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Crippled fishing pt2


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This time we managed fish! Basically I blew out my knee 7 months ago and im still on crutches. The urge was high so thankfully my mom decided to help by bringing a chair and carrying .y tackle down.


A storm front was approaching so I knew we would get the first fish of the year!


All in all we fished 2 hours, landed two small pike, 2 bass, 4 dink walleye and I lost a sturgeon, hahaha as if I could land it sitting in a chair!


My mom had never seen one though, so she was blown away by the power and spooling. Just as we seen it she spit, thank God


My lil girl also joined and had a blast!


All in all a great day!







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You have to get better man. We've talked about my experiences blowing out both knees and lost count at 10 surgeries. I might get my ass down to Toronto. I'm not saying the surgeon you had and the rehab folks aren't as good as down south but I am saying get another opinion Rick. 7 months for a reconstruction is not good. Google Teddy Bridgewater's injury in training camp in Minnesota last year. It was so bad they thought he might loose his leg. He's back on the field in limited OTA's a year latter. Even back in the day they put a 8" zipper and a week in the Hospital for just a MCL and a cast for 8 weeks same timeline and a 10" zipper for a ACL over the top reconstruction I was back to work in the Steel Plant after 4 months and 100% full function in a year. I would be seeing someone else just for peace of mind. I thought you were good to go last time we talked. I didn't even ask about the wheel because I just assumed, sorry Rick.


What do you call someone that graduated dead last in their medical class?




Mom's looking good, no DNA test required there, you are definitely her boy. Easy on the Grecian Formula.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I gotta differ with you Rick...due to a bad back and wonky legs, I can't stand or walk for very long so when carp fishing I sit...I can fight a 20 pounder and if no one nearby I can manage to net the fish myself while holding on to my 11 foot carp pole...


Get well soon pal...I know only too well what it is like to have other people do my chores...

Edited by Beans
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Beans, I had a walleye rod, just ill equiped to fight an 80lb sturgeon.


And yes, it sucks asking people to do things for you. Im hyped to do dishes hahaha. Basically my job now. And showering is a chore itself.


As for the leg, the biggest setback was the femur break. Up until then I was walking pretty good, then MRI revealed that break and I was told to stay off it.


Well that really set me back! Now it's physio 5x per week and im improving everyday. But I use crutches on unstable ground, I don't need to re injure.


So the leg is fine boys, I'll be back to 80/90% soon.


Now let's get back to fishing!


I seen ya called OI, I missed it. I stayed up till 3am watching a wicked storm we had! Fun times!!!

Edited by manitoubass2
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My sinus issue has put me on the bench since last Mon and not sure when I can get back out again.

Hopefully soon brotha! Get healed up!


I was looking forward to going today but a drastic change in weather stopped any hope of that! 100km wind gusts, no thanks

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My sinus issue has put me on the bench since last Mon and not sure when I can get back out again.

I'm scheduled for sinus surgery in November, could have had it in July I said no way I'm loosing part of my summer fishing and Golfing, no way. Fought Sinusitis for well over 10 years off and on now it's on everyday and night. I have empathy for you Geoff, I share in your pain. It kept me up all night, feels like I'm drowning sometimes and other times it's like I'm eating sand. It sucks man.


You get better too, what a crew we have here lately. I'll be 63 hopefully but you yungins should be spitin' nails and, $hin' lightning.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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You get better too, what a crew we have here lately. I'll be 63 hopefully but you yungins should be spitin' nails and, $hin' lightning.

Some days I do fell like I am s$%^&* lighting... LOL!

Thanks OI but tomorrow I go back in for another review and if cleared up and needs surgery well then I'm doing it. The blood looks each time looks like a murder scene...

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I'm scheduled for sinus surgery in November, could have had it in July I said no way I'm loosing part of my summer fishing and Golfing, no way. Fought Sinusitis for well over 10 years off and on now it's on everyday and night. I have empathy for you Geoff, I share in your pain. It kept me up all night, feels like I'm drowning sometimes and other times it's like I'm eating sand. It sucks man.


You get better too, what a crew we have here lately. I'll be 63 hopefully but you yungins should be spitin' nails and, $hin' lightning.

No doubt! All those old hockey, skateboarding, snowboarding injuries added up pretty quick, paying for it now.


My goal is to shoot at least one round of golf this year.


I start deep tissue therapy this week. Did this once before and it hurts like hell. Basically it's the crab meat halting my recovery, so they manually break it up with beating the crap out of the muscle tissue. Works great but it's not fun. Be lotsa epsolm baths in the next few weeks.


My dad has the camper up on LOTWs right now, so hopefully the weather settles, and we to hammer walleyes tomorrow!!!!

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My sinus issue has put me on the bench since last Mon and not sure when I can get back out again.


Hopefully soon brotha! Get healed up!


I was looking forward to going today but a drastic change in weather stopped any hope of that! 100km wind gusts, no thanks





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