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Hey Justin!

Big Cliff

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A couple of points...

-we did not start the war in Syria and we were not the ones killing innocents in that country. It has a history of killing it's own, as a form of ethnic cleansing, look it up. Yes we (the west) stepped in in an effort to rid the region of it's demonic leader and well, the best laid plans are obviously not working. But to say that we created this mess, is just not true. The Arab spring gave the region it's first taste of freedom, which left a bad taste in the mouths of those who oppose it. ISIS doesn't care for freedom.

-our federal budget comes out next month, with a projected DEFICIT of $90 Billion and likely growing. How can we afford to leverage our own children's future by continually spending, while our economy falters, badly? I think that's what the OP in this thread was getting at and with that in mind, I have to agree with Big Cliff.


It's nice that we can help Syrian (and other) refugees but we really need to watch we don't kill the golden goose. Where will the world be if Canada hits hard times and can't help others? I think it's time to circle the wagons financially and wait for better times before we commit to helping others.

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did i say the new refugees are doing this, no. open your eyes and take a good look around you. Can;t have nativity scenes, might offend a certain group. can;t say merry christmas, might offend a certain group, can;t have halloween in schools any more, might offend a certain group. can't hang flags in windows, might offend people. we're so worried about offending immigrants, that we are completely changing our ways to accommodate them, instead of them adapting to our ways. we should be taking lead from Australia, you came here, we didn't ask for you to come here, you need to adapt to our ways, we will not change for you

I've never bought into multi-culturalism. Countries that have tried multi-culturalism are now abandoning it for the reasons you mention in your quote. Coming to Canada is a chance to reboot your life. Bringing your baggage from the old country (and I don't mean your culture and traditions) won't improve your quality of life in Canada. Immigrants are welcome to practise their beliefs and practices but leave the political tensions and hatreds behind.

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did i say the new refugees are doing this, no. open your eyes and take a good look around you. Can;t have nativity scenes, might offend a certain group. can;t say merry christmas, might offend a certain group, can;t have halloween in schools any more, might offend a certain group. can't hang flags in windows, might offend people. we're so worried about offending immigrants, that we are completely changing our ways to accommodate them, instead of them adapting to our ways. we should be taking lead from Australia, you came here, we didn't ask for you to come here, you need to adapt to our ways, we will not change for you

I'd just like to point something out about this... 90% of the time it's not the people we're afraid to offend that are complaining. It's busy bodies who have a politically correct stick up their behind who complain the loudest.


My wife works at a very diverse company in Mississauga and says the vast majority of the "minorities" there are more excited for our traditional holidays than most white people. I have become good friends with a client of mine who is from India or Pakistan and they celebrate Christmas and love it. I know these are just a couple anecdotal stories, but the evidence to the contrary is there. Why can't we embrace multiculturalism? Should we ban all Chinese, Indian, Japanese, etc. restaurants too because they don't conform to our bland North American pallette?


Come on guys. I know these foreigners are different, and different can be scary (no sarcasm intended). But I think the people you should be most concerned about the assault on our traditions are your white neighbours.


Again, back to my other comment in this thread. It doesn't have to be either/or. It can be both.

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The Independent. The Isis jihadist group has reportedly beheaded a teenage boy for listening to pop music and shot dead two others for missing Friday prayers, as part of a crackdown on personal freedoms in the group's Iraqi stronghold of Mosul



There different groups in all populations but I am sure we don't want this culture in this country. I have worked with many different cultural identities. I have not met an issue yet. But the world is changing. And as proven in Ottawa we must be aware of this.



Over a million refugees spreading out over the planet from the mid - east. .001 percent is what we need to watch for. Ask France about that one. Regards

Edited by davew3
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did i say the new refugees are doing this, no. open your eyes and take a good look around you. Can;t have nativity scenes, might offend a certain group. can;t say merry christmas, might offend a certain group, can;t have halloween in schools any more, might offend a certain group. can't hang flags in windows, might offend people. we're so worried about offending immigrants, that we are completely changing our ways to accommodate them, instead of them adapting to our ways. we should be taking lead from Australia, you came here, we didn't ask for you to come here, you need to adapt to our ways, we will not change for you

I can't really argue with this. We can still be welcoming to new immigrants without pushing so far or being such pushovers. I welcome immigrants but hate when we take being accommodating to such a ridiculous level.

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How do I know research will lead to the facts. Maybe it will just lead to where I want to be.

Its certainly plausable. I suppose it depends on many factors.


If your mind is made up prior then youll just find what you wanna find


Gotta think of it more like science

Edited by manitoubass2
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Just saw movie "Grumpy Old Men"

This thread reminds me of that movie.

Ya know, all about grumpy old men worried about Italians

coming over to take over their ice fishing bait shop.

Instead we are worried about Muslims going to Yellowknife, Kenora, etc

Same kinda comedy happening here...

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Just saw movie "Grumpy Old Men"

This thread reminds me of that movie.

Ya know, all about grumpy old men worried about Italians

coming over to take over their ice fishing bait shop.

Instead we are worried about Muslims going to Yellowknife, Kenora, etc

Same kinda comedy happening here...



Grumpy old men is hilarious, so lets hope situations turn out to be like that

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Well, to clarify a few things:


First of all, I do have a chip on my shoulder but if you took the time to get to know me instead of trying to find fault with me you would know that it isn't about people that want to be Canadians, it's with people that want to turn Canada into something that it isn't.


Second: Government has taken away far more than it has given us. case in point; I have been paying into CPP since it's inception in 1965. Today my pension is worth less than $600.00 a month. Wow, I have been paying for over 50 years (both as an employee and as an employer) and my return is less than $600.00 a month? Pay into a GM or OPG pension plan for 50 years and see what you get! (you want to know what happened to your money? No, you probably don't)


My OP wasn't about Canadians, refugees, men, women...... it was about a person in Canada that takes two busses and a sea bus to a part time job at 82 years old just to make ends meet and has to go to a homless shelter to recover from surgery. I think that is just about the meanest thing you can do to a senior Canadian or not!!!!!!


Justin Trudeau seems to think that running around commiting billions to other countries is the right thing to do! I say; lets fix Canada first then when we can afford to lets help others! Anyone that knows me knows that I have given away things that I could easily have sold because I believed I was helping others. The big thing here to consider is that I have given away what I and my family can afford to give away!


If you think Justin isn't a member of OFC, think again, I earlier did a post on OFC, an open letter to Justin and ended up getting a nice email from the office of the Prime Minister. Believe me, big brother is watching!


You want to be a Canadian? Welcome! You want to force me to be something other than a Canadian? Well you and I are going to have to agree to disagree!


Ya, I have a chip on my sholder but at 70 I still have to work because my family can't live on the $1300.00 a month that our government thinks I should be able to live on. Sorry if I ruffled some feathers but that's your problem!

Edited by Big Cliff
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My 13 year old daughter just had a debate in school about turkey shooting down a russian plane.


"Was it right or wrong"?


She knocked it outta the park, 100%

Well, how was she 100%? BTW I think Turkey was right, you invade my property and you just might get shot down too!

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You've had some very good posts on this forum and I have enjoyed reading them, but your post 41 above(for e.g.) wasn't 1 of them. I called for a lockdown---yes, it's easy to skip by and ignore but some of these threads get so nasty that members get up and leave OFC. We don't need to lose members over this sort of 'exchange of views'.

I don't see post numbers on mobile but I'm pretty sure I know the post you mean and I can't really argue with you there. Not my finest hour perhaps.


There are likely always going to be comments that fire me up, it's who I am. I'll trust in the mods and the community that you'll always let me know if I go too far!


Thanks for keeping me honest.

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Cliff if you think Trudeau just came up with earmarking millions of Canadians tax dollars to those in foreign countries you are wrong. I don't know if the PC's are your guy but all of our Federal Governments, no matter who have been doing it for decades.


I respect you Cliff, but I have no idea where you think these foreigners are trying to change Canada. Where as the United States is a melting pot of cultures Canada has always been a mosaic. Have you ever been to Quebec? These people are not foreigners, they are fellow Canucks, talk about cultural differences. This is an argument that can not be won. Close this border to immigration and try and be self sufficient and this will be a place I don't want to live in. It won't be long before I'm sick of back Bacon, Maple syrup and Celine Dion, oops she's American now.

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I'd just like to point something out about this... 90% of the time it's not the people we're afraid to offend that are complaining. It's busy bodies who have a politically correct stick up their behind who complain the loudest.


My wife works at a very diverse company in Mississauga and says the vast majority of the "minorities" there are more excited for our traditional holidays than most white people. I have become good friends with a client of mine who is from India or Pakistan and they celebrate Christmas and love it. I know these are just a couple anecdotal stories, but the evidence to the contrary is there. Why can't we embrace multiculturalism? Should we ban all Chinese, Indian, Japanese, etc. restaurants too because they don't conform to our bland North American pallette?


Come on guys. I know these foreigners are different, and different can be scary (no sarcasm intended). But I think the people you should be most concerned about the assault on our traditions are your white neighbours.


Again, back to my other comment in this thread. It doesn't have to be either/or. It can be both.



They may be excited for the traditional holidays, but its not the actual holiday thats the problem, its all the background stuff, all the religion behind our traditional holidays that are the issue. Christmas and Easter being the most religious of all of them. They want the traditional turkey dinners and the festivities. and no, its not just one part of the world thats causing this issue, but they are big part of it.


I remember when I was in elementary school, we had a person in our class who would step out of the class while the National Anthem was playing, because it was against their beliefs.


Multiculturism is great, its when those cultures start changing things to suit them.



heres another one, my g/f is a daycare worker, they can't put up pictures of Santa Clause due to the beliefs of a few

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Art, I believe this has been actually a civil debate at times considering the subject. Racism here has been just below the radar. If anyone has ever read some of the comments on what are supposed to be reputable sites like CBC online this is a church social. If you put an end this conversation I don't blame you. It's a tennis match in the 60th match point. It's done in my opinion.

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They may be excited for the traditional holidays, but its not the actual holiday thats the problem, its all the background stuff, all the religion behind our traditional holidays that are the issue. Christmas and Easter being the most religious of all of them. They want the traditional turkey dinners and the festivities. and no, its not just one part of the world thats causing this issue, but they are big part of it.


I remember when I was in elementary school, we had a person in our class who would step out of the class while the National Anthem was playing, because it was against their beliefs.


Multiculturism is great, its when those cultures start changing things to suit them.



heres another one, my g/f is a daycare worker, they can't put up pictures of Santa Clause due to the beliefs of a few


It wasn't a jehovas witness that had to step out was it? I don't even know what to say about that. But at least they stepped out and didn't tell everyone else to stop.


I'd also like to ask, was it someone who complained, or was someone afraid of offending someone at your girlfriend's daycare. Because at my wife's work they were asked to take the Christmas decorations down until people actually complained and it was put back. It wasn't someone being offended, it was the fear of offending someone that caused the issue.

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It wasn't a jehovas witness that had to step out was it? I don't even know what to say about that. But at least they stepped out and didn't tell everyone else to stop.


I'd also like to ask, was it someone who complained, or was someone afraid of offending someone at your girlfriend's daycare. Because at my wife's work they were asked to take the Christmas decorations down until people actually complained and it was put back. It wasn't someone being offended, it was the fear of offending someone that caused the issue.


I believe it was a JW. Going back over 20 years now lol


Its the policy of the school system, since the daycare centres are located within schools, they aren't allowed any religious figures in the decorations, so no Santa, no nativity scenes, certainly no Virgin Marys. Easter Bunny is still safe for now. But she can't talk to her kids in the daycare about why we have these holidays, its just so screwed up. Even Halloween, they can't call it that anymore, its black and orange day now.

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