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Sorry but I gotta rant!


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As many of you may remember, my family and I will be moving into our new house at the end of June. I've been spending my lunch hours calling all of the folks who provide us with service, including, but not limited to utilities. Rogers was easy, no charges etc. Bell on the other hand, insisted that I am to pay a $55.00 fee, to get service in my new house. I escalated the call to customer service, by threatening to cancel my Bell service completely and go with VOIP (Rogers) and I would still get to keep my old number! They then moved my call to a group called Customer Retention. The guy on the phone was helpful, but could not wave the fee... but (after much arm waving by me) he did find that he could credit my account for $75.00 as a sign of good faith! It just goes to show that the squeaky wheel gets the grease!

Now, today, I called Toronto Hydro to move my account to the new house. They want to charge me $30.00 to "open a new account". I said, nay nay! It's not a new account! She had already told me that they would wave the $400.00 deposit because I have had an account for 20 something years and had a great payment record! Apparently I should be thankful! Huh! SO I went on to tell her that it can't be a new account as obviously she had just told me that I'm a preferred customer!

I'm still working on getting this fee waived, I'm told to wait 48 hours for a return call from a supervisor.

Why does it always seem like the middle income guy, always gets the shaft! $30.00 here, a debt reduction cost there ($10.00 every two months) where and when does the little guy finally not get shafted by these MONOPOLIES :wallbash:

Just thought I'd pass this along and hopefully save some folks some money! If you don't ask/insist, you will pay!


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I hear your pain....been there and done all that before!


What gets me is when talking to the government....they tell you to fill in a form and send it in....snail mail at that!!


It's not like the dont have this stuff already on oh...my tax returns, health card, drivers license, SIN, etc...


Makes you wonder...

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Been there also HH. WATCH OUT FOR THE MOVERS, every price range and size of trucks. A move in '95 took almost 11hours because the company would NOT come and see the place before hand, and I took my personal stuff myself.


A move in 2004 took 6 hours from beginning to end nothing broken and all placed according to our instructions. I ahd everything well packed and organized

Paid by the hour made sure they were insured and planned it so the move was mid month and they gave me an extra guy for $10.00 per hour. This time I was happy. Wish you all the best . . . HH unpacking it is REALLY fun NOT

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Thanks for the heads up Ketchenany! I'm doing the moving myself... the truck is rented, most of the "bodies" lined up, just have to get the rest of our stuff packed up and we're ready to go!

Un-packing can be done over time... I can always fill up the garage, sit by the pool and take ten years to unpack!


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My wife and I are going through the same changes now. So far, haven't had any cancellation fees or new set-up fees. If they try to pull that crap, there are competitors willing to waive those types of fees to earn your business.


You should have went VOIP anyway HH, when you compare the costs it's an easy choice. (Only realistic downfall is the 911 pin pointing service isn't as quick or reliable with VOIP compared to a land line)


We'll be moving our stuff ourselves, hopefully I can call in a couple favors from buddies that I have helped with other stuff.



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Leave everything packed until you need it. Kitchen, linens, etc., obviously get unpacked right away, but leave everything else until the need is there. Then, in two years, throw the leftovers out.

Buddy didn't do this and actually moved stuff three times that was never unpacked. Guess it's garbage now.

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Head, I feel your pain... I have had so many problems with bell it is unreal. It took us 3 weeks to get a phone line hooked up and 4 seperate "please wait at your house from 9 am to 9 pm" and guess what no show. Then you call customer service and they tell you someone was there but you werent home.




Thanks for wasting my day. honestly this happened 4 times in three weeks. And thats the the tip of the iceberg of my dealings with bell. But probably the most frustrating.


Anyway bro just grit your teeth and try and deal with it... remember you are dealing with a machine and nothing else. you are not alone in your frustration.

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OMG Dont get me started on the stuff you dont need, We are now on our own,the boys are on thier own and the wife still has to keep every nook and nik nak we ever had. I just say give me a spot to keep my fishing and hunting gear,and Im happy.

We still have pin wheel crystal from our wedding we have not even open.

Big garage sale this year.

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There is a way for revenge :devil: . Nine years ago I've moved to other house ( about three kilometers apart). I was charged by Bell close to 300.00$ moving fee ( same area, even same phone #). On my first call to complain I was told that this is "standard :dunno: " charge and they cannot do anything about it. Finally I've said O.K.. I've cancelled everything with Bell apart from basic service. Since then , on average I have a call from Bell every three months to go back to their long distance and other options services. My answer is : No problem, but first bell has to send me a check for 300.00$. It is 9 yers now and Bell is behind about 3000.00 - 4000.00 for long distance charges, but because they won't blink, I won't blonk either.


I do not want to describe the conversations with Bell reps, but I tell you it was fun :devil:

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I am going thru the same thing right now, just bought a house...bell wanted hook up fee and I said NO...went to Cogeco and because I have internet with them they are hooking up my phone for nothing and giving me unlimited long distance and phone for $39.99 which is important cause my girl owns a business and makes lots of long distance calls. Bell said we couldn't have our 1000 free long distance minutes cause we were cancelling our satellite so we said fine see ya later! In 2 years Bell has lost all our services....phone, cell, internet and satellite.....if I am not the only one how does a company stay in business with such poor service when other companies offer way better service. Hold your ground on these people!

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I finally dumped Bell last month and went with a local provider for the phone and DSL service I am saving at least 30 dollars a month on the phone and DSL and probably a whole lot more on long distance since now I only pay 2 cents a minute for long distance charges and as a bonus I get all those call display,call waiting etc. things for free.

As a fisherman and boat owner I can think of a lot of things I can spend my new found savings on.

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No problem FnS! Just make sure you get insurance for it... to ensure that we can get it out on Quinte in December!!!LOL

I'll drop it off at your house on the way home from Picton!


PS... just drop the keys in the mail box... I'll figure it out!

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OMG Dont get me started on the stuff you dont need, We are now on our own,the boys are on thier own and the wife still has to keep every nook and nik nak we ever had. I just say give me a spot to keep my fishing and hunting gear,and Im happy.

We still have pin wheel crystal from our wedding we have not even open.

Big garage sale this year.




My parents just moved and had a basement full of crap that they were affraid to throw out.. i had to tell them 'i havent lived at home for like 8 yrs, havent been in the basement other than to put my rugby or hockey gear down (and bring it up).. throw everything you think might be mine out.. '


we just closed on our first house on friday, and found it very painless.. probably 15 mins worth of phone calls for all the utilities and rogers and i was set.. though when we move out of this place, i'll bump this thread and fill in my misery..

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