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  Nemo said:
India Pale Ale = IPA


but I will second on the Stella in Summer and Kilkenny in the cooler months. As for Canadian beer OV, Kokanee. How's that for a varied palate.


Not sure about a varied palate Nemo but I sure hope if that is stocked in your fridge you always have a good supply of TP on hand at home.


Myself, I am cheap and prefer the $10 savings every case - Laker Lite here (have to maintain this panther like physique some how)

Posted (edited)

There's only 2 kinds of beer... beer ya pay for and beer ya don't. The second kind is the best.


If I am buying beer, I am buying Blue, grew up on it. With that said, I have been known to enjoy 50 and OV. MGD and Kokanee have been beers of choice in the past while bar hopping. Coors light is a goto beer when you are out. Pretty much every bar has Coors Light on tap.


Depending on the company coming over, I will occasionally buy Lakeport as well, if we are drinking for the sake of drinking.

Edited by Corey
  kennyman said:
I like Caffreys and Bass. I also tried a Czech beer last week. It was pretty good. Called Czechsov or something like that. (No, not from Star Trek LOL).
  kennyman said:
I like Caffreys and Bass. I also tried a Czech beer last week. It was pretty good. Called Czechsov or something like that. (No, not from Star Trek LOL).


Oops, let's try that again. I'm with kennyman on this one. Waaaay too much carbonation in"all yall's beer".


Hmmm...well being Irish, I honestly prefer Guiness, but since you can't get real Guiness out of a bottle or can I'd have to go with Rikard's Red, and the cheap beer of choice is a cold Coors light.



Posted (edited)

For you IPA guys.....


I like IPA's as well... and a couple others. If you think Keiths is so-so you will Love Maclays!!! and it is cheap less then 30.00 a case.. and it is made by Sleemans.. Imagine that! Sleemans makes a discount beer :thumbsup_anim: I have turned many a friend onto Maclays..


Next time your at the beer store ask for it. It will be WELL worth it.


I also like Guiness, Kilkenny, Smitwicks and a bunch of other darks... but who can afford em!



Edited by Gerritt

been a coupla months since we last a saw post like this...

nonetheless, I love my beer. Lately I have been with the DanC programe :thumbsup_anim:

been drinking Brava the last coupla months - a good summer beer put out by Lakeport

McLays is good as well as is Laker & Lakeport Red are both decent & a fave lager of mine Alberta's Best (another buck'a beer)


when I am in the pub & drinking draft I treat myself and have Keiths, Creemore or Kilkenny

Not sure about a varied palate Nemo but I sure hope if that is stocked in your fridge you always have a good supply of TP on hand at home.


Myself, I am cheap and prefer the $10 savings every case - Laker Lite here (have to maintain this panther like physique some how)


Hey Steve no probs with either brand on the way in or out. You just haven't acclimatized to it yet.


Laker though that's a different story...


Laker Lite never tried it but if it gives you a panther like physique I might just have to get me a case.


You only have so much time alloted to drink Beer better make it the good stuff.


Well guys


I am putting in my 2 cents.....I love the beer my husband makes here at home....Our freinds even love it! We have lagers-dark or bock (my fave)-red-wheat-cream......Now I can not hardly drink the store brands, but if I do it is Richards dark beer.....




When home from work it's Moosehead time,

and if quite sunny and hot then a Corona with lime.

A Molson over Labbatt's is pretty much a crime,

yet if it's a pint at the bar then whatever saves a dime.


Gerritt,you are right...macklays beer. :clapping::clapping: ....its really good people dont know what they are missing,oh wellat least we know right!!!!!! cheers,oh ya im going to get some right now thanks gerritt :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

  solopaddler said:
Yeah, it's pricey, but then how does one put a price on perfection? :D

When I head to my cabin in N/W Quebec ALL beer purchases are done there. For those that don't know beer is waaay cheaper in QC compared to Ontario. 24 cans of Coors cost me $19.99 when I was there last week.

If you look around you'll find it even cheaper on sale. Bottles are even cheaper...

Gotta love Quebec if you're a beer drinker! :)


You got that right Mike my beer of choice is Labatt Blue $22.34 a case of 24.I can buy it at the corner store around the corner 200 metres away.

The reason beer is so high in Ontario is because you have beer stores with Goverment workers.And thats the way it should stay preserve the Ontario jobs.I will take orders for lakair next year :whistling: MTP



Posted (edited)

Honestly I don't know how you guys drink Lakeport, taste like donkey piss to me!!


For a mass produced Canadian brew I will take an Export :thumbsup_anim: any day of the week.


I tried Steelback when I portaged through Algonquin (plastic bottles) but this stuff is like wet socks!


For a staple that you can drink in the summer, winter, chilled or warm, Warsteiner kicks ass....., German though....


Burt :)

Edited by Burtess

Raf, I can tell you've been hanging with JP.


What's the word on Kokanee? I had it for the first time last year and it wasn't too bad. I prefer Blue.




I've sampled many. It would be a crime not to mention GERMAN beer. With 6 hundred indepedent breweries they have come up some great beers. Virtually any German or Chec beer is good. It's a quality thing. In both countries no ingredient besides hops, water, and barley may be used. It was a law they introduced back in 1516 called the Reinheits Gebot. Germany did not allow any imported beer into Germany that did not follow that law, I'm not sure if they still follow this practice. This law barred out all English beer but not Guinness. All major label US and Canadian beer add adjuncts. Then again so do Belgium beers but they do it increase the quality of the beer, not to produce more profit. My favorite beer is Pilsner Urquel. My favorite domestic beer was Upper Canada when it first came out, then they changed it and ruined it. I will drink most beers as long as they are cold. I will not drink any beer produced by Dave Nichols and generally any beers made in Hamilton which almost always suck.

  scuro said:


I've sampled many. It would be a crime not to mention GERMAN beer. With 6 hundred indepedent breweries they have come up some great beers. Virtually any German or Chec beer is good. It's a quality thing. In both countries no ingredient besides hops, water, and barley may be used. It was a law they introduced back in 1516 called the Reinheits Gebot. Germany did not allow any imported beer into Germany that did not follow that law, I'm not sure if they still follow this practice. This law barred out all English beer but not Guinness. All major label US and Canadian beer add adjuncts. Then again so do Belgium beers but they do it increase the quality of the beer, not to produce more profit. My favorite beer is Pilsner Urquel. My favorite domestic beer was Upper Canada when it first came out, then they changed it and ruined it. I will drink most beers as long as they are cold. I will not drink any beer produced by Dave Nichols and generally any beers made in Hamilton which almost always suck.


great beer..

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