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MMJ Connoisseurs? VS Scotch Connoisseurs?


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Half my friends work at a gold mine, in the oil field or in pipelining


Your logic is flawed imo


Again, if you didn't go to college, it's most likely not because of weed. Although I'm sure in some cases it is.


What % of people drank in high school, and still got their crap together?


Anyhow, we should focus on medicinal benefits.

Edited by manitoubass2
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WOW.. how did I ever get to where I did in life. :whistling:


As far as I'm concerned even booze isn't "addictive", it's a HABITUAL choice. Leave it on the shelf or pour it in your glass. It's all mind over matter. Roll a joint, or don't roll a joint is no different than I need to get to work or I don't? :jerry:

Edited by irishfield
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WOW.. how did I ever get to where I did in life. :whistling:


As far as I'm concerned even booze isn't "addictive", it's a HABITUAL choice. Leave it on the shelf or pour it in your glass. It's all mind over matter. Roll a joint, or don't roll a joint is no different than I need to get to work or I don't? :jerry:



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WOW.. how did I ever get to where I did in life. :whistling:


As far as I'm concerned even booze isn't "addictive", it's a HABITUAL choice. Leave it on the shelf or pour it in your glass. It's all mind over matter. Roll a joint, or don't roll a joint is no different than I need to get to work or I don't? :jerry:

Sometimes I wonder about myself LOL.


I will say that I do think that alcohol is more physically addictive than pot. It's a habitual choice for most of us, but an addiction for many. I don't think its good to trivialize alcoholism. I guess if you smoked all you life and were very successful then that is great. I just don't think that is the average experience.


Anayway, time will tell. Maybe legalization wont make any difference. I hope that's the case. Peace out.....

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We all know booze can be fatal, weed not so, maybe green out at worst. Some good comments here and some bad comments as well. The bad comments coming from people who think they know about the subject but are really just passing the crap they heard around the water cooler at work, or wherever. Opinions, everyone has one, but at the end of the day, unless your a cannabis user either medically or recreationally your opinions mean nothing. Carry on.

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I disagree. It shows the ignorance we users are up against.


And MIGHT, teach them some things.


Although it can throw the thread for a twist at times, ultimately I believe any and all comments to be beneficial ial on some level.


And everyone take the time to read the studies posted. That's a great start


If you understand mechanism of action, you'll be able to see other benefits elsewhere, even though the studies focus on specifics, they often translate to other illness/ailments and diseases

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Ok, Ive kept quiet which in itself is a feat! I agree with it being a choice. We all know the difference between right and wrong and if one is unable to reason that getting drunk or high opposed to doing what you are supposed to, its your own damn fault. I'm 48 and have smoked almost every day for 30 years. If I could, I would do it all day long! But i cant, so I don't. I managed to become a Master electrician and run a successful business that employs 4/5 people in addition to myself. I have 2 kids, 1 in grade 6 gifted and another in a grade 8 cyber arts program. Its my opinion, that the folks that do or did nothing with their lives, would have done the same with or without drugs or booze! Truth be told I made a conscious decision that they would do nothing and distanced myself from that crowd long ago and sure enough... I was right! whoever continued on that path are screwed and still on that path and those that chose a different path are all doing just fine and still smoking!


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once again

this is a post about Medical Marijuana and its benefit

Peoples views and how they feel is rather moot unless it is to contribute to something that helps rather than talk about things that are not understood.


Again..this post is not about getting high!

I could argue your "feelings" and others about who smokes and what they do for a living and it is all easily contested but its not worth the time..

its not about getting high people.


try reading about what good things can be done rather than smoking pot,

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Some of you are making a crucial mistakes with anecdotes.


The guys/gals we knew growing up that were apparently "jonesing" for weed were doing so at an age where the brain is still growing. It's a scientific fact that a growing brain will be adversely affected by weed.


On the topic of addiction, I got addicted to decongestant spray last week. Goddamn is that ever hard to stop.

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On the topic of addiction, I got addicted to decongestant spray last week. Goddamn is that ever hard to stop.


you apparently can treat that with cortisone...that stuff is lethal, one spray and you basically are addicted. The only good side is that usually you can wait until you at least arent sick and then deal with the congestion...being sick and congested is terrible.

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you apparently can treat that with cortisone...that stuff is lethal, one spray and you basically are addicted. The only good side is that usually you can wait until you at least arent sick and then deal with the congestion...being sick and congested is terrible.


Yep the pharmacist told me I'm in luck because they just started selling Nasacort (cortisone spray) over the counter. Saved me. I would have paid $1000 to get rid of the congestion. It's called rebound congestion and is 10x worst than the initial congestion haha.

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Gbay giant. I applaud your dedication to sharing the facts regarding medical use. Please forgive me for commenting on recreational use. But I have read a few posts in this discussion that offend me.


I am not addicted to weed. I am a 40 year old manufacturing technologist and have been a recreational user for the last 22 years. I am not a "loser" and people that know me would agree that I am successful.


Cigarettes, coffee, fishing. These are things that I am addicted to. I've gone weeks without weed and suffered zero withdrawal. I'm sure I could quit cigarettes and coffee too. But any time I've tried, the urge brings me back. Quit fishing? Never gonna happen. Lol.


I know people that are drug addicts. They feel the need to be high all the time. At some point in their lives, they all experimented beyond the herb. If they continued using "hard" drugs, I doubt they would be able to hold down jobs. These people are able to keep thir urges in check by using marijuana. They know that the high isn't the one they are striving for. But it satisfies the urge and allows them to stay above level. One of these friends educated me on his addiction and it really helped me understand how hard drug users function. They rarely have money and holding down a job is a reality that they soon give up on.


Recreational use allows people like me to relax and chill. It allows people with strong addictions to get a high that satisfies their addiction and helps them forget about the high that they were craving.

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Sorry folks to get off topic but I get a bit offended when I hear

negative talk about stoners... as far as medicinal qualities and benefits I cant say enough. Anyone and everyone I know that uses it wishes they had started long ago as their results are unmatched by big pharmacy drugs, minor side effects etc etc etc...


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Sorry Sterling have to disagree with your comment on the developing mind crapola. So according to you since cannabis use has gone up hugely since the 70s 80s that psycosis and other mental issues must have gone up as well. But if you do some research and check that is not the case. Mental disorders haven't kept up to cannabis smokers at all. Nice try.

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Sorry Sterling have to disagree with your comment on the developing mind crapola. So according to you since cannabis use has gone up hugely since the 70s 80s that psycosis and other mental issues must have gone up as well. But if you do some research and check that is not the case. Mental disorders haven't kept up to cannabis smokers at all. Nice try.

Hasn't drug use gone down since the 70s? Here is a quote from the link below.


'“The rate of Americans using illicit drugs today is roughly one-third the rate it was in the late '70s. More recently, there has been a 40 percent drop in current cocaine use and meth use has dropped by half,” the press release stated.'


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Hasn't drug use gone down since the 70s? Here is a quote from the link below.


'The rate of Americans using illicit drugs today is roughly one-third the rate it was in the late '70s. More recently, there has been a 40 percent drop in current cocaine use and meth use has dropped by half, the press release stated.'


????? Yeah ok

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I can honestly say that I am impressed that there are so many that are able to say they they can use weed so much and still be successful in life. More of you than I thought. So maybe I am wrong and my experience growing up was a bad sample.


I will say that if someone said they drank to get a buzz on every day for 20 plus years, I would think that might be a problem. If you have smoked weed every day for 20 or more years with only short times when you didn't, I am sorry, but that sounds like some form of addiction to me. And don't equate coffee addiction or cigarettes with weed or booze. I would let a pilot fly me in a plane after a coffee and cigarette.


Look I am all for live and let live. And I hope I am wrong and the world will still spin around once a day and all will be fine. Probably will be for most people. And no doubt for those that need medical use, it will be vastly better.


Hell, once its legal I might have a puff once in a while. Nah. Probably not. I kinda like the reality I live in without augmenting it. But that's just me. ( I do remember a couple Pink Floyd albums that were more interesting after a joint though. Hmmm. I could never understand Animals until I listened to it high. Hmmm. Nah. crappy album )

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Were talking about cannabis John. Canadian juveniles smoke more than any other country in the western world

But do they smoke more now than juveniles in the 70s did? Every bit of information that I have read indicates that marijuana usage was higher in the 70s than it is now. Although, the downward trend does seem to have reversed in recent years.



I know that this in a American study; but I suspect that Canadian trends would be similar...


"According to Dr. Johnston, in the 1970s 1 in every 11 high school seniors was a daily pot user. Today, he noted this rate is 1 in 16."



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I am just the messenger. It is people who have actually done studies on marijuana use that are claiming that usage was higher in the 70s than it is now.


With 14 million more people than in 1970, marijuana smoking teens would have dropped to nill to make that claim.


Ask your kids. Anyone in highschool has smoked, or their friends have.


Those that haven't are of a VAST minority

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