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I have been a member of this board since mid October of last year. I was just thinking about how things have changed for me since then.


Back when I was a kid, I fished from a dock at a family friend's cottage in Eastern Ontario. I was quite excited to catch a sunfish...didn't care how big or small...it was a LOT of fun for me...as it is to many kids.


I didn't really pick up a fishing rod again until August of 2006. Bly and I took the kids to a local fishing hole and bought them a few rods and starter tackle. Watching them with their lines in the water revived those old feelings from when I was a child. That same day, bly and I had our conservation licences and a few cheap combos. I was still using worms...under those big white and red bobbers....still quite happy to catch a fish of any size. That was about all I really knew about fishing. I had NEVER caught anything with a minnow or lures before. I was content with that until my first big fish!!! A nice 10 pound Walleye.


Bly and I began working areas until we caught them on a fairly regular basis..I'd say the addiction had started. Back then, I remember telling her "Once it gets cold...that's it..no more fishing until the spring". The thought of sub zero temperature fishing, or standing in the middle of a cold trib was alien to me.....almost unthinkable!! Then this happened....on a cold January Day....




Fast forward a bit...I'm fishing with Canadian Copper on January 26th, hunting Steelhead. It's minus 26 celsius with the wind chill. Did it ever enter my mind that I was crazy?? NOPE! Here's a pic from that day...my hands nearly fell off for this picture it was so cold out.




I found that I didn't just want to go fishing...I NEEDED to go fishing. So off I went, getting a Noodle Rod and trying to learn as much as I could about trib fishing. I NEEDED something to target during the "off" winter months. Heck, I even went ice fishing 2 times....another thing I thought I'd never do...not because I couldn't...I thought I didn't WANTto. Besides that, my local tribs had frozen over.


Now comes spring...the Steelhead have left the streams, the Walleye are not in close enough for us to get, so what do I do? I begin targeting Carp. Man...those are fun fish to bring in. I believe the addiction is fully ingrained in my life now. The BEST thing about it for me personally, is that I get to share in this addiction with my wife! Without her, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun.


There are people on this board who have followed us through the past 7 or so months, but it's hard to believe that a year ago, fishing was the FURTHEST thing from my mind.


Now here I am, 2 weeks from the Lakair G2G. It seems like my previous life without fishing was eons ago. I've had the pleasure of meeting with many fellow OFNers, whether at a local swill, the Fishing for Tyler event, or just to meet and fish. It's been a fun ride so far. I guess what I'm trying to say is....thank you OFC....and all it's members. I can honestly say that this community has not only supported us with tips and encouragement, but it's a great place to talk about fishing and life....and meeting new people...either in the virtual world or in person.


Anyhow, cant type...gotta get my gear together....going fishing tonite :thumbsup_anim:


So true Cliff, so true. We are happy to have you two as members and enjoy each and every post you make and respond to.


You are definately a part of the OFC family. Did anyone tell you there is no getting out now, kind of like Hotel California :lol:




It is an addictive sport for sure. I can't imagine life without fishing, drive my wife nuts as its all I talk about and surf on the web for. OFC has definitly been a big find for me as I have met many great poeple full of great info to help me learn more as I go. Your lucky you both share the addiction and I'm sure the kids will have it now as well.


so true, fishing is very addictive. I just think about all the time i spend: day dreaming about fishing,surfing the net during work hours, reading fishing websites, looking at fishing catolouges both paper and online, and actaully time on the water fishing.


Hey Cliff, maybe CT should put one of those above ground pools in the lot behind us and they can stock it and make it a lunch hour thing, nothing like keeping the workes happy :clapping:

  solopaddler said:
Hey Cliff, what the heck did you do with all your time before August /06? :D


You know...I cant remember...LOL. Seriously though, I got caught up in life...university, marriage, children, career etc. Kind of re-discovered fishing by accident. Also, I am the lead singer and guitarist in a rock band....I used to spend a lot more time playing and recording, taking vocal lessons, playing guitar. Now I can balance both.


Fishing is the crack cocaine of leisure sports... hard to believe how grown men and women can be so obssessed about some creatures that are gazillions of years behind us in the evolutionary scale, and spend so much time, money, and effort into outsmarting what are, by all accounts, rather dumb animals with a brain the size of a bean. Come to think of it, I think we haven't evolved enough yet.


Cliff, your reports have always been a joy to read. Stay in the zone, dude!


hey man ever want to fish the BOQ do some flatlining with me it's a go just say the word. I'm on holidays for get this wait ready LOL .......get this now 5 weeks in a row. You want to hit the bay with bly one day we can plan something my boat isn't the greatest vessel on the water but it catches walleye bigtime so if your down gimme a pm bud anytime in that timespan start next Friday 37days off whoooo hooo but let me know we can get it done.


Golfisher...you're not supposed to put in into those terms! sheesh! :lol:


Cliff you came onto this board in classy fashion with your humongous fall Walleye and interesting story of being re-introduced to the fine sport of fishing after not participating for many years. Since then you have kept up that 'what's swimming over there and how can I catch it?' attitude and I think I can speak for most here that you have certainly developed into a very keen angler in a relatively short period of time. Your reports are inspiring and seeing you share that excitement with your family is even better, keep up the excellent fishing stories and reports!


I look forward to fishing together someday! (psst...this time next year I should have a boat :))




Actually, we are the one's who should say thanks Cliff. I look forward to your frequent reports. Being a shore angler you have adapted your fishing very well to the quarry available. Looking forward to meeting you two at Lakair.




Great post Cliff. The two of you are class acts and your whole hog, try anything approach to fishing is really infectious. Like you I really hadn't fished since I was a kid until I found this board and posts by people like you that convinced me that not owning a boat and not having friends in town that fish was no excuse not to get out there (my friends still think I'm nuts getting up before noon on a weekend). Since then I've had the pleasure of fishing with a a few OFNers and I've had a great time with them all (I still think you were hiding the real spots from me though :rolleyes: ). Other than the money I seem to be tossing away left right and center I'm hooked again. Anyhow, glad you 2 are here (and everyone else), keep up the great work.




Oh and Blackfish - I'm am so dang jealous its not even funny :worthy: , enjoy your holidays


I do like to read your reports, look at your pics and appreciate the way in which you share your life and your love of fishing. I gotta get off this thing and get out there...so I am taking yours and others advice and I am just gonna go it alone. Told my mechanic (after he laughed at me for taking up the sport) that I was going to bring him a fish. Would love to present him with a big ugly carp like the ones you and your wife get all the time!! lol


Hey there!


I try to make it a point to review this board a few times a week and I always look forward to your reports! They're well written, genuine and down to earth. The passion and perseverance you and Bly share never fail to instill the "bug" in me and I can't wait to get out with my partner, Disco Phish to explore new territories and species, hopefully with some of your good luck thrown in! :thumbsup_anim: Although it sounds like you have a hectic schedule, it's awesome you can find the time to pursue this refound sport and also have time to share with the rest.


Seems to me I started at almost the same time, but with all those big wally's you just smoked my butt Cliff. LOL :worthy: . Even though you were just beginning you were willing to give me help (secret baits LOL). Thanks bud. I really enjoy reading your posts too. You are the walleye/carp hunter :worthy: .

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