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Anybody use a torch to get rid of weeds ....NF


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Sorry for your loss OI, remember the great times you had with her. 

My father hadn’t seen a frozen lake until  the early 80s, we walked out at 9th line ORO I pointed to the huts and flags flying in the distance, snow machines going back and forth at high speeds . .  He looked at me and said “ voi sieti shemi” meaning you guys are crazy. He did like the white fish. Crazy you are but the fish are good!


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Thanks for your thoughts guys I appreciate it. She was the 1st to go to College in the family in 1949 to Buffalo State. That was a huge deal for a woman then. Worked for GM with the highest of security clearances after the war.

To get back to the weed issue I talked to a pal today who's farm lane is 600 meters, no weeds. He scrapes down every spring and re spreads it. Donezo.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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On 8/12/2018 at 4:36 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

Only had 1 show up. Answered the door butt naked, that shoose them away. Works every time.


A  very boooring thread apart from Oi's contributions! ?

Here's another 'Jehovah" alternative.

When they come to the door your first response should be "I'm busy now, could you come back later?" To which they will inevitably ask "When is a good time?" You answer that question with another question "Do you believe in the afterlife?" To which they are sure to respond"Yes".  So you say :"Come back then" ----works every time!!?

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I've been fighting crab grass for years, read this thread about a week ago and bought this. I may not be winning the war on weeds but I sure am having fun doing battle. It gives off a real hot flame...shoots out about 4 inches and when you turn it off it makes a very satisfying noise. Perfect for you closet pyros out there.


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