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What have you done now Ford? Boat/vessel retail sales tax YEARS after purchase??

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 So I got a letter from the Ministry of finance requesting information about a boat I purchased almost 4 years ago. I registered the hull in my name like I was supposed to shortly after I bought it. 

 It says I may now have to pay GST on it. 

 What the hell is this? Is Ford trying to extrapolate any bit of pocket change from people years after they buy something by charging them retail sales tax ???

 I can’t remember what I paid for it,  but it wasn’t much. It’s the principle here that really annoys me. They should have asked me for HST when I registered the hull. 

 I have two registered boats. Still waiting for the second letter to show up...

 Has anybody else received one of these? 





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after they stopped making you  pay at the service Ontario spots when you registered the trailer now the fed gov gets the info from the boat register place and at some point years later demands you pay the tax

they tried it on me and I say I bought from a marine and they took the tax off me , so go

after them if you didn’t get the tax I already paid and

i never heard from them again

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Thanks guys. I registered my hull with transport Canada. I can’t recall if we discussed the boat at all when I registered my trailer plates at MTO.  I don’t think they asked and I don’t think i offered. 

 In any case, I’ve got to figure out what I said when I registered the hull.  I must have an email about it somewhere.  The last thing I want to do is pay too much tax.  They’re already getting half of what I make 

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I was told 12 years ago at The Service Canada joint that a tax request may follow by mail. 8 years later sure enough they wanted their pound of flesh. It wasn't by registered mail. I'll pay it if I ever sell it, that is if I'm still alive. Better sitting in my pocket than theirs.  Trailers are provincial, hulls are Federal. I can't remember what the engines are under. There is supposed to be 3 bills of sale, one for each of the above. It sounds complicated but nothing like registration in some of the states in the USA for boats and vehicles. 

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I bought a new boat back in 1999 and payed the bill in full including all taxes.

Months later I got a letter from the government wanting a copy of the bill of sale to prove I paid the taxes so I figured no problem and sent them a copy. About a year later I got another letter for the same thing so once more I sent a copy of the bill of sale but now I'm thinking I'm dealing with morons.

After probably another year I get a 3rd. letter from these clowns asking once again for a copy of my bill of sale which I just totally ignored and I never heard from them again.

Sad that some of these people actually get paid with our $$$$

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I had the pleasure of spending a day in a Service Canada office in Simcoe last month. They screwed up my OAS pension. There was exactly 1 person at her desk to deal with 20 people in line. After each time she finished with a customer she disappeared in the back for 5 to 10 mins. I had to return but got smart that time, they close for lunch until 12:30. I was outside the office with my coffee and Tim Bits listening to music in my comfy truck at 12:15 and was 1st in line at 12:29. In and out in 10 minutes. 

I remember the 3 bills of sale thing here a few years back. Not sure what the advantage is. Maybe for insurance purposes is all that comes to mind. 

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6 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

lol if it takes them 8 years to send the first bill, id wait it out for the second "notice" lol

Also how did they calculate the bill? I never told anyone what I paid for the boat, the province asked how much the trailer was worth and I paid up. The boat? not so sure.

That’s the funny thing. Sounds like they’ve asked others “what they paid” for the boat. 

I should return it with a letter saying “if you can tell me what I paid, send me a bill with the exact tax amount and I will pay it” if they don’t know, I’ll send them tax on a dollar. 

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