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This pending election sure does remind me of our recent provincial election... no one to truly choose from!

The fact that "Uncle Katy" took it upon herself to slam the federal conservatives, while endorsing Trudeau last night, certainly doesn't bode well for Ontario, should Harper win re-election.

And let's face it, the provincial Liberals haven't exactly been proper custodians of the province, now have they?

Ask yourself this; would you like to see Trudeau representing our county at the G7/8 meetings? Does he have the smarts to out think the other leaders?

Food for thought.


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This pending election sure does remind me of our recent provincial election... no one to truly choose from!

The fact that "Uncle Katy" took it upon herself to slam the federal conservatives, while endorsing Trudeau last night, certainly doesn't bode well for Ontario, should Harper win re-election.

And let's face it, the provincial Liberals haven't exactly been proper custodians of the province, now have they?

Ask yourself this; would you like to see Trudeau representing our county at the G7/8 meetings? Does he have the smarts to out think the other leaders?

Food for thought.


And you honestly think Harper is capable? It's hard for me to believe that world leaders from other countries take that guy seriously. He is the antithesis of the Dos Equis man - The least interesting man in the world.


Not that it likely would change anyone here's mind, but does it not strike anyone as odd that he is always the one leader who is absent from the more "progressive" community events like gay pride? He certainly knows his voter base - upper middle class, rural, religious, families. Personally I'm tired of being paralleled with the US, or in some cases passed by in terms of social progression. This country doesn't need the "Republican Lite" Party anymore.

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As the owner of a small business, I admit to seeing things differently then those who are employed by the private or public sector. I believe that the leader of the country should be the country's best sales person... they represent us internationally.

Sorry can't picture Justin doing that for me...

I don't think it's the PM's job to attend "local" community events; that's what local gov is for.



PS... anyone get their hydro bill this month! Thanks Uncle Katy!

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Vote Liberal and watch our economy fall apart in a real hurry, I am sorry but Trudeau has nothing to offer except a name.


Vote NDP and ask how Muclair can pledge allegiance to France as he is a French citizen not by birth but because he applied for it. He says he will relinquish his French citizenship but only if he is elected as PM. I think it is great that people can have dual citizenship's but not that hold Federal office and even more leaders of Parliament



Fact. Under the two previous liberal governments (Chretien and Martin) we had surplus. Under Mulroney and Harper, deficits. My math says Liberals have a better grasp of the economy than do the CPC.

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Fact. Under the two previous liberal governments (Chretien and Martin) we had surplus. Under Mulroney and Harper, deficits. My math says Liberals have a better grasp of the economy than do the CPC.


Steady on..... you CAN NOT go confusing the issues with a bunch of facts the conservatives don't like that LOL.

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Not sure how any other party is going to be different. They answer to no one and are never held accountable. Maybe if one of these corrupt politicians actually ended up in jail, some integrity might creep back into the political world. I doubt they know what that word means though.

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My math says take off those rose colored glasses my friend....I would suggest that the world economy has been in varying degrees of recession since 2008 and the two previous Liberal governments governed during a period of very good economic growth....I guess the Liberal and NDP view is the Conservatives caused the last two recessions....


As far as corruption goes judging by what has happened in Ontario, Liberals seem to have a selective memory it`s been a while anybody else remember the Sponsorship scandal....If you think Jean Chretien was such a great PM you might want to read....Jean Chretien A legacy of scandal....

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That's a good way to sum up the Chretien era. I couldn't wait for him to be turfed, just like people can't wait for Harper to be turfed. I believe that there are many that don't mind having tax dollars wasted; they must just have too much. I just might not be voting this time, I don't like any of them.

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All this political talk makes my head spin!! ..when I was visiting my cousin in PEI we got a tip off to where Duffys cottage was...very underwhelming to say the least.. just a typical cottage bungalow, nothing that would stand out that's for sure

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No not at all....just saying the recession is/was not Harpers doing....just like the boom of the 90/early 2000's was not engineered by Jean Chretien...



Now Rob your not going to tell me your a fan of the lies, scandals and out right thievery of the provincial Liberals....

Edited by lookinforwalleye
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No the recession wasn't Harpo's doing .....making it worse for us by putting all our eggs in the resource basket is his fault. Remember the high dollar killing Ontario jobs was worth it because we were going to be a energy superpower Bull. The guys he spent millions on attack adds to look stupid ideas on a knowledge based economy doesn't look too dumb now. Oil has to end some time. Harper promised by 2100. Is it really the horse we should bet the farm on?

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And if we want to talk wasteful... (although I'm sure this has already been brought up)


How about calling the longest election campaign in over 100 years.


How about using our tax dollars to promote thinly veiled election campaigns (We're tabling bills that will send you cheques in the mail just for having kids! (just ignore the fact that they're fully taxable) - oh and the other parties will definitely oppose this if we're not elected in the fall.


How about constantly being in court over silly matters INCLUDING the one that is supposed to be 50% of this discussion. Never mind the fact that it's "just $90,000", how much do you think this whole scandal is really costing us?


And on top of all this, how entitled do you have to feel to think you can get away with taking this much money? It might seem like a drop in the bucket to the senators or even in the total federal coffers, but if I could just go and grab $90,000 from my employer just for the hell of it, I would not expect to be keeping my job!

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No not at all....just saying the recession is/was not Harpers doing....just like the boom of the 90/early 2000's was not engineered by Jean Chretien...



Now Rob your not going to tell me your a fan of the lies, scandals and out right thievery of the provincial Liberals....


No more than you are.


Rule number 1 must not be forgotten.

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The more we are divided on this, the longer it will take to fix the problems. We bicker amongst ourselves, brainwashed by the gov't with the mantra of, "Either you're with us or against us,".


Although it was a short clip, the CBC burst with the Harper supporter speaking like a sailor, shows how divided we really are. They guy couldn't even listen to reason…all he saw were "lefty/pinkos" and that they are all liars and cheats.


All politicians have had their fair share of getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar, but we seem to turn a blind eye or say, "well, your guy stole more than my guy did" and in the end, NOTHING gets resolved.


I'd be voting for the guy who wants to work with everyone and not divide the country between "us vs them".

Edited by FrankTheRabbit
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I don't want to sound racist but I'd like to know is were all you right wing American style reformers came from. I've had to raise my kids in a much more fearful, sceptical and ignorant Canada than I, my parents, grandparents and great grandparents had. What happened to my country.

Hope one day the masses will see past the illusion of the wizard pull back the curtain and see the corporation's pulling the levers.

Edited by Hoppy
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Find and dandy guys you have it figured outlike I said I am getting closer to retirement age and I could use a few more handouts paid for by you young guys...You guys have done such a great job with the provincial Government...I'm sure everything will be fine....


I wouldn't entirely lay the blame on the younger generation as Wynne got a majority and that most likely involved moderates of all ages who were scared off by Hudak. Look at Alberta as well, they voted out a Premier who got cocky and talked down to the people and voted in an NDP government, In Alberta of all places ! I also hope there's enough in the kitty when I retire in another dozen years or so ;)

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The way the Cons govern breeds ignorance. Lots and lots of promises and nothing done. Everything they do seems secret and you never know what their up to until something is fast tracked through parliament. That's what they like, everyone ignorant of the facts going on. Win or lose the ignorance of our govt will still be there. The question is" Is this the kind of Canada we want,"

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