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Barry's post of his dog got me thinkin that many of us have man's best friend and it would be neat to see some of your dogs.

Here's a pic of "Maggie", Great Pyrenees we rescued in September after our 15 year old white Lab passed away. Maggie is very affectionate, but also quite nuts! Pic is of Maggie sitting on my son's girl friend. Yah, shes a big dog!


Maggie goofy.jpg

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Gordie came to my attention as a 10 month old pup in need of a new home by way of OFC member and friend John's wife Barbara ( thank you Barbara 🥰 ).
After our first meeting I knew he was the right dog for me and a few days later I brought him into his new forever home, which will have been two years already in mid May. He hates the van but boy he sure does love the boat.






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My dog Zoe is an absolute photo bomb ham. She has a "thing" for one of my fishing buddies...and just him, no one else. Whenever he catches a fish, and he asks me to snap a photo, she has to jump in and make sure she's included in the shot. To be fair to Zoe, she does feel that she's partly responsible for the catch. When my buddy sits up on the front deck of my boat, she has  to be right there watching every cast...and will even growl disapprovingly if she feels it wasn't  in the right spot. In her mind, it's like she's teaching him to fish. He's fairly new to fishing, so she's sees me helping him out, and feels that she has to do the same. Mind you, she has lots of experience...she's been my fishing companion for 8 years now.











Edited by CrowMan
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  On 4/22/2023 at 3:10 PM, CrowMan said:

My dog Zoe is an absolute photo bomb ham. She has a "thing" for one of my fishing buddies...and just him, no one else. Whenever he catches a fish, and he asks me to snap a photo, she has to jump in and make sure she's included in the shot. To be fair to Zoe, she does feel that she's partly responsible for the catch. When my buddy sits up on the front deck of my boat, she has  to be right there watching every cast...and will even growl disapprovingly if she feels it wasn't  in the right spot. In her mind, it's like she's teaching him to fish. He's fairly new to fishing, so she's sees me helping him out, and feels that she has to do the same. Mind you, she has lots of experience...she's been my fishing companion for 8 years now.


 That's hilarious, good girl Zoe.
FYI....some damn fine fish there too CM.

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/22/2023 at 3:21 PM, Spiel said:

 That's hilarious, good girl Zoe.
FYI....some damn fine fish there too CM.


I'm telling you... Zoe knows where to find them...and her intentions aren't completely selfless...she loves a little leftover Walleye mixed in with her kibble..

Before Zoe, I had Winston...same breed, Vizsla, but a boy. Sadly passed at 12 years old. He was the same...a real "nose" for finding fish. I call the breed a "Fins & Feathers Pointer". Both Winston and Zoe were/are unbelievable Grouse dogs too...

Nothing like "Cast & Blast" with my furry best buddy..


Edited by CrowMan
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Posted (edited)

My old bear cash is 15 years old, at the begining of the pandemic my parents moved permanently to cashes obvious favourite place in the world, the lake. Me living in a condo at the time thought it would be best for him to spend some time up there while we were locked down down here…cash has never come “home” 

he’s my mom’s daily bush walk companion (gets her up every morning to make sure they both walk), bear deterrent (treed a bear last year) both of our neighbors also had bear break ins last summer, we haven’t seen a single sign of a bear on our property  and all around class clown. 

cash loves the boat, and loves swimming with anyone who will go with him. More importantly though, cash loves when my niece comes up to visit him, he follows the kids around all day and will not leave Ashley’s side.

been a few weeks since I’ve been up north but I can’t wait to go for a walk and a boat ride with him when I get up there!





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Not a very good pic but this was my best buddy Rosco. He was a Basset and a Bloodhound mix. Never had a dog that was so relaxed (Lazy) in all my life. Take him for a walk there was no pulling or tugging at the leash. He'd just walk at whatever pace you were at. He loved going for rides in my 50 Chevy, not sure why other then he could sit in the front passenger seat and could easily see out the windows. He had to go for the big sleep last year. He was full of what the vet told us was cancer. Sure do miss him he loved everyone; unless they went to touch his old  Chevy. Pretty sure he thought the car was his and me his chauffeur.



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Here's our 3, from left to right, Hope (8yrs) boxer, Cooper (3mths old) Mastif, Chewie (1 1/2yrs) Aus Sheppard/Mastif cross

all 3 dogs.jpg

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2 special friends no longer around. No more for us. Losing them is just to much.



Edit to add

Both were my best friends, until mom got home . Used and abused I was. LOL

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This is Chiquita which we inherited from Maribeth's dying sister who could no longer care for her...

The family figured we should be the ones to take her as we were home all day and have lots of room for her to run to lose weight...

She was madly in love with the Burmese Mountain dogs across the road and every time she

wandered off, sure enough that was where we would find her...

Not too sure how long we had her but at about 12 years old Chiquita05Oct2010002.jpg.d4e7296eeaf46eacf67da1989bab3b6d.jpgwe had to have her put down😪 

I wanted to call her "Footstool" but didn't... (Maribeth wouldn't let me LOL)

She loved to go for a ride in my old truck "To the dump, to the dump, to the dump dump dump "  

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  On 4/27/2023 at 1:51 PM, Beans said:

To the dump, to the dump, to the dump dump dump


Our newest family member is Stax. He's a miniature Pinscher. Mini Pins were originally bred to be ratters. It used to be a very lucrative business back when owning a pack of these dogs. The pack owner would rent out the dogs to farmers. When the farmers were cleaning out their grain bins or hay/straw stacks they have the dogs on the ready. These little dogs are so fast and for their size very strong that as mouse or rat nests were uncovered. These Pins would go on the attack, chasing down and killing any rat it could catch. There are vids out on YouTube showing how affective it is having them for this job. Now our Stax doesn't seem to have that killer instinct anymore but he is very smart and as fast as fast can be. If he wants something here in the house you'd better lock it away or he'll figure a way to get it. LOL




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  On 4/21/2023 at 3:21 PM, Headhunter said:

Barry's post of his dog got me thinkin that many of us have man's best friend and it would be neat to see some of your dogs.

Here's a pic of "Maggie", Great Pyrenees we rescued in September after our 15 year old white Lab passed away. Maggie is very affectionate, but also quite nuts! Pic is of Maggie sitting on my son's girl friend. Yah, shes a big dog!


Maggie goofy.jpg


Ah, Maggie looks awesome! Love Great Pyrenees, they're such gentle giants. Sorry to hear about your white Lab tho.

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Posted (edited)

Couple of ours.   Sadly our poodle passed away earlier this year.  Of course, the last one is after we fished her out of the drink.    Thankfully, ours wear life jackets too when out on the water




Edited by Rich Clemens
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Hey Head Hunter, great suggestion, thank you, and of course thanks to all that posted pics of their four legged friends. I really enjoyed them. I love dogs more than life itself. Here's my boy Trooper. He loves watching tv when I am upstairs on the computer. Not just any show, it has to have animals of course, and a couple collages. My best friend on the planet.




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  On 5/1/2023 at 2:55 PM, Barry Willis said:

He loves watching tv


So I'm not nuts????

I turn on the TV and look for animal vids; that no matter whatever animal is on, as long as it is running, playing, fighting, as long as what it on the screen is active.

Stax will sit, watch, growl, whimper or bark and at times try and attack the TV? Never had a dog that could hold his attention that long watching TV? 


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No Dan you are not nuts, My Trooper will watch tv for hours and if he isn't you can be sure he' listening for a particular commercial and alot of times just go ballistic wanting to get at that critter he is seeing. We had to mount the tv up on the wall but the big bugger can still reach it. He's so smart as he looks behind the tv to see if the action is outside as the tv is mounted next to some big bay windows. We had another dog that would charge the tv screen so hard that he left teeth marks on the screen, you could see them and feel them, they were surprisingly deep, and that was an old school picture tube tv. As soon as the song came on the tv - who let the dog's out, well lookout, that was his favorite, or most unfavorite. It drove him nuts. There were times he hit the tv so hard he practically knocked himself out, poor bugger.

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In my house it is the cats (2) that watch TV especially if there are birds, they will try getting around the back to see where the chirping is coming from or will chase the puck during a hockey games...All cats are mental but nice company... No more dogs as we are not fit healthwise in our old age totake care of them as they should be...🙁


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There's another one here at the house that likes certain types of media. Anything to do with whistling, or chipping brings Aussie to life with his rendition of what he is hearing.  I have had Aussie since he was a chick; just old enough to eat on his own. 23 years later he still loves sitting on my shoulder. He doesn't actually sing with what he hears; he just sort of screeches along with the tune. Drives the wife nuts!!! LOL  



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Hey Dan, we had two cockatiels that lived well into their twenty's. They would start singing as soon as they heard Mom get up in the morning and at certain songs on the radio. The rest of the time they would just scream, drove me nuts.

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Posted (edited)

Oh yeah their screeches can go right through you. Then when Auzzie feels safe and calm, he can sit nice and still on your shoulder, snuggle up to your cheek and coo like a dove in your ear. Look out though, if something scares him that ear he was cooing in will be ringing for a week. LOL


Sorry guy this is a thread about our dogs.

Here's a picture right after I told Stax we had his boys removed. I think he was a bit upset with me?


Edited by DanD
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This is a pic of Maggie smiling. People ask us what breed she is and my reply is always... part Pyrenees, part Lab and part Piranha!


maggie teeth.jpg

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  On 5/8/2023 at 5:47 PM, Barry Willis said:

Hey HH, What a beautiful smile, I wish my teeth were that white LOL. Great Pyrenees have more teeth than any other dog and can open their mouth wider than any other dog. 


And will chew anything! I mean anything... virtually every piece of furniture we own now has  bite marks. She eats ants off the sidewalk. She eat worms off the sidewalk during rain. We had some windows installed and I found her eating insulation she pulled out of the empty window. 

Forget those fancy dog chew toys. they are destroyed within minutes!


Posted (edited)

Our last one, Pyrenees and yellow lab, Harvey I named him as he reminded me of Harvey the Hound, the mascot for the Calgary Flames as he was always into mischief, had him since he was a pup, never chewed a thing. A couple days after my wife brought him home was sitting outside with him rhyming off different names. As soon as she mentioned the name Monny he came running right to her, (hence the pronunciation of E at the end of his name) short for Monster, and he was a monster. Even the vet upon our visits said that dog should not be any where's near that big. So the name stuck. The purebred we have now, Trooper, doesn't chew any thing except the toys we buy him. The toughest toys on the planet, supposed to be chew proof, yeah right not to mention the cost. He thinks they are to be ripped apart and eaten. He's a power house. In some cases it is a result of boredom, or displaced aggression, in others it's just what they like do. My wife and I have a combined of over 60 years of working with dogs, myself, just off and on and my wife has been doing it for 40 plus years and is doing it as I am typing this, every thing from obedience to training the best bred gun dogs in North America and we have never came across a dog as muscular and powerful as Trooper. Yeah I guess I'm bragging about my buddy but we need a dog like him in our crime riddled neighbor hood. He doesn't miss a thing. Speaking of boredom...sorry for such a long post guys.


Edited by Barry Willis
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