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Who is going to pull the trigger?

Big Cliff

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Don't care!!! Sick and tired of Liberal nancy's that think us Westerners are the saviors of the world.

During WWII we didn't allow our enemies to emigrate to our country, why should we now while we're at war with these people?

Got a good answer?


I thought not!!

Actually alot of our enemies defected here.


But i agree, we need to close and protect our borders, deal with our issues, and stay the f outta war with anyone not directly attacking us.


Ive said it on here numerous times.




be the soveriegn nation so many people believe we already are.


And quit funding terrorists anywhere for any reason


The west brings this on themseleves with a lil shove from isreal and the saudis

Edited by manitoubass2
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Well ISIS claims responsibility for the attacks.


A syrian passport was reportedly found near one of the men responsible for the attacks


French already deployed a naval ship days ago towards syria.


French say "they will lead a war that will be pitiless"


On the same day g20 summit in turkey to find solutions to terrorist threats.

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Here comes NATO to syria, where Russia is already armed and striking many targets(121 targets bombed in the past few weeks)


Russia says they have tried numerous times to have talks with the US about joining the coalition but the US refuses political talks with Russia on the matter.


This could be the start of something very messy

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So we take the bait and wipe all of ISIS that we can identify off the face of the earth, with the fury of Gods own thunder.... Next week talisishezzbalahban is back bigger, badder and bolder than ever. A month later we wipe them off the face of the earth.... The following week Alkettalihezzbalahban is back and claims credit for even more disgusting acts of terrors. Lather rinse repeat


When will the peaceful Muslims of the world finally stand up and start to clean up the miscreants that are abusing their faith as excuse to kill and maim anyone because they just simply sick and twisted individuals?

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So we take the bait and wipe all of ISIS that we can identify off the face of the earth, with the fury of Gods own thunder.... Next week talisishezzbalahban is back bigger, badder and bolder than ever. A month later we wipe them off the face of the earth.... The following week Alkettalihezzbalahban is back and claims credit for even more disgusting acts of terrors. Lather rinse repeat


When will the peaceful Muslims of the world finally stand up and start to clean up the miscreants that are abusing their faith as excuse to kill and maim anyone because they just simply sick and twisted individuals?

They dont get weapons from the US isreal and saudis.


They are out tech'd big time.


Isis/al queda/al nusra are all one in the same.


Us is pissed that russia is making them look like wankers.

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So we take the bait and wipe all of ISIS that we can identify off the face of the earth, with the fury of Gods own thunder.... Next week talisishezzbalahban is back bigger, badder and bolder than ever. A month later we wipe them off the face of the earth.... The following week Alkettalihezzbalahban is back and claims credit for even more disgusting acts of terrors. Lather rinse repeat


When will the peaceful Muslims of the world finally stand up and start to clean up the miscreants that are abusing their faith as excuse to kill and maim anyone because they just simply sick and twisted individuals?

Well said.

The solution needs to come from within.

The more you pound them, the more radicals they produce.

In Islam, the only sure way to get to heaven is to die for Allah.

Their religious leaders need to tell them otherwise.

Failing that, any of the suicide bombers or what's left of them, could be buried together with a pig.

Or recruit more female snipers.

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Well said.

The solution needs to come from within.

The more you pound them, the more radicals they produce.

In Islam, the only sure way to get to heaven is to die for Allah.

Their religious leaders need to tell them otherwise.

Failing that, any of the suicide bombers or what's left of them, could be buried together with a pig.

Or recruit more female snipers.

Thats wahhabists(salafism), not islam, nor arabians


Islam is a religion of peace.


Militants are miltants, they kill under a guise of religion or political cause, to the highest bidder.


Wanna look at religous killers? Look no further then christianity.

Edited by manitoubass2
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Have you ever read the quran?


If you kill one you have killed the earth is a quote i remember in there(although i might have skewed that abit)


If your not armed its kinda hard to fight militants that carry heavy weaponry ie a shotgun wont do crap against a rocket launcher etc


Nope I have never read the Koran... Never read the bible either.


Maybe if they would educate peace means EVERY living person instead of zapping somebody during a jihad equals virgins in heaven from the cradle a lot less rocket launchers might be picked up in anger....


The West is guilty of horrendously evil actions in how we have treated the people there for centuries, and that can't be undone, but maybe by forgetting about the oil there and just leaving them the hell alone might make them a little less inclined to murder us all.


It just seems so crazy to keep going over there every few years and having a good war, declaring the problem solved. Then leaving vast arsenals there for the next disgruntled mad men to pick up and start the cycle all over again.... The military complex loves it though probably because it means every couple years they get to showcase the latest and greatest killing machines.

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Nope I have never read the Koran... Never read the bible either.


Maybe if they would educate peace means EVERY living person instead of zapping somebody during a jihad equals virgins in heaven from the cradle a lot less rocket launchers might be picked up in anger....


The West is guilty of horrendously evil actions in how we have treated the people there for centuries, and that can't be undone, but maybe by forgetting about the oil there and just leaving them the hell alone might make them a little less inclined to murder us all.


It just seems so crazy to keep going over there every few years and having a good war, declaring the problem solved. Then leaving vast arsenals there for the next disgruntled mad men to pick up and start the cycle all over again.... The military complex loves it though probably because it means every couple years they get to showcase the latest and greatest killing machines.

Ive read the bible, and the quran.


People doing this are not religious.


These are evil people, on either side.

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Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) wrote and spoke about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis' rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group.


"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
I think that says it all.
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Bring in more immigrants and refugees, lose track of them when they get here, they get a free ride, while the rest of us pay there way, and the next thing a few of them are terrorist in our soil, while the rest are still free loading off our taxes and contributing nada to society

Maybe the First Nations are correct, get rid of all the immigrants. You and I (99% of "Canadians') are immigrants or come from immigrant heritage. Yup, we should all go back to where we came from.


What a narrow minded view.


Canada has long be a refuge for people that were escaping to a "better" life. The stue of Liberty has a plaque that has this part of a phrase, ""Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!""


It is the immigrants that made this country great, don't forget that.



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It seems the Canadian Council of Imams HAVE condemned ISIS for the violent bunch of thugs they are... Why isn't this message getting more and more air time though?




As for the view immigrants/refugees arrive here and immediately enjoy a free ride that is ABSOLUTE hogwash. If they arrive through the system they pay a hefty sum to get here.... Read the facts not the stupid urban myth going around Facebook.




As for some of the Syrian refugees being terrorists of course that could happen with any refugee, just like anybody can be run over by a bus tomorrow. The government has always had check and balances in place with screening to try to prevent criminals of any kind from immigrating here and it has worked pretty well so far so. So as long as the same procedures are followed even if they are sped up the chances are the system will catch out pretenders before they get here....


Also I know a couple families of Syrian immigrants and I have to say they are some of the most genuine people I have ever met. Also they are to a person much more hard working than I pretend to be.... they work 50 or 70 hrs, without complaint a week, me I like to go fishing once in a while.

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While the Free World mourns with France,our new PM takes every opportunity for more "selfies" at the G20.

I fear we have sent a boy to do a man's job.Imho.

We will know soon.


Russia is now reported to be sending 150,000 troops into syria.


This is a recipe for disaster as us/nato develope plans for military strikes in syria and libya

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