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Hey Justin!

Big Cliff

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Leah's father came to Canada in 1946 and found it weird once in school that he had to collect for the poor people in the UK with UNICEF boxes. His brothers and sisters had to do the same damn thing in Holland for the poor people in Canada. It's just a global shell game...

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On another note Justin,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Leave those fighter jets where they are. You are not doing us "CANADIANS" any great favors pulling them. IMO, you are showing weakness.


I hope this dosent come back to bite us hard.

Love ya bud but we gotta start somewhere.


Im a straight up draft dodger. ( ill go to prison before I kill innocent people for economic reasons)


Id only fight(no questions asked) on canadian soil.


Our troops belong in canada, nowhere else.



Edited by manitoubass2
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Love ya bud but we gotta start somewhere.


Im a straight up draft dodger. ( ill go to prison before I kill innocent people for economic reasons)


Id only fight(no questions asked) on canadian soil.


Our troops belong in canada, nowhere else.




The world is fighting ISIS. Read up on it,


I am all for not interfering when two countries want to fight. Let them be, but this is a world fight.

Edited by Brian B
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and this I disagree with you, manitoubass2

fight them now on their soil now or fight them later on our soil


when they blow up your family while at a theater or school, at least you can say ..we kept our troops at home, nowhere else.

i am no draft dodger i was in the army to do my part at keeping the world safe

Edited by Terry
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and this I disagree with you, manitoubass2

fight them now on their soil now or fight them later on our soil


when they blow up your family while at a theater or school, at least you can say ..we kept our troops at home, nowhere else.

i am no draft dodger i was in the army to do my part at keeping the world safe

Totally agree Terry,stop it before it's to late !.Where it started.

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Read up on it, are you kidding me?


The west created it.


You read up on it


I read and listen. When like said, they come,then what? Smoke a peace pipe? :sarcasm:

They dont bargin nor care to listen to any reasoning. These are monsters. Deal with them and strike them hard.


I feel if we back out of the fight the WORLD is taking to them, then we open ourselves up to no help when they strike here.

Edited by Brian B
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I read and listen. When like said, they come,then what? Smoke a peace pipe? They dont bargin nor care to listen to any reasoning. These are monsters. Deal with them and strike them hard.

Its not our fight. Simple, dont let them in.


We have our own to worry about.


Dont b. About your taxes going throught the roof because we decide to side with those that destablize nations and war monger(kill kids and women yeah thats canadian)

Edited by manitoubass2
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Its not our fight. Simple, dont let them in.


We have our own to worry about.


Dont b. About your taxes going throught the roof because we decide to side with those that destablize nations and war monger(kill kids and women yeah thats canadian)

It is our fight and just so you know, they are here. Dont be so blind bud.

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It is our fight and just so you know, they are here. Dont be so blind bud.

Oh really? Who is they?


Violence begets violence, like ignorance is bliss.


Canada is "a peaceful country" to some degree.


We should refrain


Look at our US brotheren. From world leader and "the american dream" to absolutlly hated.


You want that for Canada?


We have our own oil/gas, trees, food etc.


Stay outta everyone elses business/ we dont share the same ideals

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And neither will the orphans we create with each bombing run.


So let them hide in populated areas and create thier next move? My point in this whole thing is we need to stay. No other country is backing out. We back out and we lose trust.


If ya all want to smoke your weed with Justin and live out of a VW wagon with peace signs and flowers all over it, be my guest. I,ll back those that wish to fight to keep the buggers at bay.

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So let them hide in populated areas and create thier next move? My point in this whole thing is we need to stay. No other country is backing out. We back out and we lose trust.


If ya all want to smoke your weed with Justin and live out of a VW wagon with peace signs and flowers all over it, be my guest. I,ll back those that wish to fight to keep the buggers at bay.

Well said my friend,rose colored glasses are just for those who don't want to believe. Rick we are on their list if you have not heard .

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So let them hide in populated areas and create thier next move? My point in this whole thing is we need to stay. No other country is backing out. We back out and we lose trust.


If ya all want to smoke your weed with Justin and live out of a VW wagon with peace signs and flowers all over it, be my guest. I,ll back those that wish to fight to keep the buggers at bay.

When we bomb wholesale and kill innocents (who are NOT ISIS), we create orphans who hate us and are drawn to ISIS. It's a great way to ensure perpetual war (and arms sales). Now who might want that I wonder?


The "rose colored glasses" and know nothing hippy comments are an insulting attempt to minimize a contrary opinion, so I will return in kind. Take off the stupid colored glasses and stop being the brainwashed pawns of warmongers.

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...He went on to fight for the King in WW1 and came back with a plate in his head. In 1939 he was arrested for being an enemy of the Crown and spent WW2 in the Prisoner of War camp at Camp Pettawawa.



This here is a really disgraceful act by our country. Same as the Japanese. Same as the Chinese after the steel road was built. We weren't perfect then but we've improved a helluva lot since then. We still have some ways to go but I'd sooner be here than anywhere else on this giant marble.


Learning from our past shouldn't be that difficult...

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How fast we forget 911 here. It happened and will happen again. Boston marathon another. People killed and hurt. For what? They didnt care did they?


I stand by what I believe. The end.

If bombing and war stop terrorism, how the hell did Boston happen? After all, trillions of dollars were spent by (misappropriated from) the American people in order to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. And yet we still have terrorism.


What's going on guys? i thought you said war and bombing is the solution?

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6 jets is just a dog and pony show and won't make much difference if any when they're grounded. We'll be sending in troops to train the Kurds I believe and they have serious beef and won't back down and are probably one of the best hopes of fighting ISIS. So while other countries do the air war, Canada will be on the ground iirc.


From all I've read from people on the ground and with knowledge of the fight, pounding them with heavy metal is doing jack squat. They're like mice and rats, they just scatter and regroup. This is not traditional warfare and military leaders and governments need to think creatively and differently, but sadly they're stuck in the sand and spinning their wheels. The MC is, imo, having influence in this fight as they're the only ones with anything to gain.


Sadly this will be Afghanistan and Iraq v2.0 etc

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Grounding a half dozen fighter planes and ending the dropping of 500 lb. bombs on them I agree with. The co lateral damage caused by dropping ordinance on them is counter productive. Winning the hearts and minds isn't accomplish with that, it just creates more terrorists. You killed my Mother, Father and baby brothers and sisters and you don't think I'm coming after you? Come on man, I'm first in line.


We aren't pulling out. We are actually upping the ante by sending in more than 150 Special Forces, I can't remember the exact number of boots that will on the ground. They will be training the Kurds and Iraqis which is military speak for picking out some Isis goofs and blowing the head off them with a 50 cal. Then turn to the trainee and say, that's how it's done, now you try. A 500 pound bomb isn't as accurate. I agree fight them there or at places like Nathan Philips Square or the Rogers's Centre. I pick there.


Rick if Isis killed your family you would be on the next plane to Syria, that I know for certain. And you aren't a draft dodger, there isn't mandatory conscription in the USA since the 70's. So it's safe to visit your old home. If they throw you in the Brig I'll break you out.

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