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Tackle in Ontario


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Hey guys and gals,


I've posted this on a few other boards to get feedback. Sorry if you've already seen it, but any thoughts are welcome.


I wanted to get some input on what the fishing community thinks of the availability, price and quality of tackle in Ontario.


I'm a long time outdoorsman, heavy on the fishing. Upon recently going to restock the tackle box with some basic terminal tackle (hooks, jigs, spinners specifically) I was astonished at some of the prices out there. I can't understand how a 10 pack of basic hooks costs 6-7 bucks, or how a quality no.4 spinner runs 6-10$. Same goes with basic jigheads, an ounce or two of lead and half dozen hooks - 6/7$.


I know for a fact that these can be manufactured for a small fraction of what is being asked in the retail stores.


My questions for you are:


In what way would tackle need to be marketed for you to consider buying my tackle over going to basspro/cabelas, etc., assuming quality was the same and prices were much better. Would a simple mail order marketing website interest you? Fishing/hunting shows? A small retail location?


What specific products would you like to see more variety and better prices from? As I said earlier, terminal tackle is one I see that screams ripoff. Spinners are also something I believe can be a prime candidate.


The fishing industry is very large, and it amazes me not to see better prices and more competition than what is out there.


Let me know your ideas and thoughts please.



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You're realistically looking at an inflated price that will stick around for a while until the next restock (If they decide to lower their prices again) because of the USD/CAD exchange. Everything went up by about 35% last year when the CAD was really low.


Other than that, some of the top end terminal tackle has gone up in quality to reflect the pricing and people are willing to pay the premium for the best. For cheap stuff, yes, they are still cheaply manufactured. I'd be willing to bet that chinese manufacturers have raised their prices by some at the very least.


You definitely can find yourself a deal if you find the right supplier in China to order them by the thousands - but you will definitely get a handful that shouldn't have passed quality control and you will have huge amounts of a single product.


You also have to keep in mind that the anglers nowadays are much more educated. If it's not spoken about on social media or a pro is using it, you're not going to get a ton of interest. Look at the recent buzz about spybaits that spread like a wildfire right after KVD won on the St. Lawrence with it. These baits came out 4+ years ago without much talk about it until very recently.


With the consumer society of today, having a plethora of tackle in various shapes and sizes is part of the joy of fishing. Fishing was once a blue collar sport - now I'd say it costs every bit as much if not more than golf.

Edited by EasyFish
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Thanks for the responses.


Easyfish- completely understand what you mean with the exchange rates. But I can still buy hooks from china at 3 cents a pop, not even in bulk, meanwhile they are 50 cents each here. Something is wrong. As for the higher end stuff and the fad tackle, there are always those lures that will catch more fisherman than fish for a short while until the next big thing comes along. I truly believe there is not enough competition. The few suppliers out there set their prices where they want them. Would be nice to have another source.


Big cliff - being around in the fishing community for a while, I believe I have met Bigugli a long time ago on martindale pond ice fishing. Probably the same fella. I know he's active on the boards, so I'll wait for him to chime in if he wishes. Didn't know he made tackle, would love his thoughts on it.


If anybody that owns a tackle shop or has an inside look at the process would be willing to chat, I'd be interested to know a bit more on their thoughts also. Shoot me a PM if you want to keep it private.


Thanks, and keep any opinions comin' ?

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You have to consider some of the challenges brick and mortar stores face? The bigger the box? Location, staffing?




It cost the Cabela's store in our area 3 mill just for the land, prices have to go up for them to build and maintain a shoppers paradise?


An ebay store may be the way to go? How much of that tackle sold in those big box stores is actually made in North America?

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There's a catch 22 to all this. If a consumer wants to use Chinese tackle, they can order direct and get the quality they pay for. The issue is, seasoned fisherman don't use much of it and occasional fisherman don't buy enough or aren't invested enough to bother. The brand name stuff is all sold in USD and right now, that's the obstacle. With foreign exchange, CDN taxes, brokerage, shipping and margin, very quickly can double the wholesale cost paid in USD. This doesn't include 3% Paypal fees or Visa.

So let's say your spinner is only $3 USD...That's cost you about $3.80 CDN + 1.03% for payment + roughly $0.50ea for brokerage and shipping = $4.41CDN with no margin. So let's throw on a modest 30% (remember this has to cover ALL your fixed and variable expenses such as internet, website, phone, vehicle and gas for business, etc), that puts the lure at $5.74CDN.

For what it's worth, I import and sell products for restoring and protecting gelcoat on fiberglass boats.

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^^^ I knew I would likely be accused of this, and there's really no way to convince you I'm not selling tackle, aside from the fact that I'm not selling tackle....lol.


All good points fellas. I'm still convinced there has to be a way to offer decent quality tackle at an affordable price. I know a store in the GTA that I have found some really good deals on very specific items. For example, I found ~1$ spinners that were near identical to mepps and ran true. I believe the gentleman said someone local made them for him. Problem is that was the only deal in the store, the rest of the stuff was same prices as the box stores. Hard to justify a drive to that store just for spinners.


Just hoping to throw around ideas and get your thoughts. Not looking to sell anything.


The eBay store idea is ok. But your still at the whim of eBay/PayPal and their fees and don't have that local tackle shop feel. I'd prefer to cater specifically to Ontario area with an idea such as this. Maybe the local distribution to area tackle shops is something to investigate more?

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I wouldn't say this is spam, I would say it's market research, at this point, he has nothing to sell.


I'm guessing you're not going to actually manufacture anything but just sell stuff with less mark up?


Go for it! There's plenty of Ontario success stories in the tackle industry.

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Hi Chris,


You got it, nothing to sell. I guess you can consider this market research at a very early stage ?.


As far as manufacture vs sell at less of a markup - who knows. Not even close to that stage yet. I would be happy to consider all options. I'm merely looking for what the average person is thinking. I know a few people who do custom musky lures or flies and that kind of thing. But nowhere near any commercial scale. I'd venture to say that it's more of a hobby than a money making business. Simply something fun to do on the side.


I have a hard time wrapping my head around the prices of some tackle. While I can see the value in some high end niche items, there's no reason a lead weight or a hook or a simple in line spinner should cost what it does. Figured I'd ask the fishing community their thoughts. So far there has been some good points. I'm still hoping to hear from somebody that has maybe tried making or distributing tackle in the past, or has some in-depth knowledge of the process.


Thanks for all the input so far.

Keep the comments rolling ?

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