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OK, I'll open the can of worms, US Presidential Election thread

Old Ironmaker

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Talking about Media bias....


I'm guessing the list above is a great place to start for Media bias. To fact check I started with "The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama", written by Mondo Frazier. Simon and Schuster who published the book states about the author, "Mondo Frazier is a graduate of West Liberty State University, Mondo Frazier is founder/editor/writer at Death by a Thousand Papercuts and has published more than 2,000 articles online". Death by a 1000 papercuts is an online blog of poor quality. He gives us nuggets such as this post,"The Bible says that in the end times, it will be mostly fables which are believed. Here are five of the most popular fables told in the those buildings known as the churches".


There is no credible review of his book. The author doesn't even rate a wikipedia page. The only known quantity to review his book is the National Enquirer, "The explosive tell-all by take-no-prisoners blogger Mondo Frazier reveals the command­er in chief is a “chain-smok­ing wreck” who could be hooked on prescrip­tion drugs, and claims he may have spied for the CIA in col­lege". The author goes on to boast, “I’ve uncovered that Presi­dent Obama has spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep the details of his past hidden,” Frazier told The ENQUIRER. “This new book will surely impact his re-election campaign.”


In a nutshell we have a nutbar who authors an Obama hatchet job and a major publishing house publishes his book and brags about a blogger/author??!


Neo-cons seem to believe anything if they are fed by the right teat. That anyone would still think that the Birther movement isn't dead, or push titles such as the ones above prove my point. We now have industries of misinformation for profit and flat out propaganda. Hitler and Gobbles would be proud. That Paul Ryan can get up and say that 70% of the American people want change and then fail to be at all accountable for his own parties failings in this regard is totally mind boggling. People don't want the Bull crap anymore.

This is the type of posts that will get this thread locked. Refrain from debunking or flaming people. If you have knowledge or a point of view then share it. It is up to each person to do what they want with it. We do not tolerate bashing or debunking other opinions it takes the threads into hurt feelings and people ganging up on each other.





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I knew a lock was imminent after I read that post earlier and see Arts name as the last poster. Scuro if I'm not mistaken the last lock of a political thread was prompted by your personal attacks on other members and became a urination contest. You make great points man but no need to get personal. When someone gets petty and take personal shots all the good points they do make get ignored. People have so far been able to get their opinions heard here and want to hear others as well. Don't spoil it for everyone.


Rick, I don't know where you are coming from, you may have missed my sarcasm about the tinfoil hat thing. I'm always interested in your point of view and agree to disagree may times. I think I have a fairly good handle on what goes on and not as naïve as those holding the strings think we are. I learned a long time ago not all we are told is no where close to the truth, especially from the 5th estate. Share brother.

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I knew a lock was imminent after I read that post earlier and see Arts name as the last poster. Scuro if I'm not mistaken the last lock of a political thread was prompted by your personal attacks on other members and became a urination contest. You make great points man but no need to get personal. When someone gets petty and take personal shots all the good points they do make get ignored. People have so far been able to get their opinions heard here and want to hear others as well. Don't spoil it for everyone.


Rick, I don't know where you are coming from, you may have missed my sarcasm about the tinfoil hat thing. I'm always interested in your point of view and agree to disagree may times. I think I have a fairly good handle on what goes on and not as naïve as those holding the strings think we are. I learned a long time ago not all we are told is no where close to the truth, especially from the 5th estate. Share brother.

Sarcasm meets sarcasm brotha!


Your very intelligent and well informed!


But, I get defensive because you interfere with my tinfoil hat sales...

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You can't debunk or vett someone else's sources? I might as well use the onion or the beaverton as my sources. The biggest battle in politics these days is the plethora of misinformation and opinion being touted as fact, or people disagreeing with facts because it disagrees with their opinion.


You're right, art, this thread was doomed from the start. Enjoy your echo chamber.

Edited by netminder
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You can't debunk or vett someone else's sources? I might as well use the onion or the beaverton as my sources. The biggest battle in politics these days is the plethora of misinformation and opinion being touted as fact, or people disagreeing with facts because it disagrees with their opinion.


I totally agree. We now live in the world of false equivalencies...where truth and fiction have equal weighting.

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So... the controversy is people are being goaded into being their racist, bigoted, violent selves? Got it. Because it's not like trump can't help himself. I'll bet he's still stewing over the snl skit that made fun of him. So thin skinned. Not the type of people who should be running a country.

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Scuro2 I owe you an apology. I re read what you wrote and don't see anything really out of line. Subliminally close but after video replay review no foul.


Seriously KC it really sounds that some or actually most of the 1st video and recordings made over drinks could be anyone being braggadocios about how important they are. I would think those recordings were done without the persons knowing they were being recorded. They are all a bunch of slime balls in my opinion.


The only one that has shown any class is Milania Trump. I watched her interview with Anderson Cooper tonight, CNN and he are obviously biased towards Clinton and she participated in the interview anyway. Classy lady, and easy on the eyes. Some of her defence of Trump is ridiculous but she sat there and answered most questions honestly. My favorite answer about some of Trumps comments was "he is raw,,,,,, I have told him I'm not happy with some things he says". Honest answer that is rare in this whole mess. And it's getting messier.


Now Trump says if he looses the election is rigged. If he wins is it still rigged?

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I can appreciate that OIM.


Here is something that has no locker rooms involved....



Should we bring up a list of all the shady and somewhat illegal business dealingschool of Donald trump too?



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You can't debunk or vett someone else's sources? I might as well use the onion or the beaverton as my sources. The biggest battle in politics these days is the plethora of misinformation and opinion being touted as fact, or people disagreeing with facts because it disagrees with their opinion.

You're right, art, this thread was doomed from the start. Enjoy your echo chamber.

No you can not attack someone's point of view and make it personal. CD listed over 5000 pages of material and because the first author does not pass a 30 second wiki search he gets flamed? To read all sources of information and then form your own opinion from the information is what this is about. If you want to argue call your wife or girlfriend,if you want to amass knowledge then discuss it here. Rules are simple follow them or pay the consequences. It is your choice. It is your choice. Choice choose.........se



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I totally agree. We now live in the world of false equivalencies...where truth and fiction have equal weighting.

Read the books and then comment a wiki search hardly puts you in a position of debunking his list of references. Reading all sources of information both the good and the bad gives you balance and allows you to identify what is the consensus of opinions among like minded people. That is what the thread is about.



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Ummmm where are you getting your info from???










Blatant unapollogetic war crime.


Putin is a tyrant. Assad was a solid customer of russian weapons, and this is how you keep contracts alive.They will continue to bomb their own country into oblivion until all anti government sentiment is erased.


Also id like to point out that I am in no way defending the actions of other countries by pointing fingers...but Russia's continued bombing of civillian targets inside of Syria is a disgrace.

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Old Ironmaker ... As it turns out I PVRd that 60 minutes show and watched it yesterday. If in fact the only nuclear secrets he passed along was that drawing, they sure would have passed along everything that was necessary to develop the bomb if they had it. The more important point is that they were leaders and recruiters for a very successful Soviet spy cell that passed along military secrets and were so devoted to the psychopathic mass murderer Stalin that he could have saved his wife's life and prevented his children from becoming parentless but he didn't. When you read the book you'll be sickened by the extent of the corruption and infiltration that went right up to the White House and that it's likely that even the Secretary of the Treasury at the time was a mole.


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AKRISNER ... Powerful countries have many times supported other allied countries when rebels want to overthrow them. In this case Russia is supporting rebels that would likely replace Assad with Islamic lunatics. I doubt if Russia is intentionally bombing civilians when they're fighting the rebels. In war civilian casualties often outnumber military fighters. No one can win. If Assad wins he'll be a powerful supporter of Iran and Russia. If he loses religious lunatics will take over and become supporters of Iran and Russia.

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AKRISNER ... Powerful countries have many times supported other allied countries when rebels want to overthrow them. In this case Russia is supporting rebels that would likely replace Assad with Islamic lunatics. I doubt if Russia is intentionally bombing civilians when they're fighting the rebels. In war civilian casualties often outnumber military fighters. No one can win. If Assad wins he'll be a powerful supporter of Iran and Russia. If he loses religious lunatics will take over and become supporters of Iran and Russia.


i know about the entire political situation there...but any right minded person can see that Assad shouldnt be put back into power...theres a reason the war started in the first place.


This is a whole Iraq situation all over again, except this time russia is helping the dictator commit genocide. Committing war crimes cant be justified regardless of the political situation.

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i know about the entire political situation there...but any right minded person can see that Assad shouldnt be put back into power...theres a reason the war started in the first place.


This is a whole Iraq situation all over again, except this time russia is helping the dictator commit genocide. Committing war crimes cant be justified regardless of the political situation.


Disposing dictators has not worked out very well in Iraq or Libya. As bad as Assad is, I wouldn't count on things getting better without him.

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