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The Chris Brock show


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Hey Folks


Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting up with Chris Brock at his Gull Lake retreat for a little Laker action. I'm brand new to this forum but my fishing partner Sleepsjigging (I think thats correct) or as I call him Bain has been around awhile & is the reason for our meeting with Chris. Chris runs a small (2 man) ice shanty that he very graciously rents out for $20.00 per person which is a steal, not only because it's $20.00 but because you're getting all of Chris's years of expertise on Gull Lake to put you on fish, & put you on fish he does. Bain & I hit the lake around 8am-ish, load our gear into Chris's sled & he drags us out 3KM to his hut. It was a fantastic day temp wise so the hut wasn't needed but it has all the fixings you'll need & is well insulated, even a power auger to punch holes. From the very second the transducer hit the water we were marking fish, the rest now was up to us. A couple of strikes later Bain was on to his first which spit the hook after a short battle. A little while later Bain was on his second, up through the hole it comes, a nice under slot laker. Chris joined us in the afternoon, it turned pretty slow but thats life. A short time later one of Chris's freinds joined the party & he was literally minutes there & he had a strike, a rock bass but we'll take it. My day was starting to smell a little skunky as I had all but one decent strike, not for a lack of trying but you know those days happen, when all of a sudden there was a frantic looking mark on the finder, this Laker was like that drunk guy crusing for a fight. He zeroed in on my minnow & a short couple of minutes later he was on the ice, AWESOME. Not a big fella maybe 3LBS but I'll take it. He was in the slot, not that I would have kept him anyway but he slapped my hand as he darted back down the hole.

Anyway I'm sure everyone who has ever met Chris will attest to his genuine personality & passion for fishing, I will no doubt recomend his little bussiness to anyone that will hear it. I'm not a big hard water guy but have through the years been to some other outfitters & no word of a lie Chris is tops, he's doing out of the love he has for fishing & not to become a rich man (obviously with the $20.00 price tag).



I hope Bain will add photo's to this thread

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Welcome CKewley to the forum. His name is Chris. That means next time at "Chris Lake" there could be a bunch of guys named Chris.

CKewley and Chris.Brock, Sleepsjigging(I am changing my name to Chris.)



HERE FISHIE FISHIE! It was at the end of the day, and the fish just seem to all of a sudden turn on after their afternoon siesta.


Team Triple Header gets on the OFC 2015 board. This is how we measure success:


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It was a bit of a "show" later in the day when there was a few visitors and empty bottles kicking around :)


It was a slow day fishing wise, but I had a great time with you guys (Bain and Chris). In one afternoon I now consider you guys friends, very cool.


Just so I don't get a phone call from the MNR, it's my buddy who is an operator and I'm listed as an unpaid employee in his business. I think I am basically a tax loss or something :)



I would pay to get the chance to hang out and fish with Sinker and Bunk!


\/ \/ \/ I'm pretty sure I'm one of those too Lew, lol

Edited by chris.brock
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