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NF any vapers on board?


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My buddy let me try his yesterday and the wife and I went and purchased two machines today.


I got a tim hortons double double flavour at 12mg hahahaha. Tastes a lil too good.


Initially I got down two 4 smokes a day but it didnt last at work.


So I figured what the heck, its worth a try.


Would be nice to know how much nicotine you get in one haul however. Although I cant figure any other way than to see how many vapes last in this holder, then figure it out


Feels pretty silly at first but cool I could have a haul in the store or vehicle

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Ticha bought one this week. I have a pal that vapes, and has for 5 months. I don't think it's supposed to work that way. He actually plugged his machine into a plug and sat on the floor puffing away because the battery was dead and the cord is short.


I hope the best that you both quit. It's easy for me to quit. I quit many times a year.

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Well really Ive had like 5 vapes and I havent smoke for about 6 hours, so thats seems cool.


I shoulda got a smaller machine too cause I cant see this machine being much use when Im on the drill. Its too heavy and im around alot of water/mud. Thing cost $109 bucks, add another $35 for 60ml of juice.


I dont plan on wrecking the darn thing

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It's a bad way of attempting to quit smoking, all your doing is replacing one habit with another.


Having said that, when I tried vaping a couple of years back I went 12 weeks without one smoke.


Problem is no one can really tell you what's in the juice... I dropped the vape at week 12 when I started feeling some serious asthma climbing those stairs at work. Something I have never felt before, smoking for 10 years.

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Glycerol and nicotine. Pretty simple


And believe it or not, nicotine is pretty darn good for you. It is super toxic in pure form dose dependant, but it stimulates alot of important neuro activity that has many benefits.


And lol at "vapists"???? thats awesome!

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Glycerol and nicotine. Pretty simple

And believe it or not, nicotine is pretty darn good for you. It is super toxic in pure form dose dependant, but it stimulates alot of important neuro activity that has many benefits.

And lol at "vapists" thats awesome!

It's propelyne glycol and vegetable glycerin as primary ingredients.


I have lots of mods, tanks, build my own coils etc. Currently enjoying a KBox 200 matched up with a tfv4 for my at-home cloud chucker, and my Aspire Pegasus and Triton mini for when I'm out and about. What did you get setup with?


Never got into coffee flavours, right now I'm big on flaky pastries and fruit creams/custards.


Look into pg/vg ratios and how they affect flavour and throat hit to help make sure you're getting exactly what you're looking for.

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It's a bad way of attempting to quit smoking, all your doing is replacing one habit with another.


Having said that, when I tried vaping a couple of years back I went 12 weeks without one smoke.


Problem is no one can really tell you what's in the juice... I dropped the vape at week 12 when I started feeling some serious asthma climbing those stairs at work. Something I have never felt before, smoking for 10 years.

Tell that to all to the tens of thousands of people that have used them to successfully quit after exhausting every other option. The general consensus is that breathing and lung capacity is greatly improved (I can attest to this). It is very possible you were either experiencing your lungs 'purging' themselves of tar and other crap now that they have a chance to breathe, or you have an allergy to propelyne glycol which is quite common. You can use pure vegetable glycerin juices if that's the case.

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I picked up a joyrtech eVic VTC.


Pretty basic. Just to try really before I delved any further.


Propelyne glycol 30% vegetable glycerin 70%. Contains 12mg of nicotine per ml.


Tastes like vanilla bean more than an actual coffee.


Im just tinkering around with the setting now to see the differences.


It was intially set up at 20 watts and that was too high. I tried 16 12 and 10. Not sure which I prefer yet???


The wife set hers quite low(5 watts I think)


Still have to tinker with air flow etc but I think that will take a few days to determine what I like.


As for the machine. Its simple to use/clean.


Its pretty heavy but small. It wont leave my work truck thats for sure. Its fine around the house or in my pocket for fishing but it would be a nuissance at work in my pocket.


First day ao I cant say much.


But I will say i stopped at 6 smokes.


Ive had about 8-10 vapes


I could see no smokes tomorrow for sure.


When I vape, I get the slight energy increase of the nicotine.


When I had a smoke I started coughing like crazy.


But I will say, in fairness, I am coming down with a cold(so its plausable thats its a councidence)


So far im enjoying it and trying some of the flavors was pretty neat.


Grape was probably my favorite so I have no idea why I didnt purchase that???


The wife got a vanilla/earl grey tea flavour but I havent tried that yet


Apperently this model can add mods etc but im nowhere near understanding enough about it to add to it

Edited by manitoubass2
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70% vg is my preferred ratio, nice and smooth with just a bit of throat hit from the pg. The VTC is a great unit, 50 watt unit correct? 12 mg is very strong, but if you prefer the higher nic juices, you should cut back on your airflow and run an 'above-ohm' coil, 1.2 - 1.8 ohms for a mouth to a lung, cigarette style draw and stay at lower wattage. I run 1.5-3 mg juice, which is pretty much mandatory if you want to run higher wattage and get big time flavour. On my big setup my 'sweet spot' is 85-100 watts with the airflow wide open, and 45-55 on my smaller setup. With 12 mg juice that would put me on the floor lol

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Hahahaha. I got the 12mg because i an a heavy smoker, and my bud that let me try his was actually 18mg.


Ill work my way down im sure. Nice thing about the 12mg is I dont need alot. Once I reduce the nic content, if I do it too quickly, ill need more vapes IMO.


For now I like this set up. But im sure the tinkering is soon to come

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Volt reads 1.86

Coil reads .23

Amp reads 0.00

No idea how to change the coil up or down? Or what that even dose(slower/faster burn???)

The coil is the (probably) cylindrical piece that screws into base of your tank with the cotton inside. The resistance is based on the gauge of wire and number of wraps, so it's not adjustable, your tank should have come with 2 or 3 different coils. Should be a 1.2 or 1.5 in there which is way better for what you're looking for than 0.2, which is for big direct lung inhales at higher wattage (more what I like and what you may get into).


I vape quite a lot at certain times, but because I enjoy it not because I necessarily have to. I'm going to start transitioning to nic free juices, even at 3 mg I will get the occasional headache and a loopy stomach if I vape too much. For me a lot of other people, it is more hobby than habit.

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Ah cool thats why I have 2 other coils!


I had it set too high and it hurt my lungs abit lol.


The guy in the shop set them way high


Ill know if I get too much nicotine as it makes me hypoglycemic right away

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They are an effective nicotine delivery system lol

Haha yep!


Anyhow, the cough is not a factor after all. Turns out I am sick. So that kinda nullifies any effects at this point


Ive been up since 2am and only getting worse(now 430 am) so coffee and head to my rapids spot for a morning fish before I get any sicker.


Kinda nice I just got the news I have 2 weeks off work?(figures I get sick right away lol)

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Interesting read. I've never tried them, don't think I ever will, I haven't had a cigarette in so long I can't even remember when the last time was. I have a couple of friends that tried using them to quit smoking but I don't think they were very successful, in most cases they went back to cigarettes after a couple of months.


Anyway good on you for trying to quit, I hope it works out for you.

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I tried to keep quiet but cant. I know nothing of vaping, except I have one to smoke pot and like it. If you really want to quit smoking take the Allen Carr seminar. "know smoking"! Like many things it doesn't work for everyone, but Id tried and tried and after this 7 hour, $400 seminar. That I took near the Toronto Airport. I walked out a non smoker. After 30 years of a Dumarier Large king a day, its been over 3 years. I still party, but have absolutely no desire to smoke a cigarette. If there are no partiables available I can go for weeks with no trouble....We've all pissed away $400 bills on fishing crap that's sitting in the corner untouched for ages. If you wanna quit? give it a try. Its funny how everybody says," its just glycol" and we know that its ok to inhale repeatedly, long term because?..... The guy at the store told us? The website that sells them says so? This course has something like a 43% success rate, higher than any other stop smoking aid by far.

just saying....

Edited by Shloim
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This is all I think when I think of vaping:



But I'm fairly sure you're not one of the ones who try to make as much "smoke" as possible when vaping.


As a stop smoking aid, I'm sure it's right up there. I'd say vaping is better than cigarettes regardless, but there's not much that isn't!

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I know zero about smoking...other than I hate the smell. But I do know a few people that switched to vaping as a method of quitting and it works. Apparently, they purchase weaker and weaker doses of nicotine until they're vaping zero nicotine. At that point, it's all habit and no drug. Sounds reasonable but again, you still have to want to quit.

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I vaped for about a year. Only because I enjoyed it and wanted to quit smoking. The quit smoking was easy with the vaping. I preferred the 50/50 mix of juice. Seemed to taste better, my go to flavour was kiwi. Then one day my battery crapped out on me and I had to decide 40.00 for a new battery or stop vaping. I decided to stop vaping and haven't had a smoke or a vape in 6 months now no problem. I started with the 24mg juice and worked my way down to 6mg then quit.

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