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My disaster of a holiday


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Well as some of you know I had 2 weeks planned out in Northern Ontario.


The first week was spent at Lake Biscotasi between Sudbury and Gogama.



The drive in is brutal!





The fishing was VERY slow with many excuses why the fisihing was slow. Mayfly hatch...cold front...etc.....

But with the help of my wonder guide Ms. Kathleen we were able to connect on enough eyes to have a good fish fry every day.

She is a native of the lake and a humble great guide.

The last 3 days were full of high winds from the north and rain...rain we havent seen in southern Ontario in 2 months.

The Sirius radio was a god send as the Vothman and I couldnt stop laughing to the bloodhound gang and Ms Kathleen go go dancing in the back of the boat.

Memories are made of these and not the amount of fish you catch!!!

Here are a few pictures of our adventure.








I ended up breaking a bunk on my trailer and a 200 dollar St Croix rod, but would never trade it in for the life of me!

Good friends and good times is all that matters.

ill add some more photos later.



Week 2 was on Lake Nipigon on a charter with Captain Buzz Taisley.


We spent the first 2 days cruising to the north end of the lake trying to out race the nasty tornado laced weather that eventually caught up with us.









Along the way we did mange to hit a few beautiful specks such as Brians 5 pounder.




The funny part was it hit a gang troll figured 8ted at the side of the boat....... I am not kidding!




We did manage a night of trolling for lakers. I managed a 36 inch 22 pounder trolling a husky jerk off of a tapered point in 22 feet of water.




I lost a estimated 40 lber on a Storm 9 inch swimbait that broke me off of a point dropping into 300 feet of water. Truly massive fish that I couldnt even manage to move.


As we headed up the lake we hit a pike bay and I managed 65 pounds of pike in 4 casts, The first fish was a 20 pound 40 inch fish on a spinnerbait!




Pics to follow as they are on Brians camera.




Brian managed a 20 pound 42 inch pike on a Zara Spook at the side of the boat....awesome sight...pics to follow.




Unfortunatley the rains were so heavy that they blew the pike out of the coves onto the rocks where the brookies usually inhabit.


We kept a few medium sized ones for dinner.




This is when disaster strikes. Derek wasnt feeling good and after 2 days was so bad we had to run south 8 hours and take him to the Nipigon hospital were he was diagnosed with pancreitis. we had to leave him there as he was transfered to Thunder Bay and returned 5 days later.




Of course we couldnt let him off without a few goof photos.


Here is a pic of me and Derek on a better trip!




A 14 hour drive later I was back in Burlington 3 days early and tired and dissapointed but everyone was fine...and that is all that matters!!


Well I am back at work saving for next year!




Edited by bucktail
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Holy crap, but you can laugh about it now right :rolleyes::lol:


Can't wait to see the pics bud. That rain storm look torrential. And the may flies, oy vey!!!


Thanks for sharing, I think :lol:


No really, great report!!



Edited by Joey
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Sounds like a memorable trip actually!

Too bad about your friends illness, but you still caught a bunch of fish of a lifetime.

Monster lakers, big brookies, and huge pike will be stored in your memories forever.


Thanks for sharing,



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Sounds like a memorable trip actually!

Too bad about your friends illness, but you still caught a bunch of fish of a lifetime.

Monster lakers, big brookies, and huge pike will be stored in your memories forever.


Thanks for sharing,





You took the words right out of my mouth. Great report and thanks for sharing!!

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As I was reading your report I realized, you are an optomist and not a pessimist...


Lots of things happen in the everyday, it just seems that yours all waited till you went on vacation. Nothing worse than being 8 hours away from a hospital when not feeling well. Glad to see your friend dealing with it so well.


Glad you caught some fish, but even happier to read that you looked at it the way you did.


Well written and I have to say, I love the pictures, specially the one of the rain coming down!





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Hah. I was going to pm you tonight and ask how your trip went Bud. Now I know. Too bad about some of the weather and the fact that your buddy became ill. You never know what might happen on an adventure like that. You guys did catch some nice fish despite things. By the way, I've figure eighted Brook Trout several times in the past. When they follow you to the boat and don't hit, it's definitely worth a try.


Great report Bucktail. Hope to meet you up here some day.

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me and "basskicker" have nicknamed them "issues" cant have a trip without em lol.one trip we blew a tire,lost a boat seat and had the tounge on the camper snap not once but twice we got it welded in cochrane and it broke again in martin river had to get his old man to come from oshawa to get are boat and gear home he was cranky.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have fishied bisco many times, usually in the july. i found downsizing your lure bigtime is the key. there mind is on smaller amount then, i feel. sorry to here about the rest but some beauty fish though!

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Man what a report! First off glad to see your buddy is on the road to recovery.

Surprising to me that the Sultan Road was that bad, I drive it a couple of times every year and it's not usually that bad (I'm assuming you broke your trailer bunk on that road).

Some real nice fish though, congrat's on that! As far as I'm concerned Nipigon is very much untapped for huge northerns. Very cool to see that you got into a few...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't believe I missed such a fine report especially since it is about Nipigon and cruising Nipigon. I was up in that area at the same time and I can attest to the poor weather. Can you tell us a bit more about the cruise? It's something I thought of doing in the future. How did it work out with the smaller boats towed along? Did they do a lot of fishing off of the main boat? I actually got to see the boat at reflection lake resort. The cost was $1500 per person for 6 days. Any detail would be appreciated.

Edited by scuro
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