but over-all, I should be dead now . . . . and BECAUSE of the excellent care (with exception of a few l'il 'blips' I can still tell my fishing stories, AND DEFEND MY CARP!! (When needed . . heh . . . heh . . . heh!)


P. S. / M. B.


Your description of the pain is VERY accurate!!

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