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Asian Carp caught in St. Lawrence river in Quebec/Not good


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No text showed on the link, my French isn't that good anyway. Just last night there was a show about the Asian Carp invasion on The 5th Estate with Suzuki narrating. There are Asian Carp in the Grand River but they are not spawners, they were used to filter algae from farm ponds in the US. I am surprised if the Carp found to the east of the Great Lakes would be able to spawn. Ground Zero for the invasion is Chicago Illinois according to the report. Tribs from the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers hold what is estimated to be in the billions. Some 10,000 fish per mile in areas, or is it 10 tons per mile. It is a serious situation should the spawners get into Lake Michigan. They say within 20 years they will have migrated as far north as the Yukon and Alaska and across Canada from the Pacific to Atlantic. There is much work being done by both our as well as US agencies. It isn't if they will get in it is when. They are developing ways to stop them from spawning from underwater air canons to chemical pills to kill the eggs and also disrupt their spawning.

This is serious.

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On May 27 , the first Asian carp was caught in the St. Lawrence River at Contrecoeur, two commercial fishermen , Pierre Thériault and Gerard Boucher . On May 31, the Quebec Ministry of Forests , Wildlife and Parks announced the implementation of phase 1 of the fight against Asian carp Program. These species are not a threat to be taken lightly !

Their arrival in Quebec was feared because Asian carp can harm aquatic ecosystems and fish communities. In some rivers , they can represent up to 90 % of the biomass of the fish !

The journalist Dominic Brassard has discussed the issue with Michel Legault, biologist and coordinator of the new Quebec program against Asian carp Ministry of Forests , Wildlife and Parks. Mr. Legault describes grass carp caught on May 27 in the St. Lawrence River

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This isn't the show I watched last night but it's an interesting read. Let's eat them. Imagine how many hungry these things could feed?


edit: The Nature of Things, not the 5th Estate was the program. I am not able to find it though.



Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Just a grass carp... Been the odd one caught every couple years around here...


Settle down everyone



The Bighead and Silver Carp are the worrisome carp. They haven't got past Chicago barrier yet. Plankton filter feeders like a Blue Whale.


I remember MJL posting grass carp catches over a decade ago. They aren't a problem.

Silver Carp do the jumping...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLmJjRqXDCo

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