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What is it with young people today? NF

Big Cliff

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Growing up there I watched those changes and SMH too...




However, the "new generation" has technology advantages others never had. BUT they have as I will say "typist hands" or soft skin and don't want to break a nail or even a sweat for a dollar. They would much rather take $10 an hr standing still vs $20 and working for it.

I may have grown up in Markham but I worked ASAP for everything I had. My older sister was I think phase one of the "gimmy erra"

Our 14 year old daughter is having a rough go lol.


She thinks shes entitled to everything since turning 14 and hitting high school.


Annnnnnnd she gets nothing. Well she gets food and drink lol.


Tell her to do something, even the smalleat task, and I get the eye roll and a slammed door.


We just tell her keep it up, cause its just gonna get worse for you. And in 3 years you are out the door with nothing.


If she thinks her account is gonna save her Ill remove everything before she turns 18

Edited by manitoubass2
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Our 14 year old daughter is having a rough go lol.


She thinks shes entitled to everything since turning 14 and hitting high school.


Annnnnnnd she gets nothing. Well she gets food and drink lol.


Tell her to do something, even the smalleat task, and I get the eye roll and a slammed door.


We just tell her keep it up, cause its just gonna get worse for you. And in 3 years you are out the door with nothing.


If she thinks her account is gonna save her Ill remove everything before she turns 18


thats the way to do it.


love the generalizatiosn when it comes to "this generation"


Im this generation and ill put it right out there that if you think your generation had it tougher...try buying a reliable enough car to even get to your job for less than 30% of your annual wage.


Back in the 70's and 80's your dollar went way further than it does now.


As someone who has had some form of job since he was 8 years old and has had a job ever since, let me tell you im lucky as all hell to have wealthy parents who are able to lend me a hand because our generation is completely screwed.


How can anyone expect a person to buy a home for half a million dollars and buy a basic car for 30 thousand dollars, while paying 150 dollars a month just to keep the lights on.


For those of us that work, its basically a total pipe dream to ever expect to be able to own a boat, ATV or god forbid a cottage at any point in our lives.

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Yeah akr its def weird.


My parent werent wealthy thats for sure, but they sure worked hard and treated me fairly.


Only thing financial I ever got from my dad was $1300 when I graduated for first and last months rent payment and out the door I went.


17 and on my own working two jobs and saving. I lucked out and got decent work flagging at $18/hour and then I did rockwork for rich cottage owners on the weekends and they paid really well.


I banked everything I could. My dad told me if you cant afford everything off a weeks pay, you cant afford it. That really stuck with me.


By 20 I was in a unionized sawmill making $27/h to start and later $32/ and I still just kept banking, looking at stocks and buying shares in companies.


Then chased the big bucks in mining and oil and gas in alberta. Worked like a savage, all the OT I could and made off like a bandit lol.


Came home,took a crappy $15/h job to be home everynight and spend time with my kids/wife.


Then i lucked out and they built a solar farm here so I got into an engineering company that paid really well. That project ended and down the road a mine started. So with that I switched over there and ill be there for at least 6 more years and its really easy work but high paying.


Still living cheap as heck though hahaha

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thats the way to do it.


love the generalizatiosn when it comes to "this generation"


Im this generation and ill put it right out there that if you think your generation had it tougher...try buying a reliable enough car to even get to your job for less than 30% of your annual wage.


Back in the 70's and 80's your dollar went way further than it does now.


As someone who has had some form of job since he was 8 years old and has had a job ever since, let me tell you im lucky as all hell to have wealthy parents who are able to lend me a hand because our generation is completely screwed.


How can anyone expect a person to buy a home for half a million dollars and buy a basic car for 30 thousand dollars, while paying 150 dollars a month just to keep the lights on.


For those of us that work, its basically a total pipe dream to ever expect to be able to own a boat, ATV or god forbid a cottage at any point in our lives.

Too true, I'm 25 and working my butt off so I can get a boat and truck before I start a family luckily I can count on getting a work truck next year and can buy an older truck for personal hauling of a boat around.


These two pictures ring very true.





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Great post lucas!


Its very true!


Not only do you have to work hard these days ya gotta pray for some breaks too, and thats just sad.


where I live is much much cheaper cost of livin.


No idea how many of use make it in the gta etc.


Never mind the GTA. At least there are decent rental accommodations at reasonable prices there.

A 1 bedroom rental apt. here is North of $1500/mo and renting a room in someones house is $1000/mo.

Want a new "house"? There is a nice new subdivision loaded with manufactured homes (trailers) on lots small enough that you can reach out your window and touch the neighbours house. Luckily they are giving them away for only $425,000!!!! :rolleyes:

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$15.00 an hour is a bit more than minimum wage. You will get what you pay for. It's not much more than the person at the drive through saying "Welcome to Tim Hortons may I help you". The local guy with a small tractor and a snowblower on it charges me $25.00 to clear snow here. It takes him 15 minutes maybe, that's 100 bucks an hour. Worth every penny to me because it would take me an hour and a hand full of pain pills. No way I expect anyone to do it by hand in the blowing wind and snow that may take 2 hours for 30 bucks, no way I would do it for that if I could, you wouldn't either.


When I need some help around here with heavy lifting I will ask the kid that does work around here on occasion to give me a price for the entire job. If he does it in a few hours or takes a day or more I'm not looking at my watch for how long he has been on the clock and I don't get frustrated. It's good experience for them to learn how to quote a job and negotiate too.

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kids are smarter, better educated, and more in tune with technology than ever before.


this is what will move our society forward.


not brute force.


what used to be normal for kids just isn't anymore.

Yup, my kids have to work hard and study just to keep up with changing technologies and mass of knowledge.


All the older folks own everything and just sit on their cash and accumulated privilege and complain like the old days.

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I talk to many from the ages of 18 to 40 and these "kids" are screwed royally. When I was 18 and you got off the bus at the wrong stop on Industrial Drive in Hamilton and went into an office to ask directions you could walk out with a good paying job with benefits and a pension. Man today you need a degree to drive an overhead crane, if there is an opening. I have pals that are still working at 65 then complain that there grand kids can't find a job. Yea because you have their job. You are still working full time I believe at 70 Cliff, that would account for 1 youngster not working.

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I talk to many from the ages of 18 to 40 and these "kids" are screwed royally. When I was 18 and you got off the bus at the wrong stop on Industrial Drive in Hamilton and went into an office to ask directions you could walk out with a good paying job with benefits and a pension. Man today you need a degree to drive an overhead crane, if there is an opening. I have pals that are still working at 65 then complain that there grand kids can't find a job. Yea because you have their job. You are still working full time I believe at 70 Cliff, that would account for 1 youngster not working.

Thats true and not true.


In many cases like mine, I had to move to where the work was. And in mining or oil and gas you can move up quick! And most companies pay for your tickets


So when there is a boom, pack up and get your butt out there to work. Save money and dont be an idiot.


If you wanna get a degree, get one where there is always work ie lawyer/dr/RN or better yet get a trade and youll only be outta work when you choose your outta work lol

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If you wanna get a degree, get one where there is always work ie lawyer/dr/RN or better yet get a trade and youll only be outta work when you choose your outta work lol

Careers such as the trades. Welding, mechanicing and building tradespeople are always in demand as are heavy equipment operators.

Not too mention computer related jobs like mine. No degree for me but I do have a diploma and only had to school for a year.

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Go where the work is would be easy to say but not many are willing to like those that immigrated here from Europe after WW2. That would mean they would have to move out on their own at 30 years old. The X,Y and Millennials (are they the same?) will be the first generation in over 100 years that will have less in their old age than their parents did. We have really messed them up "Here son is your trophy for participating". We don't want to keep score because there are no losers. What a mess we have made of these kids.

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Go where the work is would be easy to say but not many are willing to like those that immigrated here from Europe after WW2. That would mean they would have to move out on their own at 30 years old. The X,Y and Millennials (are they the same?) will be the first generation in over 100 years that will have less in their old age than their parents did. We have really messed them up "Here son is your trophy for participating". We don't want to keep score because there are no losers. What a mess we have made of these kids.

So get a government grant at 18 and go to trade school while working. Its not rocket science.


Half the 18-25 year olds I work with are all getting trades while workin and making 35+/h with works trucks, live out, accomodations etc

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I consider my myself lucky, I've worked hard for what I have and have quickly realized in the gta, Hamilton specifically the game has changed drastically, I bought my house in 09 for 190k, had some help from the parents, have paid them back already and paid off my house, my house on the open market would likely sell for 450k right now.


My brother has been looking at houses with his girlfriend similar size as mine and has offered up to $480,000 on a house listed at 425k and lost out to buyers coming from elsewhere Toronto way and they paid 500k for a 2 story with a single garage lot size 62x110. Crazy crazy crazy

Edited by Lucas F
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14 year olds from every generation since man stood upright have had problems with authority and many other things Rick. That kid is in estrogen overdrive. When I was 14 and not wanting to live by house rules I always threatened to go to Viet Nam as soon as I could lie about my age. My kid brother quit school in 73' took off at 17 and did odd jobs as he and our cousin hitch hiked and road the rails along Route 66 across the US to California to go and live with our uncle in Sacramento. It back fired on him when he found out Uncle Sal's rules were tougher there than here at home. He found himself picking grapes and lettuce from dust till dawn for a buck an hour. He begged to come home and go back to high school. I was working full time at the plant by then and was jealous until he told me some horror stories. That trip was worth a lifetime of real world lessons for him and in a way myself too.

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Thats exactly why its our way, or the highway.


It breaks my heart but thats how it has to be


She has time to change that though and I hope she does. Hormones kicked in and oh boy!


This girl was once fearless and my best companion to trek into lakes with tinnies, go trekking, play baseball/soccer/hockey etc.


Shes got it in her....


But its her choice. I cant decide her path

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I consider my myself lucky, I've worked hard for what I have and have quickly realized in the gta, Hamilton specifically the game has changed drastically, I bought my house in 09 for 190k, had some help from the parents, have paid them back already and paid off my house, my house on the open market would likely sell for 450k right now.


My brother has been looking at houses with his girlfriend similar size as mine and has offered up to $480,000 on a house listed at 425k and lost out to buyers coming from elsewhere Toronto way and they paid 500k for a 2 story with a single garage lot size 62x110. Crazy crazy crazy

The real estate bubble in Hammertown is bursting at the seams. I have seen it 3 times in Hamilton, 81', 90, and 2008. My interest rate that was 12% in 79 went to 18% or more in 81'. Manylost homes because they were leveraged to the max at 12%. The exact thing happened in 89'. I bought a home on Strawberry Hill off Lake Ave. in 86'for 105K, sold it in 89 for the unprecedented price of 205K. That same house was sold in 91 for $135,000.00. If I were you I would take the 450K, rent for a few years and buy it back for 225 or less in a few years and pocket a quick quarter of a million dollars. That's what I did. Just like in 06 people are going to start using the false equity in their homes and do renovations, Granite counter tops, hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances and buy toys, vehicles, boats and cottages, when interest rates go up a few % the bow with break and the cradle will fall. You only need to go back to 2008 to see what happens next.


Sorry for the hi jack Cliff. I'll stop now. My chores are calling.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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trust me guys. i would have loved to have taken a trade but its not as easy as you think.


I looked into trying to get into the electrician or plumbers union and its basically impossible unless your dad/uncle are already in the union.


Dont even get me started on how corrupt the education system is though...oh boy


let me just say that it was straight forward told to us in highschool that if you were smart you would take University level courses, go to university and get a job...and if you were dumb, then you took applied math and would go into the trades...


I took university math and it ruined my grades, i sucked at it


8 years later, 50% of the people that i know that went to university and had good grades are working menial jobs, meanwhile 100% of the dummys that took applied courses and went into the trades are making fantastic money and loving life.


One of the most succesful guys i know nearly failed out of school cause he was terrible at it and had a learning disability, now hes 28 making 150k a year...go figure.


I have many regrets in that regard and i actually blame the corrupt education system that was forcing us into useless college and university courses to inflate peoples pockets for the problem

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Our 14 year old daughter is having a rough go lol.


She thinks shes entitled to everything since turning 14 and hitting high school.


Annnnnnnd she gets nothing. Well she gets food and drink lol.


Tell her to do something, even the smalleat task, and I get the eye roll and a slammed door.


We just tell her keep it up, cause its just gonna get worse for you. And in 3 years you are out the door with nothing.


If she thinks her account is gonna save her Ill remove everything before she turns 18


Don't want to tell you how to raise your daughter, but you had better love her like crazy as well as being tough with her.

Read once that girls have a theoretical "love tank" that can only be filled with male affection. It's the Dad's job to keep it filled till they grow up. Hugs. Compliments. Monthly date night, etc. If Dad's not filling it, they will find male affection elsewhere. At 14 that just leads to trouble.

Just sayin.

It's a tricky balance.

Too tight- no good. They rebel.

Too loose- no good either.

Glad I'm done with 4 kids.

3 grandkids now ?

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I've worked since I can remember, my parents also worked and not much to go around as we were immigrants (1960)

Never finished high school, went into an apprenticeship (1968, typography) and have never been unemployed.

Had four daughters whom I never pushed on the amount of education they MUST have so they took their chosen path.


They always had a roof over their heads and food to eat, I helped them with car insurance (on my policy) . . .

They are now all married and families of their own and have their own homes and doing very well up to now.

We never had to attend a teacher's meeting and NEVER had law officer visit us because they had done something wrong.


I think I led by example, not words. I see them all at least once a week if not more.

They have never spoken back to me or their mother.

Hope they have the same luck with their kids.


Cliff, if your son can't help you then when he comes for dinner the plate may be empty!

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I have many regrets in that regard and i actually blame the corrupt education system that was forcing us into useless college and university courses to inflate peoples pockets for the problem

Can you elaborate AKRINSONER? I have been away from the system for 12 years. I finally finished my degree at Brock after many years of night school over the years. I didn't find anything that I would say came close to corrupt. Please educate me.

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